In both shows:
> A psychopath hides in plain sight. He has learned to read emotions since he doesn't have feelings.
> Said Psychopath falls in love with the FL and tries to understand her (empathize).
> Psychopath was raised in a disfunctional family and has a difficult relationship with his dad.
> FL is earnest, though a bit useless.
> There is a love triangle.
> Both deal with an aspect of crime.

> Beautiful Mind is more character driven whereas Born Again is more plot driven.
> There is more romance in BA but it's built via a cop-out (fate). Whereas in BM the romance isn't the focus, but that and the relationship between the main leads is better built.
> BA focuses on crime from the prosecutor/forensic perspective. Whereas BM focuses on a hospital and a possible crime committed there.
Recommended by 3GGG
Both shows tell the story of doctors who were adopted as children and have difficulties in expressing their feelings
Recommended by mengosteen
In both of these dramas the male lead is incapable of feeling, understanding, or expressing emotions, yet they have learned to surpass their "disability." Rather than simply cope with their inability to feel, they have adapted in such a way that makes them a genius in their respective fields. They are interestingly complex characters in a medical and investigative world.
Recommended by pigtails4ever
Both dramas have a big amount of a psychological touch to it, giving an example of how the human brain can be influenced by mere wrong doings of someone else.
Recommended by LenaKove
Great Neurosurgeons. Medical. Minimal Romance. Psychological. Great Lead Actors. Not Your Typical Drama Heroes. Great Stories. Overall: Great Great Dramas.
Recommended by Anniee
Both Sociopaths/Psychopaths who are wholly analytical, callous and cold. Both are leading in their field and are considered geniuses.
One is a Medical Procedure show the other Crime Procedure show, buth have an aspect of romance and both shows are little hidden gems that don't show very often as recommendations.
Recommended by Johanna Linnea Karlsson
A Beautiful Mind (2016) poster



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