The pink milk is present everywhere, there is some sort of connection between the series that i don't know about??
Anyway, it's not bad 'cause the actors are great and they are cute together, but, i mean, come on guys, originality!
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The ost match the series very much. “Just to Be the Last Person Whom You Think Of" (Kae Dai Bpen Kon Soot Tai Tee Tur Kit Teung)” by Pause (FYI)
cuz i'm dying just for imagining how the second season will be aired
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Along with all the dramas that has happened outside the series I really never understand why they went on to make 2 moons 2???????
I miss cutie bass. He's got a new BL partner now and that guy seemed hot. But somehow the chemistry is lacking i'm not sure im gonna watch it or not.
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Story wise, yes, this drama is very similar to Sotus however this drama feels more rushed and I feel like their relationship bloomed out of nothing.
I am looking forward to the second season! And I will tell you now, Ming is a man you will fall in love with.
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But don't let that discourage you! I was looking for something fluffy and this fit the bill perfectly. I smiled and giggled my way through every episode (though I got bored in the episode with the pageant, which seemed to last longer than an actual pageant).
This plot lacks the tension of SOTUS, which it's often compared to. But I disapproved of SOTUS's enthusiasm for hazing too much and couldn't really enjoy it. Two Moons didn't have anything to object to. It was nice that the heroes were both basically interested in each other from the beginning (though there's some of that stupid BL "I'm only gay for you" nonsense).
If you're looking for more tension, the secondary couple have more conflict--and more flirting. And they are very, very cute. As are the tertiary couple, come to think of it... okay, this university is entirely populated by hot gay guys.
Best thing about this series is that it focused closely on these likable main characters so I never felt like there were throw-away scenes. The show would probably have higher rewatch value if there was a bit more plot and tension, but I still enjoyed the heck out of this show. As undemanding and fluffy as they come, if that's what you're looking for.
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this is so sweet. i mean their love really that pure. Storyline is really great but maybe for the conflict is not good like other BL.
maybe because this is season 1? i already read season 2&3 . that is better! so i think im gonna love this and give this drama all 10. if they're release season 2 &3 .
but i'm sure you will love this drama. because Phana and Wayo was that sweet. my heart always melted because of them.
I know why this drama success. Because of the cast, i'm not sure 2moons will success if not the cast, because i read 2moons novel, the cast and character really have a same feeling.. idk, but i love all the cast.
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The music was exceptional. The usage of songs from former series gave me a nostalgic feel which I loved and enjoyed. Also, Bas (Wayo) has a nice singing voice (I believe that's his voice in the series).
The story just gave me butterflies whenever the two main couple were together (Still waiting for Forth and Beam to get together; I'm guessing that'll happen next season). Kimmon (Ming) is great at acting despite being featured as a main in two series so far (Lovesick was more or less an appearance).
Overall, I think the cast did great for those who were new and old. I'll admit that there were awkward staring/silence (the usual case in most BL series) scenes here and there; I still thoroughly enjoyed the series.
Waiting for the next season.
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I would like to suggest for the next season:
Include the family of all the casts, portray their struggles and eventually able to support BL so that it may gain sympathy from families who has experience of having gay son, brother, friend with BL relationship.
Also, include society's issues on BL thing and how able to overcome them as a couple loved each other.
Congratulations: Wayo, Phana, Fourth, Beam, Kit, Ming (all involved) for doing such a great job.
Hope to meet you all.....looking forward to a unique season 2....
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My 6 Moons- The Right Amount of Everything
1. Bas is so sweet, precious and adorable .He captures the screen like no one else can. I enjoyed Wayo and Pha way more than I should. I didn't skip a scene.2. Kimmon has a way of delivering his lines and his face expression is so on point. I watched Gen Y first and then this and wonder if Kim had a chin surgery or not (I'm pretty sure I did). MingKit is a perfect match. Kit= Kitty with doctors gang= Kit Kat with Ming
3. Tae Darvid is manly and Tee Thanapon is so handsome. Tee delivered his lines perfectly when teasing Kit with Ming. Tae and Tee didn't become a couple and some how I like that even more. The series name is 2 Moons and not 6 Moons after all. LOL
4. I liked the storyline, the acting, directing and editing. The plot isn't that interesting or creative but in a weird way it works. This drama made me feel good and brought back all kinds of emotions that I thought I have lost (watching K drama for such a long time). Healthy relationship+ supportive friendship. Never thought that I would love the drama this much.
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