These dramas both feature a couple going back in time to the prime of their youth after a tumultuous life in their late twenties.
Recommended by areallyloudfangirl
Both the story involves a couple going through hard times and their relationship is at the risk. Bothhave couples going back to their youth and encountering each other again in the pastm
Recommended by Cherry
this bickering couple also go back in time and try to stay a part from each other but since their social circles are so close they keep running into each other. The cast is really good, it's light hearted and fun
Recommended by HappySqueak
Both dramas have time traveling, but in "go back couple" it's a couple that goes back in time.
It's all about youth, high school days and love. They have similar vibez, like they don't want to make same mistakes and all... I hope you'll like my recommendation.
Recommended by just_keth
both dramas show us how a perfect love tends to be imperfect. it's about how hard sharing your life and emotions with somebody is. these are beautiful love stories without romanticization, so we can reflect on what true love is. it's wonderful to see all these epic unrealistic love stories (especially for us, the romantics), but it's also very nice to see a real-life romance and learn how to notice the big acts of love out of the epic fiction standard. truly loving someone in a realistic way is the most epic act of love that we could ever see ;)
Recommended by schwzb
The unhappy adult main lead (s) travel back to youth period, where she and they were happy, careless, energetic and having fun. It is an easy watch romantic comedy
Recommended by Chia6
38-years-old married couple, Choi Ban Do and Ma Jin Joo, were in love when they got married but now, hate each other and regret marrying at such a young age. Choi Ban Do has been burdened with being the breadwinner, and Ma Jin Joo is a housewife with low self-esteem. The couple travels through time and finds themselves as 20-year-old university students when they met for the first time.
Recommended by 73n5h1k015h173
The story revolves around a couple who are no longer bound by marriage but still have lingering feelings for each other.
Recommended by Casava
Son Ho Jun does a great job in the supporting role for The Light in Your Eyes. If you really liked him in Go Back Couple, you might want to watch it as well. TLIYE also deals with time changes and familial relationships.
Recommended by kshme
Both second chance romances.
In ‘Go Back Couple’ Husband and wife met in college but are now having problems. After one final awful night, they agree to divorce, only to travel in time back to when they first met for a chance to change their fate. They see themselves and their romance from a different perspective. Lots of great 2nd characters too. There’s plenty of romantic comedy but also loads of emotional drama. You will need tissues in places! Both of the leads are fantastic but look out for the FL’s mother who brings the most laughs.

In ‘Legally Romance’ An unhappy woman wants to change her life, particularly the problematic relationship with her current boss/former classmate. After an accident one night, she travels back to her first year in college with a plan to change everything. It’s an incredibly well-written story with so many laugh out loud moments, unpredictable storytelling, but also plenty of heart. The romance that unfolds as she gets to know her boss in a different way, is pure screwball romance, classmate rivalry and yearning. Both leads give outstanding performances. A must watch.
Recommended by LisasShare
The couple time travel to their university days while they both have regrets about their choices in the present day.
Recommended by Sapri
In GBC it potray how the couple miss their baby so much while W2L focus on how the dad miss the wife and daughter that he willing to change himself to be a good person. The similarity is that the overall theme is focus on the importance of family
Recommended by annienas
The storyline's premise is similar in that the main characters also travel back in time, ending up in college again while retaining all the memories of their previous lives. Hence, although they are in their twenties, their mental age is much older than those of their peers. With the knowledge and hindsight of their own futures, they are given a chance to rewrite their own narratives and change their fates.
Recommended by stargirl
The Package is a really well done realistic drama that will hit you with all the feels. The feel is pretty similar to Go Back Couple because they're both about couples with problems were none is entirely to blame.
Recommended by Fredrika
Married couple who have fallen out of love with each other over the years and gradually began to resent one another and want to divorce, wake up as college students (pre-relationship) and have the chance to change their fate.
Recommended by Wolfie689
Go Back Couple (2017) poster



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