My first Shin Hye Sun drama and I'm impressed. She potrayed her character exceptionally well (a 30 year old woman whose mind is still stuck at 17 year old).
Love all of the cast and their chemistry as well.
Quote of the day : Don't Think, Feel!! By Yoo Chan
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Though I'll tell you one annoying thing this show does is how every ‘cliffhanger’ Never. Does. Anything!
The episode gets to a critical moment, then boom, freeze, end of episode. And then in the next episode, the exciting 'thing' never happens!! I made up a fun game before I started a following episode, called ‘Guess What Interruption Or Random Thing Can Stop This Plot Point From Happening’. Ugh the writers are such trolls
But most of all, I never want to hear the words 나때문에 (nattaemun-e) “because of me” / “it’s all my fault” EVER again. Trust me, if you watch it too - you won't either.
I mean the show’s cute and all but so many things would be cleared up so much faster if they just COMMUNICATED! The amount of time it took for things to get revealed was ridiculous. For e.g. you have no idea how long it took just for people to find out that she was in a COMA. Our female lead is returning home after 13 years all dazed and confused with the mentality of a 17 year old, and nobody asked? Ever? And she never brought it up?!
When it got 'revealed', I was like "I can't believe it took this long to reveal this basic fact, they LIVE TOGETHER"
Also the sheer amount of 'coincidences' was a bit unrealistic, even for kdrama standards.
And don't even get me started on all the repeated storylines
Despite all this though, I shouldn't undermine the enjoyment I got from watching it. One thing I wasn't expecting to get out of this drama, this feeling of gratefulness? To see someone who had 13 years of her life taken away from her, all that time she lost.......kudos to her for being happy a lot of the time after losing all those precious years, damn. I don't know about other viewers, but that's the main thing I took from it: to be thankful that we are living and that we do have time ahead of us.
Other things that were refreshing:
- no villain wrecking havoc
- the male lead’s best friend was a woman who WASN'T presented as a romantic second lead
- no lead chases the other first, they fall in love slowly at the same time as they heal each other's trauma
- Jennifer's character. enough said
The show also has a lovely finale to remind you why you enjoyed the show in the first place. Because my fave part was whenever everybody got together in the house like one big happy family <3
In short: this drama is nothing spectacular, but it's nice :)
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Sweet and lovely
LIKEChildish Yoo Chan and Hae Beom causing chaos for Woo Jin - lol
How Seo Ri felt when she woke up - could feel her helplessness
When Woo Jin found out the truth about Seo Ri - his reaction... painful
The understanding between Seo Ri and Tae Rin - finally able to let go of her load
Selfish Mi Hyun
MUSIC - personal fav
Just Stay - Hyolyn
Yes to enjoy all over again
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Such a beautiful, feel good, laugh out loud, cry yourself insane kinda drama!
Oh my what a superb, beautiful drama with all sorts of healing and growth going on. Absolutely loved it. It captured the painful moments so well with the heartbreaking soundtracks, combined with the uplifting and heartening ones that left us full of energy and happiness. I cried buckets, laughed out loud like a complete idiot and just all round felt engaged throughout. Wonderful pacing, wonderful story, wonderful cast (such chemistry!), just truly wonderful on every level. Jeongmal kamsahamnida <333Really going to miss it now...ugh that doom and gloom void that us kdrama lunatics feel once you've marathoned and completed a truly gripping, beautiful drama.
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At first I thought the story was quite unique like a girl gets out of the comma after years. I actually predicted the story to be totally different. My idea of this drama was that maybe after the girl gets up she would once again go to school and the boy would follow her and help her but I got it totally wrong. So at first I was quite disappointed but after the first 2 episodes itself I felt myself getting hooked up with the story. I was excited to see how the story would turn out once all the secrets are out. And trust me it really did turn out well. So for me it's a 9/10 for the story.
I thought the cast was well chosen. The main lead guy was very cute and handsome and did a pretty good job. Many people didn't like the female lead calling her annoying but I think she was just doing her job. She had to act like a 17 year old so didn't find it annoying at all. The second lead i.e the nephew, he was too cute and charming to be honest. If the girl would had end up with him I don't think i would mind it at all because I liked him a lot. Really felt bad for him. The nanny was quite funny and really did an excellent job. All the characters were on point too. Overall I think no other cast would have been better. Andddd not to forget the dogggg!!! The cutest dog I have ever seen. It was so well trained Everytime I saw it I would rewatch just for the dog.
The music was also good, not the best but not worst either.
Overall I enjoyed this drama. If u like cute guys then it's for u go watch it. There were even scenes which were quite emotional so overall it's a complete package with lots of smiles, laughs, happiness, emotions, tears, betrayal, etc.
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I was a bit disappointed at first, I found the first 5 episodes a bit boring . However by the time we reached episode 10 I was over that and I started to dread the moment of the inevitable reveal, but I was pleasantly surprised when that moment came (very late in the series), because the revelation drama/conflict had gotten resolved swiftly and the resolution was very beautiful and unexpected. Throughout the entire show I was waiting for various terrible things to happen, but they were only teased, none of them came to be. (such as extreme love triangle plots, forced separation, or strong rivalry induced melodrama) This is one of those shows that's about enjoying the journey, rather than anticipating the end. I really liked the character interactions, the comedy and the main leads had great chemistry, the entire cast was amazing really. Having watched Legend of the Blue Sea I kept thinking how much better Shin Hyesun could have been at being a hapless mermaid, I like Jun Jihyun as an actress, but that mermaid character was nearly identical to this 30 years old teen character, but it's blatantly obvious whom this role fit better. The OST was awesome, not at Goblin levels, but not much worse really.
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Um Drama Mediano
Este K-drama começa bem e a princípio tem um enredo diferente com a história do retorno do coma depois de mais de uma década.Foi legal assistir mesmo que não tenha tido muitas cenas dela descobrindo este "mundo novo" depois de estar ausente por tantos anos. Teria sido mais interessante para mim se tivessem explorado mais esta parte da adaptação dela com o mundo, as tecnologias, facilidades e dificuldades desta última década (como na série Alemã Der letzte Bulle) ao invés de terem focado mais na parte dela ser adolescente e acordar como adulta.
Da metade para o final o drama cai na mesma mesmice que 97% dos dramas coreanos que tem romance fazem, acaba sendo mais do mesmo.
Acabo de descobri que tenho um sério problema com as atuações da Ye Ji Won. Ainda não vi nenhuma atuação dela que eu gostasse, todos os personagens que ela faz são extravagantes sem necessidade. Para mim não é engraçado, acabo ficando com a sensação de que é são sempre personagens desnecessários para a história, forçando uma graça que não tem graça.
Quanto a Shin Hye Sun ela sempre entrega uma boa atuação, excelente atriz.
Chance de assistir de novo?
- Zero
Se eu indicaria?
- Não, mas ele é assistível, nada de extraordinário, apesar de ter ficado cansada por volta dos eps. 18-20 dá para passar o tempo....
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tadinha, sofreu mais que a juliette
assisti por recomendação de uma amiga do twitter e até que gostei! no começo foi meio difícil de me conectar com a história por achar ela muito confusa e melodramática, mas quando os acontecimentos começam a se interligarem fica muito interessante e por alguns dias eu não parei de assistir. achei bem legal o enredo inteiro, não achei nada muito fora do comum como é normal acontecer em histórias sobre tempo perdido, todos os acontecimentos me pareceram muito plausíveis até mesmo a parte dos tios da seori. porém o que mais me chamou a atenção foi o ahn hyoseop estar no elenco principal e eu só ter percebido uns 5 eps depois.... como q ele mudou tanto assim?!Was this review helpful to you?
Emociona, diverte e ensina.
Quando vi a sinopse de “Trinta, mas dezessete” fiquei curiosa e receosa pela forma como o tema poderia ser abordado, então acabei deixando a história de lado. Recentemente me deparei com um comentário sobre essa história e decidir assistir. E que grata surpresa foi ver essa história.O drama aborda assuntos importantes (e potencialmente problemáticos quando não são devidamente tratados) de uma maneira leve, emocionante e cheia de significado. Temas como crescimento, superação e tempo permeiam toda a história (tanto dos protagonistas, quanto daqueles que os cercam - ponto para o roteiro).
Os protagonistas merecem um prêmio por sua fofura e capacidade de levar o espectador das lágrimas ao sorriso em fração de segundos. A naturalidade com que o romance deles é desenvolvido e o crescimento dos dois (como casal e individual - mais um ponto pro roteiro que não esqueceu que eles são indivíduos com histórias e ambições próprias) é algo lindo de ver.
A sinopse e as fotos promocionais do drama colocam o casal como foco da história (e isso de fato acontece), mas é muito bom ver como o roteiro não menosprezou os personagens secundários e soube trabalha-los em suas próprias histórias (todas as lições que o drama traz se aplicam em maior ou menor medida a todos os personagens).
Pra mim um dos grandes pontos positivos da história é a forma como foi retratado o processo de cura e crescimento de personagens, mostrar que esses processos não são lineares (entre os diversos avanços existem retrocessos, e tudo bem por que a vida é assim) é algo que eu até então não tinha visto e que com certeza gostaria de ver muito mais.
A história faz uso de clichês, mas sabe como fazer isso. Gostei muito do ritmo da história, e apesar de ser possível sentir uma “acelerada” no final isso não atrapalhou o desenvolvimento da trama. Enfim, vou guarda essa linda de história em um potinho e voltarei a assisti-la quando precisar de um quentinho no coração.
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