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Overrated & cringe
If you are over the age of 13, this is probably not the show for you. I selected "I am not a Robot" because of its popularity on this site. While I did get through the entire series (because I'm a masochist), I rage watched it, expecting it to improve. That's time I can never get back!There are many of the standard K-drama tropes. The rich guy who is super smart but spoiled, self absorbed and socially awkward, and the poor girl who is contantly bullied and denigrated by the men in her life. We are also told over and over again that the female lead only has an IQ of 94 (never mind the flaws in using IQ tests, or that this would be within the range of normal people)...we get it...she's ordinary and a little bit simple. From the very first episode, he mistreated her in a way that made me not like him. If he wasn't really good looking, even the teeny bopper fan girls wouldn't be rooting for this guy.
Secondly, there's the plot itself. I like weird stuff, but this was too weird. First, you have to suspend disbelief that this supposed genius couldn't figure out that this "robot" was a real woman (I promise you, a caveman would have figured this sh** out by episode 2). It was so awkward watching him be attracted to what he essentially believed to be a really pretty appliance.
Finally, the pacing. If it had been written so that only for the first few episodes he thought she was a robot, then the reveal, leading to the development of a genuine romance between two real people, there would have been a chance that this could have been salvaged. Instead, we had to suffer through cringeworthy moments for 2/3 of the show, making it difficult (for me at least) to invest in the characters and their love story.
Now I've seen comments and reviews of other people who didn't like the secondary characters. I don't have an issue with the older guy/younger girl romance. I think the secondary characters were actually better to watch. They injected the realism, humour and drama and showed the most character growth.
To cut a long story short, watch something else!
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Last few episodes were better
Plot: I like the concept. Knowing that this will be a fake robot themed drama, I didn’t expect too much on the plot no matter how illogical it was ‘robot’-wise. Same goes with the allergy. Some scenes were quite questionable but shrugged them off instead.Acting: Most of them did good, however, male lead acting had some NOT convincing parts in the middle of the drama especially when he figured out that he was in love with Aji3. It looked forced and I wasn’t emotionally invested.
Music: Some music were okay, some were not memorable.
Rewatch value: I don’t think I will be rewatching. It was kind of boring from Episode 1 to Episode 8, the humor weren’t my type and I couldn’t connect with all of the characters. I was able to feel something starting from episode 13 to episode 14. Despite not showing enough brotherhood with the sta. Maria team, the scenes with them when they miss their brother was convincing. Sadly, 80% of the drama was bland.
Overall: 5-6 stars. I finished this in two days not because I was hooked but because I practically fast forward almost every episode. I wanted to find out how he would react after knowing everything. Knowing that today’s generation is technologically advanced, the idea of a ‘robot’ falling in love with a human was actually good, however, the execution was not convincing enough despite overlooking illogical scenarios.
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As far as the storyline goes, I think everything is great. I cannot stress enough just how easy this drama was for me to digest. However, there were a couple of factors that kept it from being amazing. For one, they held off on some extremely crucial information that still needs to be addressed. It was also irritating to see how long it took our protagonist, Kim Min Kyu (played by Yoo Seung Ho), to face his problems.
Casting-wise, I have no qualms whatsoever. I've always been a huge fan of Chae Soo Bin's work so it was really nice to see her again. Plus, It's never an easy task to play two different characters in a single drama, so she definitely deserves a huge round of applause for her efforts. Another person I'd like to shine the spotlight is Ssanip (played by Kim Min Kyu). Just because I don't think I can find a better representation of me in the drama world: forever a third-wheel.
The original soundtracks in this drama will surely give you that warm fuzzy feeling and help ease the aches and pain that come every cold winter. There aren't a lot of dramas where I can confidently say I loved every song they produced, however, this is one of those rare exceptions. The artists did such a wonderful job setting the tone for this entire series. I honestly couldn't be more proud.
Overall, I think this is a must-watch. Even if it isn't exactly your preferred genre, I'm sure it'll ease its way in there somehow. So I guess I'll just end things here by saying I am very grateful for this drama because it pulled me out of a dark time in my life but also thank you, Jesus, for your guidance. Let's only walk the flower road from now on. You a real one.
With that said,
Llama out.
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A show for robots and all
I really, really enjoyed this show. It quickly grew on me as a romantic comedy that understood what genre it was in but still knew how to deliver a story about people longing for companionship and the sense of value and worth that is derived from our attachments to other people.The plot isn't majestic but it is good, centring around a businessman who cannot come into physical contact with people, and a woman trying to make her way through life. The lead duo share an amazing chemistry that makes every scene they share deeply enjoyable. The way their relationship built up, particularly through episodes 4, 5 and 6 were memorable. There were consequences to pay for and the acting was beautiful and emotional, but some of these major conflicts were resolved easily and the show finished without much tension. Nonetheless, it was still a show you could watch simply because of the chemistry all the actors shared with each other. They really knew how to step into the roles.
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Never once disappointed. I rated this series 10 when I started watching and it's still stayed a big fat 10. You have those dramas where they die out no - this goes strong till the end.
ACTING - YOO SEUNG HO AND CHAE SOO BIN ARE ACTUALLY BABES. I ship them harder than any other celeb couple e.g. the Song couple etc etc. They. Are. So. Damn. CUTE. Their interactions are what I look forward to. Tbh I wrote a whole paragraph on the storyline but I fully would not care how crap the story is as long as I see YSH and CSB together. There were some emotional scenes too and woooooow. This drama has everything doesn't it.
YSH Dedication Time - He. Is. So. Damn. Cute. I thought Min Kyu was going to one of those typical cold, aloof characters (there's a fair amount of them in kdramas) but omg after the 1st episode - I was gone. I'm going as far as to say that Min Kyu's character beats any other character that Lee Jong Suk, Lee Minho etc have ever played (and I love LJS). You can never be sick of his smile and his eyes. He is a bundle of cuteness, innocence and this character beats all other bad boy characters I've ever encountered. Everyone needs a Min Kyu in their life.
CSB - I knew her as the supporting actress in Love in the Moonlight. Yeah, my girl is proving everyone wrong. Her acting capabilities are unbelievable. Her acting as Aji 3 was super realistic and cute and Ji Ah had so much sass and her encounters with YSH were so. cute. I find her absolutely beautiful.
Story - The storyline is really unique and may seem weird to some. However, they REALLY pulled it off. It was such a breezy, easy watch which made me feel giddy, giggly, cringy and embarrassing at times (IN A GOOD WAY). There may've been some cliches but they were pulled off WELL. Also, I feel as if the cliches here are different to other romcom dramas and give a different vibe but I'M TOTALLY NOT DISAPPOINTED WITH THE STORY - PROPS TO THE DIRECTOR AND WRITER. Can I just take this moment to praise the writer - the dialogue is so GOOD there's so many teasing flirty funny moments or remarks that either make me cry of laughter or I always find that my jaws hurt after watching an episode because I'm smiling so hard because *they're SO cute*. This isn't dry humor like some other romcoms out there - I totally dig this humor. Am satisfied with the ending too - wrapped up really nicely.
Music - There's this one song which is very light hearted and innocent and I love it because it always plays during cute moments. The OST does fit very nicely with the scenes.
I have to rewatch this. I've never rewatched a drama but I can totally see myself watching this again. Already suffering from withdrawal symptoms and the drama ended a few hours ago.
I don't know what I can do to persuade you to watch this drama but hey - it's just 16 hours in a day. I didn't write anything remotely negative in this review because I would pity anyone who haven't had a chance to watch it, even if it may not meet their expectations. I only regret that there aren't more episodes and it got low reviews in SK :(
One last thing to persuade you to watch INAR - Yoo Seung Ho's kisses are so damn hot.
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Throughout the drama, you'll experience different emotions: happiness, heart skipped a beat, butterflies, sadness. It is definitely worthed watching and I managed to finish this drama in a short amount of time. I managed to watch 20 episodes straight without stopping, which showed that this drama was just CRAZY good.
The leads are SO CUTE together and I wished that they are together in real life. I highly recommend this drama!
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Min Kyu is a nice and charming lead who deviates from the most commom stereotypes for K drama CEOs, however his character is a bit too naive for someone who's supposed to be a genius. Ji Ah is a very cool and nice leading lady, she has a backbone and although the drama states many times she has a low IQ, she's not dumb or idiotic. The secondary characters are nice, Pi and Ji Ah's best friend specially stood out to me, even though they weren't that developed. The second lead, however, was quite meddlesome and self-centered in many moments, besides having no chemistry with the fl, making the love triangle basically useless.
The story is nothing memorable. The subplot of the company scheming was ok. What really put me off was the second half of this drama. I honestly wish the whole robot shenanigans had lasted longer because it was the most entertaining to me. After that the drama has a very abrupt tone shift and starts to drag more and becomes way too angsty and melodramatic, it gets harder to watch as the inital rom-com aspect almost disappears. Even so, I still recommend this drama for everyone who likes romance featuring some lightly fantastic elements.
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I expected a very vain message about girls having to look and be perfect with little to no personality. Well well, what a pleasant surprise. I’m not a Robot has a great cast, amazing scenery, fun and light comedy. I'll seriously give much more credits to male writer-nims because many do deliver in terms of role distribution for women. In fact, impressive point ? The female roles. None of the girls are one-dimensional but all have a mind of their own and very distinct personalities and styles. I always appreciate when one girl doesn’t follow the norm in terms of image, here we have Sun Hye, a sexy, assertive and self-assured thick girl. Weakest points ? First, how long it took for the secret to be discovered. All this dragging made the whole situation look stupid. And second, Pi's evolution, I can't really say more otherwise I'd have to spoil.Don’t expect 80% of the show to be funny, for all you comedy drama fans, expect quite a lot of drama too. Yoo Seung Ho confirmed his talent, Chae Soo Bin that I saw for the 1st time here totally impressed me, Kang Ki Young is now one of my current obsessions, not only because his acting is pretty good, but hey the icing on the cake is that he is attractive and that's one of the many reasons we watch dramas, right ? All in all, very enjoyable. How this production turned out to be flop in Korea is a mystery to me. I respect countries’ tastes but I really can’t fathom this one. I give it a 8.5/10!
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I'm writing this review quite late after I watched it but I remember the pretty big ideas of it. The story was great in the beginning with Aji and Kim it was a great build up but then when it came for the reveal... Oh God it felt like I was being tortured not in a bad way but I was yelling at my TV for her to finally reveal the secret to him. But I'm definitely satisfied with the ending.
IMO I feel like everyone fits their character and acting skills were on point.
Cute ass music that I would def replay they also had some quirky bops in that mix
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Despite being fluffy and cute, the drama is still not slow and boring. The story is mainly focused on relationships. I was kept entertained, there was always something to look forward to. It's easy to watch, I did not have a problem, that I would need to push myself to watch an episode. You can finish it in just a two days. The ending is satisfying.
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Everything about this show was superb in me opinion. The story was very interesting and fresh. While someone acting like a robot isn't exactly a new story, the way they went about it was pretty interesting. I found meself really invested in the characters. Starting off only liking a few and finding a couple very annoying or hating them. Then they slowly started progressing and changing throughout the story, and you find that not all the characters are so bad. They are only human and everyone has their own circumstances.
I thought I wasn't going to be too fond of this story, but the thought of the human allergy really intrigued me, so I decided to give it a shot, and boy am I glad I did. I cried a lot watching this drama. When the characters were sad, I was sad, when they were happy, I felt happy for them. I feel this drama does a good job making the characters real.
I would highly recommend this drama to anyone who likes romance.
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