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1st person pov & jumpscares
7,2/10. Udah 2x rewatch tp deg-degannya masih sama 😂 awalnya haha hihi pas ending ☠️☠️☠️ builtnya keren sih ni film, dulu gw ga ngerasa ini serem. Tapi skrg serem njir. Seremnya karena jumpscare yg pas sama backsound yg bener2 top. Juga film ini tuh 1st person pov—which is the creepiest cinematography ever— kaya grave encounters. Atau mungkin gw ngerasa ini tuh serem karena udh lama ga nonton horror yg pure ghosts with lots of jumpscare, jadinya ngerasa beneran thrilling bgt. But idk which one is the truth so,, situasi & kondisi film bener2 gelap, cuma bermodal senter & kamera gopro. Makin bikin anxiety 😅 untuk acting pada bagus sih, bener2 menjiwai & mirip BANGET sama vlog2 horror yt. Endingnya abis gitu aja karena terakhir semua karakter bakal d word 🤗Was this review helpful to you?
A good way to pass the time if you're looking to watch something creepy. I watched this alone at night and I found it spooky with a good tense atmosphere! I honestly I kept looking around the edges of their cams for ghosts lol. The found-footage style suited this movie well, as it obviously made it seem more real. We got a good combo of go-pro, camcorder, and static cams, and even at times a drone. Ha Joon being in the tent directing and replaying footage/comparing shots for the viewers was great too because 1 looks real 2 let's me take another look. I'm one who tends to like terror over horror (atmosphere/fear over what you don't see vs scares thrust right in your face [although there were definitely some of those too in the 2nd half]) so this suited my tastes.As for the acting, I thought it was top notch! You could totally believe these are just a bunch of young adults who are in it for the thrills and have no idea just how in over their heads they're going to be. They felt real. They also totally weren't taking it seriously at the start, so you might not be interested at that part, but I think it's necessary to build that atmosphere and establish the characters. Then once we're past that things slowly started taking a turn ahh.
I think the only thing I was a bit let down about was that there was no kind of lore drop. Probably a big ask since this is "live" and shit started getting real for them so it's not like they're going to have the time or presence of mind to investigate ~the truth~ behind it all, but I wanted to know more about why things were fucky! So don't expect some great investigative found-footage film, because they don't really get into that much they just make speculations based on the rumors around Gonjiam.
Anyways, moral of the story: don't play around with spirits for views!
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The cast of characters was set up extremely well in the beginning. They all had distinct and seperate personalities that were at once believable and easily identifiable as you watched them continue through the film. They did a good job in setting up the dynamics through action and short dialogue to pull you into the group.
The setting is nothing unusual for a film like this, I've seen asylum movies before, but it was used very effectively. The plot delivers some interesting twists and turns from what you would generally expect from this sort of movie though and for that, I applaud it.
On top of it all, I think it was acted incredibly well. The characters were all so believable because the actors really did a great job. I believed them every step of the way.
Overall, very enjoyable.
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Enjoyable little flick
Pretty good little found footage film. It doesn't reinvent the wheel for the genre, featuring many of the same issues that plague films in the States. What I actually found most interesting was the mystery surrounding the asylum they were investigating. There were many rumors and theories about what happened there, and watching the characters learn different things was the most engaging part of the film for me.The first half of the film is just setup, and the enjoyment of this part depends on how you feel about the characters or how attached you are to them. Since you know almost nothing about them in the first half, it can drag as they set up the story. However, once they enter the asylum, the thrills come in much more often, giving the audience what they expect and hitting the mark for the most part.
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Y'all. Holy crap. This movie was freaking amazing. You already know I have a weak spot for horror/paranormal shows. I'm also very judgmental about them as well. I hate the cheesy-corny feel to a lot of them. I love the scared feeling I get from a really good horror movie and 곤지암 really delivered on that feeling. What is even more crazy is with a lot of movies like this you can clearly tell it's fake - like a director and everything is behind the camera... Dude.... This movie legit had me wondering if what I was watching was really happening or not. WHICH IS SAYING SOMETHING!!! Because one actor (위하준) is one actor I really like. So I know if anything crazy happened, pretty sure I would know. Haha! But that just shows how real this actually felt! I actually can't tell you the last time I watched a movie/show that felt that real. I won't lie, I spent a good chunk of my time watching through my fingers and I still jumped like crazy!! When I say I jumped, I mean I yeeted everything in my lap nearly across the room. Don't judge me.
The acting in this movie... Oh my gosh they all need awards. I think now every movie like this will end up compared to this movie. Haha I can't stress this enough.... WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
Also can we take a moment to talk about this is a actual real place? Because... that just blows my mind. Not sure why. There are tons of movies about real places like this and none of them blow my mind quite like this. Now, is the story the same as the movie storyline? I'm honestly not sure so I can't tell you. But I will say it has peaked my interest and I plan on reading up about this place. Will I ever visit it? Lol Nope. You couldn't pay me enough. This movie traumatized me.
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makin excited tuh gue nontonnya. awal2 masih oke, eh pas di rumah sakit tu kaya😐😐 selain gelap2 karena keadaan rumah sakitnya dan orang2 yg bandel (biasanya ada di film2 horor) ga ada yg spesial sih di film ini. cuma menang jump scare sama teriak2 doang asli WKWKW ga terlalu recommended lah, tp kalo lu mau nonton ya silakan aja si ga jelek2 banget kok. ini gue review kaya gini krena gue awalnya udh berekspetasi lebih sm ni film, jadinya gitu deh dikecewain banget rasanya😢
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