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Mostly Fun & Cute Series About Overcoming the Obstacles for Finding Love
"Murphy's Law of Love" tells the story of two characters, Jai-Wei and Xiao-Tong who find themselves unlucky in love. The series opens with both characters at the end of their prospective relationships. Jai- Wei proposes to his girlfriend, only to be turned down. Xiao- Tong is at a dinner with her boyfriend, hoping that he will propose, but instead, finding out that he desires a break-up. Since both events take place nearby, it's fairly predictable that the two characters inadvertently bump into each other.Xiao-Tong is a psychologist who works at an internet dating company. For all of her philosophies about love, it's clear she knows very little about it. She's a young woman who is virtually incapable of thinking for herself. She's a bit whiny, moody, and she has a tendency to pout a lot. Xiao-Tong is someone who has been hurt so much in relationships, that she's unprofessionally given in to believing Murphy's Laws about love. Funny that psychologist is so pessimistic and negative that she would knowingly adopt such a fanciful set of arbitrary laws. Nevertheless, Xiao-Tong is a very guarded character. On the outside, she puts on a front that everything is just fine. Of course, nobody buys it. Inside, she's whirlwind of pain, angst, and self-loathing. She fails to understand that the secret of love is to, first, love yourself. You can't give what you don't have. And both characters fail to understand that true love is about the absolute courage it takes to be completely vulnerable.
Across the street is Jai-Wei who heads in own company that is in the business of renewing life through divorce. It's not as horrible as it sounds. Jai-Wei helps people come to terms in a relationship, learn to let go when it's time, and teach couples how to move on amicably. Jai-Wei is a young man who rarely smiles, has a somewhat gruff exterior, and is a bit insecure. We learn that he's had a tough past full of rejection and neglect. People who don't say "goodbye" is especially hard for a man who's in the "letting go" business. Underneath, he has a big heart. Except that Jai-Wei's problem is struggling to hold on to what he has. This puts unfair pressure on the women he's with.
However, the biggest difference between the two characters is that Jai-Wei doesn't give up. He's tenacious, and he's unwilling to allow the pains of the past to prevent him from taking a chance on love. Xiao-Tong, allowing herself to be ruled by Murphy's law, is overly cautious and unwilling to "take the plunge" when things become challenging or difficult. She's more prone to escape and run when she fears that she might get hurt again. You may not be at all surprised by which character "comes to terms" with themselves first.
Of course, like most series like this one, you have the "rival" characters, who are largely predictable and typical. You also have the character of Jai-Wei as a rich man pursuing the woman who is still living with her parents and being ordered about by them. These are the same parents who love to meddle in their daughter's affairs. Meddling always about yourself and never about the person you're proclaiming to help. It's still ironic that so many people in the world actually believe that a person can't be happy if they are not in a relationship.
The series also has the "secret past" for one of the characters that is a hurdle and an obstacle that must be overcome if things are to progress. In many ways, Eastern romance stories can be just as easily bogged down by formulaic situations as Western ones.
Still, the series is mostly very cute, and above all, it's light. It doesn't get tied up in too many twists and turns, nor does it get too melodramatic.
As a western viewer, just remember to try and put your "prism" aside. You still have the controlling Asian male who loves to order his girlfriend around, tell her what she's going to do or not going to do, and who also loves to grab her by the arm. Obviously in the west, if a man tried that, he'd likely end up with a black eye or worse. However, in the east, it's not so frowned upon. After living in South Korea and China, I've seen my share of this type of behavior. If this easily offends you, then you may have a hard time watching this series.
The performances are very good across the board, and the scenery of Taiwan is an added bonus.
Of all of the Asian series I've watched so far, Korea's "Descendants of the Sun" is easily my favorite with Japan's "Good Morning Call" just behind it. Still, if you're looking for a good time with some laughs and nothing that gets too serious, this is an enjoyable series
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The first half of this drama was exciting and fun to watch. It was fast-paced and had a proper flow. The middle was meh! so many unsupported misunderstandings. The last part was just flat and tasteless. Probably this is because I was expecting more which did not come. The Female Lead acting was really good. I especially adore her facial expressions. She is like a little kitten, lol. The male lead and this droopy face that is just funny. I know his character is supposed to be cold and all but damn. That face!!! The supporting cast did a superb job. I love them.
Overall, this is an okay watch. Very chill and doesn't have too much heavy emotions.
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Posiblemente el peor drama que he visto en mi vida. Predecible, tedioso, aburrido y es imposible que los protagonistas caigan bien. De esos dramas en los que prefieres al pretendiente que sabes que no va a conseguir a la chica porque no es el protagonista. No voy a poner que esta review tiene spoiler porque ya hay que ser alma cándida para creer que la chica se irá con el pretendiente que vale la pena cuando se pasa toda la serie siendo una petarda. Le pongo un 8 a la música porque casi 4 años después de haberla visto todavía me acuerdo de la cabecera.Volviendo a ver la intro la gente más avispada se percatará de que el main masculino no deja de ser molesto con la protagonista y al verlo sabrá que no vale la pena ver como esa toxicidad sale victoriosa, pero yo no fui de esa gente avispada.
Pérdida de tiempo lo mires por donde lo mires.
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Alors, je ne suis pas familiarisée avec les dramas Tawainais et je me suis lancé dans celui ci parce que le résumé étaient interessant. Le résumé il parlait de la loi Murphy d'une maniere assez interessante et j'avais hate de voir comment cela allez etre abordé dans le drama. Au final cela a été plutot bien abordé dans le drama j'ai bien apprecié la facon dont l'héroine avait pris l'habitude de tout plainifé et de toujours préparé un plan B. Casting:
Le cast était en soi tres bon. J'ai beaucoup aimé le first lead féminin qui a fait un bon travail et qui honnetement était trop cute. Le first lead masculins a lui aussi fait du bon travail mais parfois son regard était trop froid envers la First lead ce qui m'a frappé d'autant plus que ce n'etait que par moment, le reste du temp il faisait du bon travail.
J'ai d'ailleur apprecié son personnage qui meme si il a été blessé est tres chaleureux. On peut vraiment voir que le coté froid n'est qu'un masque.
La first lead en revanche ne m'a pas vraiment plu. Meme si le personnage était vraiment gentils et bienveillant j'avais souvent du mal avec le manque de demonstration envers le first lead qui lui pourtant montrait vraiment son amour. Aussi je l'ai trouvé tres peu courageuse mais ca ca fait partie d'un des questionnements de l'histoire donc je ne lui en veut pas trop.
Les acteurs secondaires ne m'ont pas trop marqué, j'ai apprecié Zhi Yu qui n'est pas tombé dans les travers de la méchante second lead féminine.
Les Ost sont sympathiques surtout le générique que j'ai vraiment adoré. Les autres OST ne m'ont pas vraiment marqué mais dans l'ensemble je me souviendrais d'un Original Soundtrack pour ce drama.
Alors... Par ou commencer.... J'ai beaucoup de choses a dire.
L'histoire qui nous ai vendue dans le résumé c'est une comedie romantique a propos de la loi de Murphy. Mais honnetement cette derniere n'est qu'une spécialité de l'héroine et honnetement plus on avancait dans le drama moins on en entendait parlé. J'ai vraiment aimé les 10 premiers épisode. La romance évoluait de maniere réaliste et les deux était trop mignon. On ne forcait pas non plus trop le drame avec le second lead masculin ce qui était vraiment appréciable.
Apres les 10 premiers épisodes, malheureusement cela s'est...Comment dire.... Déterioré ...?
Je veux dire, la premiere moitié du drama est vraiment trop mignonne. La relation entre les deux me faisait fondre et honnetement arrivée environ a l'episode 10 je n'avais pas besoin d'en voir plus.... Les deux étaient en couple, heureux, j'avais passé un bon moment devant un drama qui allait assurement recevoir une bonne note mais il y a eu les episodes suivant...
Je pense que ca coincide avec l'arrivée de Zhi Yu et toute l'histoire avec l'accident de voiture qui a perdu mon interet au fil du temps. J'aurai bien aimé qu'elle soit juste la un petit moment pour regler les non-dits avec Jia Wei. Mais non et honnetement le fait qu'elle soit aussi "collante" meme apres avoir tout regler avec Jia Wei m'a parfois agacé mais apres elle avait des raisons donc je peux lui pardonner.
Apres l'intrigue avec la mere de Jia Wei était honnetement osef. Je regardais le drama sans vraiment etre investie avec les personnages et honnnetements les derniers episodes, c'est du drame forcé. Ca crée des problemes ou y a pas de problemes. C'était long et le first lead feminin m'a enervé du plus profond de mon etre alors que J'aimais de plus en plus Jia Wei.
A cause de ces derniers épisode, Murphy's Law of Love est passé d'un drama très sympathique a un drama moyen.
Je sais que ces défauts sont purement d'order personnel c'est pourquoi je vous invite t'out de meme a aller vous faire cotre propre avis. C'est sur Viki et ca n'attend que vous ;)
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