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Nov 25, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
STORY : Well, I want to say I loved this. I want to. But, I didn't love it. For me this show was "more than okay" but not "great." There was something inconsistent about it that I could never quite put my finger on. But ultimately I figured out it lacked balance. There would be periods of tension and mystery from the law and crime aspect (an aspect I absolutely LOVED) and the supernatural was good, there was an unpredictability to its use in the show that actually added to the watching experience. Law/crime, drama, suspense, supernatural: check, check, check, and check. Final category: Romance. Romance! NO CHECK. Oh how I wish it had been consistent. I found the relationship between Suzy and Lee Jong Suk was okay, but sometimes seemed forced and honestly I enjoyed the moments where they appeared just friends more. There was just a lack of chemistry at times, that majorly impacted my watching. I found I couldn't care less at times; I'm not sure if it because their interactions seemed forced at times or the idea that (for lack of better phrasing) fate is playing such a big part in the show that the romance didn't have the chemistry, challenge and tension that I was hoping for. I also would have liked to have seen a more natural gradual development that allowed for all aspects of the show to coexist rather than going through phases on a cycle that replaced one another. Overall, I enjoyed the story but it had its weak spots and left loose ends.

ACTING : I overall really enjoyed the cast. Lee Jong Suk was very well suited for his role, although it is not too much of a stretch from what he has done in the past. That didn't make me enjoy his performance any less! It just made me think of how I would enjoy seeing him utilized in a more diverse way because the man has skill for sure. As for Suzy, she has come far from Dream High but she still has moments that show she has not acted as much as others and she still has more to learn. Some actions seemed over the top for the scenes at times and other scenes were underdone and had a dead feeling. Acting is hard;  reading a scene and knowing your character well enough to do them and the show justice is hard. I understand that, but with that said her acting does need more work. I think given some more time, roles, or even classes (I don't know how she prepares) she will get better. On another note, Jung Hae In and Lee Sang Yeob stole the show. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed their performances. Both are so capable of reading every scene well, getting into character and staying that way even when he is not the focus of the scene (that was my main issue with Suzy). I will definitely be watching everything I can find with each of them in because I have a feeling Jung Hae In will only get better and Lee Sang Yeob has already proven his solid skill with his long list of roles but also with his ability to give a character such as Lee Yu Beom depth and dimension when he could easily turn into the usual drama trope character. As for the supporting cast, I think everyone was well cast. Every person showed skill and did well in their roles, even the children which surprised me. I expected the kids to maybe not be on par with the adults but I was very wrong and I have a couple kids I hope to see in more things.

MUSIC : The music fit the show but none of it was noteworthy enough for me to download. Pre-production allowed for the use of sound effects which aided some scenes, and BEAUTIFULLY done transitions for credits and scenes. I was caught off guard by that but they were done well enough to catch my attention.

REWATCH : This show benefits from the 30 minute or so episodes. That makes it binge-worthy (if you can stick with it) and it almost feels like it moves faster. However, shorter episodes leaves room for plot holes and loose ends. I think I would have to be bored or craving a certain aspect of the show to rewatch it, but it is rewatchable.

Like always, this is just my opinion and I would love to hear yours. Happy watching! :)

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Nov 16, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5
I have such mixed feelings about this drama. ????????
When I heard all the hype surrounding this drama, at first, I kinda dismissed it since a lot of hyped up dramas never impressed me, but "While You Were Sleeping" did have my attention just after the first episode, which is a great plus.

STORY: Okay, here's the hard part. I LOVED how the plot began and all, but somewhere down a few 10-12 episodes, I started losing my interest and began looking forward to other dramas. Don't get me wrong, the plot was still good enough to make me keep watching, but it felt a bit predictable and stagnant at times. After a long time I decided to catch up, and yeah, although it wasn't as great as it started out to be, it still didn't disappoint me either, and I actually kind felt bad about dropping it earlier. 

ACTING:  I was already a fan of both the Lee Jong Suk and Suzy but I kinda love them a lot more after watching the drama. For me, a major factor in watching a drama is chemistry, and THEY HAD UNBELIEVABLE CHEMISTRY. They were so cute together that I just had to keep watching the drama for them.
JUNG HAE IN WAS BAE. I love him, I don't know why I've never noticed him before, cause he is HOT. And yes, his acting was on point.
Kim Won Hae's role was a plus, as I always like his acting. Overall I felt all the actors played their parts very well, and the acting in the drama is definitely a plus point

OST: I AM IN LOVE WITH THE OST FROM THIS DRAMA. There isn't a single song I don't like hearing, and Suzy's "I Love You Boy", Roy Kim's "It'd be good" and Lee Jong Suk's "Come To Me" are definitely my favourites. Boy, who knew Lee Jong Suk could sing so well!

OVERALL: I do like this drama but I feel like could have been SO much more better of they had added a little more suspense, and a little more flow to it.

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Nov 16, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
I'll begin by saying that this is my first time seeing most of the main actors in anything (I've only previously seen Lee Jong Suk in No Breathing and Seven First Kisses, which weren't really enough for me to form much of an opinion on his acting), so I'm writing this with a relatively neutral standpoint without notable bias or existing strong opinions towards any of the actors. Also, this is my first time writing a review and I'll likely ramble a lot, so please bear with me!

The Good:

The originality of the plot was what drew me in initially and convinced me to give this drama a chance, and I still stand by the fact that it holds its own uniqueness and merit in how ambitious the premise was from the beginning. It's been a while since the initial episodes of a drama have captured my interest so quickly; the only issue was how it progressed as the episodes went on. I'll elaborate more on this later on in this review.

The soundtrack is among one of the best ones I've heard in a long time (in fact, I'm listening to the OST as I write this), and I particularly like the tracks by Eddy Kim, Henry and Monogram. I find the songs to be very well-suited to the overall mood of the drama, and excel at providing a soothing, dream-like atmosphere. The cinematography does a great job at this too, and WYWS is a very visually appealing drama as a whole. I liked how a lot of the dream sequences were executed, the use of colour and the use of changes in how the screen appears to viewers as the drama switches from a dream to reality and vice versa. There were few instances where they felt a little out of place (some of which I feel they may have revealed a little too much information, which detracted slightly from the suspense factor of some events), and it was a tad confusing to wrap my head around to begin with, but I'd still agree that the flow of these scenes were generally good.

I admit that I wasn't really sold on a lot of the workplace bickering and humour towards the start of the drama, but I really found myself warming to the side characters and secondary leads as the drama progressed, particularly Woo Tak, Seung Won, Prosecutor Lee, Chief Choi and Prosecutor Sohn. Personally, I would've liked to have seen more done with Woo Tak's character, and I have to admit that I felt as though he and Hong Joo had more chemistry in some of their shared scenes (I'm really feeling the second lead syndrome here, guys). It'd be lovely to have seen him end up happy with someone too, though I did enjoy his friendship with Kyung Han, his sunbae. It was also a delight to watch the brotherly relationship and believable bickering between Jae Chan and Seung Won. Additional props go to Lee Sang Yeob, who really impressed me with his portrayal of the drama's main antagonist, Yoo Beom - you know that the actor's doing a great job when it aggravates you every time you see them on screen. I'd like to see more from both him and Jung Hae In, as this is the first time seeing their works.

The Okay:

The main couple were lacking... something. I don't know if it was lack of chemistry, the execution of some of the scenes or the way the actors portrayed the romance, but I'd gone through the episodes feeling as though something was missing. I wasn't entirely convinced by it, since the basis of the romance relied a fair amount on random insertions of cute and comical scenes, which whilst endearing and adorable at times, felt a little too oddly-timed and a tad cringey or overdone on some occasions. Whilst I think it was a little too oversaturated in parts in terms of romance, I wouldn't say it was flat out unconvincing or difficult to watch (I appreciated the more sentimental/deep scenes in parts) but I wouldn't say it was particularly great either. Just okay.

The Not-So-Good:

My main gripe with WYWS is that the direction and pacing were pretty much all over the place; the initial episodes were strong, well-paced and left me with high hopes (perhaps too high, in hindsight). I was intrigued as to how it would all unfold as more events took place and how changes being made to one event would lead to another happening in its place. I enjoyed that unpredictability in the first few weeks and anticipated explanation behind how the dreams occurred in the first place, but in the middle episodes, it really started to grow predictable and repetitive.

I appreciate that some of the ways the cases were wrapped up were well done (and some of them were emotionally impactful, such as the case where Prosecutor Sohn's chronically ill son was directly affected by the outcome), but the fact that you're aware that somehow, our main leads will find a solution, often seemingly out of nowhere, takes away a little of the anticipation. In some cases, the way they wrapped up seemed too neat, too good to be true for my liking.

Towards the latter episodes, I really felt as though the plot lagged for so long that they left themselves with too much to cram in at the end. The ending itself was satisfying enough, but only just about. It could've really done with being more well-timed, with sufficient suspense to hold the viewer's attention, but as previously mentioned, the fact that some dreams gave a little too much about some situations away detracted from this. A lot of the past/present connections between characters should've been tied up and resolved earlier on to allow for more time to build up to the final case, and then wrap up neatly for the finale. Personally, I found this to be the most disappointing part, especially considering that the drama was entirely pre-produced.

Overall verdict:

I won't dissuade anyone from watching, and would still recommend that you try it out if the genres, actors, tropes or premise appeal to you in any way. If you're undecided, I still think you should give this drama a chance, as despite its flaws, I did complete it having enjoyed it as a whole. If you're here for a fast-paced, unpredictable plot and strong chemistry between the main leads... I don't think this is the drama for you.

Thanks for reading : )

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Dec 25, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This drama deserves so many awards. Superb. I love the story line and the characters. So much feels, life lessons and realizations. Everything is almost perfect. The story,the scene and how each of them delivered their roles.

Story - I really love the plot. Mind-blowing. The story is so new in my eyes, original story.

Acting - Their acting is so natural. I love it.

Music - It's daebak! The Scarlet Heart OST & Goblin OST feels are in this drama OST's. One of the best!

Rewatch Value - I watch drama ovee 5 times and I will watch it again and again.

The one & only thing I hate in this drama is the episodes. It deserves more! Like 40 episodes or more.

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Dropped 24/32
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 30, 2023
24 of 32 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 4.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Amazing cinematic start that downgrades to fun then forgettable.

This is such a generically beige KDrama that's it's no surprise to me that it's so popular: there's absolutely nothing that stands out in the story or relationships for anyone to feel strongly about, so it's universally appealing as an easy watch. Add to that some very pretty faces with glossy blockbuster production to rival JJ "Lens Flare" Abrams (and some equally annoying quirks) and you've got yourself a milquetoast mass market hit.

Basically: Quirky journalist FL has a power she doesn't understand and can't control (despite dealing with it most of her life). Hapless prosecutor ML crashes in on the scene, gets powers of his own and then teaches FL how to use hers for good! They both go from zeros to heroes practically overnight without any meaningful stumbling blocks or character development! Together - with bland do-gooder police sidekick SML - they solve legal cases that all blend into each other because they're equally generic crime mysteries! The dreams (the most interesting part of the drama) end up ruining the thrill factor because there's a clear cheat sheet for the characters to follow to get the best solution. And that's what they do over and over again.

FL, ML and SML should have used their powers to find and save the main plot first because it's suspiciously missing for 3/4s of the drama. Which might have been okay if it were at least chugging along somewhere in the background, but nope. Maybe it finally picks up in the end, but after 12 episodes of formulaic nothingness I've completely lost interest. Main baddie TML is a corrupt defense lawyer who scuttles the heroes hard work on numerous occasions for... personal grudge? Ego? Boredom? Profit? Who knows, because he has no backstory! He's bad, he's there and he tries to ruin things for the heroes over and over because he clearly has nothing better to do, just like the villains of the week.

Rarely do I find a romance as dull as this one. The leads were cute, I guess? Which is all they had going for them because just like the motiveless villains there was no reason for them to get together or stay together. They do it because they're the leads in a romance drama and they need to earn that paycheck. Sure, there's a fated childhood connection or whatever but I need more than that to find a relationship believable and the story gave me nothing to work with beyond some cheesy romantic asides and cringe comedy.

There's nothing I really hate about this drama but there's nothing I love either. Decent entertainment but I can't imagine ever watching this again or even thinking about it beyond writing this review. Strong characters and inspiring stories are why I started watching Kdramas to begin with, but I didn't find either of those here.

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Nov 16, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.0
I liked this drama even though I never really got passionate about it. It had some gaping issues that prevented me from really being in love with it, but I did enjoy it.

The plot premise is very interesting and unique but was not very well executed. My biggest issue with the dreams is that how they work was never really fully explained. This is one of my biggest gripes with this and all Sci-fi/fantasy dramas- we need to know the rules so we can know the stakes. Without this, anything can happen for any reason and as a viewer you can't get as invested in the story. The dreams felt a bit contrived at times. There also wasn't really a solid plotline running throughout the entire show, and there was rarely any sense of urgency.

I love them both to pieces but I feel like neither Lee Jong Suk or Suzy are strong enough actors to carry a drama on their own. Aside from their acting not being the strongest, they have very little romantic chemistry. Other than that, their characters are very well written and are fun and believable as friends. As well, the supporting cast have great chemistry with the leads and are very strong actors.

The music was outstanding and very well utilized. This show, like the writers' other work, "I Hear Your Voice," also makes amazing use of an instrumental OST, which really adds to emotional moments.

Overall, I had my gripes with this drama but I enjoyed it. It had a stellar first few episodes, and kind of slowed down in the middle and sort of sputtered out at the end, but as a whole it was pretty good. As a viewer I feel like I put more effort into thinking about directions that both the plot and characters could have gone in than the writer did at times. Even though there were things I thought could have been done better, there was nothing I hated, and I don't regret watching it.

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Ongoing 16/32
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2020
16 of 32 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

Very good drama, everything is good

This is the best drama i have watched,
The story is very good, it not only about love story but friendship and about moral, where we have to do the right thing.
And the acting of FL, ML and second ML and also the bad guy very good.
I watched this drama because of ML, i like him in i hear your voice ( this also nice)
I like second ML too , he is so nice and handsome
And the chemistry between fl ml dan second ml so good. So never bored . The entire drama is good

Really worth it to watch
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Jan 31, 2018
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
First of all, I love this drama and gave it a 8.5/10 ratings.
I refused to give it a perfect 10 because there were a few plotholes here and there, and also, the chemistry between Lee Jong Suk and Suzy was not up to my expectations, especially when they were kissing, it just doesn't feel right, I can't seem to feel their love and passion, almost to the extent where I feel like they're robots kissing on command.

Moving on to the pros, the casts were all significant in their own ways.  From the lead characters to the side characters, all of them played a part in making this drama memorable. Now, I do understand people have their own opinions and preferences, but to me, Suzy's acting has never been a problem for me, my first drama of her was Gu Family Book, and that was the drama that made me fall in love with her character, and she has never disappoint since then. Her acting in this drama was pretty flawless imo. Also, kudos to the villain, he did a great job in portraying his character, there were a lot of depths on his character, and it's worth it to keep an eye on him.

Some of the plots and scenes did exceed my expectations, but there are also some character developments which failed to meet my standards, one character in particular, Han Woo-tak. His character had so much potential and buildup, but sadly, it wasn't done well.

All in all, I love the storyline and the suspense. This drama is not perfect, but it's definitely worth watching, especially the comedy segments.

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Dec 27, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
The story had a nice flow (couldn't detect any plot-holes, did not have any draggy moments), the actors were all good, loved the music. But somehow wasn't invested in the couple at all... I like LJS and don't mind Suzy as well, so i have no idea what happened there with me... Buuut the plot and the characters were interessting enough to make this watch and enjoyable experience, which flew by fast. It did get way better on the second part, in my opinion, so I'm glad I didn't go searching for any other dramas, while this was airing, and didn't keep it on-hold for too long.

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Aug 21, 2024
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A loving, twisting drama.

I will always enjoy a drama, that has it all. This drama was THE drama of all time. The cases we meet throughout the episode put this drama on a whole new level and make the drama more interesting. The Main characters interact with each other and how their past intertwined with each other. This is the second time I am watching this drama. I thought why not make an honest review? To be honest, the main couple was not the couple I was looking forward to, but rather one of the support roles. This became my addiction after the 5th or 4th episode. It was really good, with the suspense and somewhat of romance.

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Dec 28, 2017
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
I really enjoyed this drama but most of the time because of Wootak. I loved this character. I'm a big fan of Jongsuk's work but I have to confess that even though I like his character here, he didn't caught me as much attention as Wootak. He really caught everyone's attention, obviously because of his character, and especially because of Jung Hae In's perfomance.
Speaking of acting, I think everyone was apprehensive when saw Suzy in the cast, but she proved that she could be a good actress. Suzy played her character very well, she did a good.
Well, let's talk about this drama.

Story: (8.5/10)
It's  very interesting. I was intrigued by what was going to happen and why Suzy had those dreams.
I found the story quite different and interesting but, yeah,  had some holes. That's why i didn't give a very high score.

Acting / Cast: (9.0/10)
All of the cast did a good job. Jongsuk, well, we couldn't expect less from him, he nailed it as usual. Jung Hae In was very good to and so  Suzy. The special characters that were appearing in the drama were very well interpreted by their actors and actresses.

Music: (8.5/10)
I loved the music! I'm so addicted to Suzy's song.

Rewatch Value: (7.5/10)
The drama is good but I think it's because it's interesting and intriguing in the first time you watch. I don't think it would be THAT interesting and cool if you watched it more often, so I gave this score.

Overall: (8.5/10)
The story is interesting, the characters are cool and well played. The drama contains several different characters, each one with their own story, some more interesting than others. He loses a bit of rhythm in the middle of the drama but overall, While You Were Sleeping manages to hold you to the end. I recommend :) :)

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Feb 3, 2018
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
Sadly, this drama was full of wasted potential. I liked it overall but I wouldn’t rate it anything above my current score.

1- The OST: This drama has one of the most outstanding pieces of music I’ve ever heard. It also helps that the music was properly used, enhancing the tone of each scene incredibly. Enchanting is the word I’d use to describe it.

2- The Cinematography: The camera angles, the filters and the flow between scenes really stood out. The visuals were coherent with the mood of the screenplay.

3- The Supporting Cast: Mr. Choi and Wook Tak carried this drama for me. Interestingly enough, they stood out more than the leads.

1- The Plot: Although the concept was very interesting and you can tell effort was put into it, the story wasn’t articulated properly. It was all over the place. The writing was in desperate need of focus, direction and impact. The flow of the plot was jarring and didn’t connect well at some points. It also didn’t help that the drama became episodic in the middle, with a villain of the week kind of concept.  

On the other hand, It felt like we were subjected to more filler than actual meat. The fact that the leads got to know each other as a couple through their dreams and not through actual interactions didn’t really help their relationship.

Sadly, Mr. Choi’s and Wook Tak’s pasts were dismissed too quickly. Proper focus on them was needed but the producers prioritized filler scenes over them. I wanted more.

2- The Leads:
-I’m a huge LJS fan. In fact, I watched this drama because he was in it. It saddens me to say that this was not his best performance. Did he feel…bored?, he clearly wasn’t putting much effort into it. I’ve seen what a great actor he is and this really felt flat. It could really boil down to the director not knowing how to exploit his potential.

On the other hand, it doesn’t help that this is like the millionth time we’ve seen him in the same stereotype of character. He really needs to get out of his comfort zone acting wise.

-Suzy’s acting is simply not my cup of tea. She doesn’t know how to connect with the audience nor with her character. She’s stoic, monotone, distant to the character she's trying to portray, unnatural and emotionally armored.

3- The Chemistry:
This is a character driven story so choosing the correct cast was crucial. The story relies on the romance aspect but the chemistry between Suzy and LJS was nonexistent. Both of them are responsible for that. To explain my point further, after watching so many LJS dramas, I’ve come to realize that his romantic scenes are carried by his counterparts, not by him. His peak in chemistry was with Han Hyo Joo and it was because she was the one openly and naturally expressing herself, and as the receptive one, LJS responded accordingly. With Suzy, they seemed awkward and distant. Neither of them looked interested. At some point, I even thought LJS was not the main romantic interest and Wook Tak was going to get the girl in the end. They both need work in that aspect.

Overall, I think the story has entertainment value but it didn’t come close to previous works such as Pinocchio and I Hear Your Voice.

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