In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Asai Kei is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Haruki Misora is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.
In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Asai Kei is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Haruki Misora is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.
In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Asai Kei is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Haruki Misora is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.
In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Asai Kei is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Haruki Misora is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.
Miyu and Shuya are high school students. They have dated for 2 years. Miyu and Shuya have a promise that no matter what, they will watch a movie together on the first day of each new month. When Miyu and Shuya are on their way to the movie theater, Shuya suddenly cancels their date. Shuya seems like he is hiding something and he acts nervous. Later, Miyu goes to the place where she is supposed to meet Shuya, but she witnesses Shuya getting into a car accident. She panics, but when she wakes up she finds herself on the morning of the accident. Miyu keeps waking up on the day when Shuya got into an accident. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Kimi ga Otoshita Aozora" by Sakura Eeyo.
In the town of Sakurada, where about half of the residents have special abilities, Asai Kei is a high school student and is able to remember everything. Haruki Misora is also a high school student and she has the power to reset the world by 3 days. If they use both of their powers together, they can go back in time by 3 days and retain their memory. They are watched by the administrative bureau.