I loved the friendship between Eun Woo, the female lead and her brother and the fact that the first lead was always nearby to give her a hand whenever an issue came about. Didn't really care for anybody else.
I literally only paid attention when I heard an ASTRO song get played.
Even though I started this drama for Eun Woo, I stopped because of the lack of subtitles was driving me insane not understanding what was going on. Watching the characters doing whatever they were doing was simply not enough for me as well as the constant bullying. Therefore for these reasons I will not rewatch never mind actually complete it. Sorry.
I would say that I only recommend this drama if you don't mind the lack of subtitles (or you understand korean) and like the storyline.
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If you are watching it for eunwoo, boy you in wrong place
A new approach with all that app thing, but everything else was just extremely weak. No character development, not a good ost to pair up with, really short episodes, and most importantly EUNWOO WAS TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF just for fame. He had no role otherwise. We didn't get a proper ending. Seems like the writers just didn't know how to end it.I liked the concept of how they normalized the nature's call XD and that's what made me watch the drama too. It's just a light watch, if you don't want to connect with any character and watch a show just because you are bored, then I might suggest this.
Otherwise it's a no.
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Good Enough
" Sweet Revenge " season one is a web drama that brings to mind the well known Japanese Series "Death Note" in theory as an idea, but it took a different perspective on the matter. It actually was more about the rom com, with some cases that used the revenge app that the main character had on her phone. True, those cases were so so, as the romance and the youthful vibes were better and quickly swifted the focus on the couple rather than the small incidents. The revenge was satisfying though.The characters were interesting and entertaining too, and the performances were pretty good from everyone in the cast, especially concidaring that it was mostly concisted by young or rookie actors and actresses and some kpop idols. The side characters were pretty entertaining as well.
So, overall, six out of ten.
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Hard to Watch...but, it has its moments (strong cast)
The family of the lead girl borders on abusive. They constantly tell her she is ugly. They won't let her eat. The mother constantly praises the son and insults the daughter. They treat the daughter like a servant. The mother actually tells Gui Hui that her boyfriend is too good for her. It is just awful. They should have had the daughter tell the family off in the episode she "ran" away. No - instead - the writers continue to treat her like trash and have the family not even notice she was gone.On her birthday - they wait until the end of the day to even mention it. And, no real gifts. The worthless brother temps her with a gift and then, gives her nothing. But, all is right with the world if they give her a cake and sing...ugh.
I stuck with it because it has a good storyline and strong cast. If they could only get that Korean White Truck to run over the mother and brother - just to get them off screen for most of the episodes - it would have been a great series.
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Isso porque, aliás, eu normalmente não gosto de ver enredos com a temática da vingança, mas é interessante ressaltar que isso, o tal App da Vingança que a protagonista vem a descobrir, na verdade serve mais como um acesso entre a resolução de situações diversas que chegam para incomodar a garota, sua família, ou pessoas próximas, mas em nenhum momento a vingança é enaltecida de fato, apenas o querer dela e seus amigos por fazer a justiça mas sem machucar ou magoar inocentes no processo.
E é bacana também que, dentro desse tema, a história não foca só nele e, como uma boa trama no ambiente escolar, questões de amor e amizade também estão presentes no enredo de uma forma que muito me cativou; no romance, pela leveza e inocência dele que me deixou toda apaixonada, e na amizade quanto a relação muito divertida e firme entre Ho Goo Hee e Ji Hoon, Duk Hee e Kang Min. E o melhor? Tudo isso nasce de forma tão natural, despretensiosa, que ganha - ao menos, me ganhou - pela simplicidade mesmo. Isso sem contar com os assuntos que a história também traz, alguns mais sérios, outros mais corriqueiros de colégio, mas não menos reais, e sempre com uma abordagem no mínimo plausível. É todo um desenvolvimento tão doce e envolvente que eu sequer senti o tempo passar no primeiro ep e isso continuou até o final.
Claro que nada é perfeito e teve sim um detalhe ou outro que não me agradou ou me irritou, como um determinado personagem ter sumido depois de um certo episódio já perto do final, de forma que ele não ganhou um real desfecho, mas no geral eu curti muito, aliás, gostei mesmo, e me imagino total revendo ele todinho no futuro, porque é uma história realmente bacana de se assistir e que recomendo muito para quem quer algo leve e rápido de ver e para se distrair.
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Darauf hätte ich auch verzichten können..
Uff. Also dieses Drama war wirklich nichts für mich. Weder die Story, noch der Humor oder die Schauspieler haben mir sonderlich gut gefallen. Die Story war für mich einfach langweilig und nicht wirklich spannend. Zum Ende hin habe ich auch immer wieder Szenen übersprungen, weil es einfach nur peinlich war, das mit anzusehen. Die Protagonistin hat kaum Charakterentwicklung durchgemacht, starrt die meiste Zeit nur still in der Gegend herum und lässt sich von allen herumschubsen. Das ist auf Dauer unheimlich frustrierend. Die beste Freundin war zusammen mit ihrer Mutter einfach die Personifikation von "unangenehm". Ich finde diese Obsession mit Idols weder fiktiv, noch real unterhaltsam. Auch das ML fand ich nicht sonderlich sympathisch. Ich habe die Serie angefangen, weil ich neugierig war, welche Rolle Eun Woo spielen wird, bin allerdings auch nicht sonderlich enttäuscht, dass er so selten vorkam, obwohl er als Main Cast gelistet ist. Die Serie scheitert nicht daran, dass er kein Main Cast Mitglied ist, sondern dass sie von vorne bis hinten einfach schlecht geschrieben ist. Ich habe selten so viel Second hand embarrassment erlebt wie hier.Was this review helpful to you?
Yo creo que todo drama en el que aparece Eun Woo merece ser visto.
Entonces sobre si lo recomiendo. Al igual que Love Alarm este drama se llama Nota de Venganza por la app que usa la protagonista, ambos dramas (Love Alarm y Nota de Venganza) tienen el nombre de la app en la que gira la trama del drama, obviamente la función es muy distinta: Vengarse.
La verdad si me gustó, y eso que no esperaba nada más que ver a un chico guapo, pero en general estuvo bien.
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