Why? Because you grow to love the characters SO MUCH.
In the beginning I was like "Ugh, what jerks! Ugh, what a stupid girl!" But, then, very quickly,
you love them all and dive into their love story.
Very enjoyable
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Zero plot holes ,succinct and charming
Hana Yori Dango is quite the unblemished retelling of this iconic story .It’s well acted and seamless that I find next to nothing to reproach .I’m utterly impressed with the succinct nature of this drama . The dramatic consequence made utter sense whilst still maintaining nuance and charisma .Moreover, it was beautifully shot and contains a goodly number of sweet moments and one of the best love declaration scenes I have seen . The last two episodes were simply entrancing and did a lot to bolster my ratings to a perfect 10.
There’s not much more I can add other than that you should definitely give it a watch especially if you are invested in this story and have watched the other adaptations.
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First this drama has violence, rape, kidnapping etc. In it, but I think it's a story everyone should know of. Especially teen girls. Hana yori dango is based on a manga/anime series from the 90's of the same name. There are many versions, but the japanese is always the best in my opinion.
Now on with the review:
Hana yori dango is about a girl name Tsukushi Makino. She goes to a school for rich people. There are 4 guys called f4 or flower 4 which if they don't like someone they give them a red notice and they become the target of bullying. Tsukushi also recieves a red notice from the head of the f4: Tsukasa Domyouji. She then stands up to him and he starts being interested in her. Now that aside tsukushi starts liking another f4 member, but eventually falls for tsukasa.
I think it's important to see how Domyouji changes as he gets to know here more and more. And also falls for her more and more.
I love the cast. Matsumoto Jun is so handsome. And the girl did a good job. 10/10
Their acting is so natural that it doesn't feel like they're acting.
I really like the songs and bgm in this drama.
I'd definitely watch this over and over!
I give it a 10/10 ❤️❤️❤️
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Quirky, Fun, Well-written...there's a reason why there are so many remakes
As my first real review (made a recommendation once) I thought it fitting I review this drama. Even if I've watched another drama 10x or more & haven't written reviews for it so I feel like cheating a little (oops...that's next, haha) I hadn't felt compelled by it to write a review. But now I do. Feel compelled. I mean, seriously. Com.pelled.I am impressed with this drama & have felt for the FIRST time like lamenting the fact that I don't speak Japanese or know enough about the culture to appreciate the play(s) on words as much they use them throughout the show. I know the translation I watched captured the wittiness of each situation & its dialogue but couldn't do it all justice. The acting sold it as well. The story (total fantasyland but FUN) fit the quirkiness of the characters and the over-the-topness of many situations. Domyouji's continual mis-conjugation or mis-pronunciation or just refusal to care kept getting funnier & funnier the more he started getting cuter & sweeter. Especially when the F4 started joining in with him on it. Gosh, her crazy family! And their (again) witty little ripostes lobbed her way in an insidiously sneaky style (but hilarious once you catch on) whenever she walked through the front door. The unexpected ring tone! omg, I burst out laughing. HIS screwed up family, yikes! Sister was fun & not as exaggerated in other series. Mother was a great biatch but equally on par with other actresses who've played the role in many other country's iterations of this story. The music was an odd but sweet touch; very fitting to the overall feel of the show. I wonder...with such a successful trope, will the United States make some version in the future as well? Hmmm....
At first I was a little annoyed with the female character not because I think she's weak in any way (she's not) but because she's pretty naive and dreadfully gullible. She ends up in some dangerous situations, yeesh... Another reviewer thought she wasn't supposed to be pretty? I think the point is that she's supposed to be low-key, warm-up-to-her pretty. That's not what makes her interesting to our hero--even though, of course, he is attracted to her. Poor girl ends up encountering several tricky, nasty situations but perseveres through basically all the challenges thrown at her. Great strong female character & very empowering to watch. Also: when she's all dolled up, it's obvious that she is DEFINITELY pretty.
I think the chemistry between the leads fits their characters & the story like jigsaw puzzle pieces. ;) I held off on watching this because I could only find sub par video footage from bootlegged sites to watch it on, but I finally just broke down & have been suffering serious withdrawal pangs from 1080p on this one. The chemistry & emotion was something I felt between them more than saw on the actors' faces. They connected really well together & had a likable genuineness to their chemistry. in the beginning, I felt some of the scenes with dramatic lighting didn't translate as well--too cartoony fake-- but the accompanying music & camera zooms or angles helped out & it began to grow on me. And again: the actors are selling it pretty hardcore. They really stop feeling like characters after a while--which, for this kind of fantasyland drama, is pretty tough to do. Serious props are in order. It was a sweet little love story & was very pretty lightweight that you just end up enjoying the ride. A myriad of things seemed intentional & well-connected that I think there's a lot to appreciate in this show (there were some definite inside jokes here.) I just felt that the writing was pretty phenomenal & matched the vibe of the show perfectly as well. Basically: if you've been idling about this one like me, it's time to go for it!
Another nice thing? Only 9 episodes so it just whizzes right on by! I mean, the pacing is PERFECT. Making it longer (most other versions) has seemed to mess with its charm somehow.
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Cómo hacer bien un personaje con todas las red flags, pero que sea IMPOSIBLE no amarlo
Review general de toda la serie completa:Al principio vi este dorama pensando que iba saturarme de clichés y una trama con personajes detestables que no podría tomarme en serio. Qué enorme fue mi sorpresa cuando en algún momento del camino me di cuenta que realmente estaba enganchada con la historia y experimentaba frustración con cada nuevo conflicto. Y en cuestión de clichés, tiene un montón pero me parece que funcionan muy bien.
Makino es buena protagonista, aunque constantemente tomaba decisiones que me molestaban o no comunicaba lo que le pasaba, lo que tranquilamente habría ahorrado muchos problemas. Domyoji al principio me pareció la persona más detestable del mundo, pero poco a poco logró ganarse mi cariño. Ayuda mucho que el actor que lo interpreta sea gracioso, porque eso ayuda a entender al personaje como un loco pero simpático. Me gusta pensar que es el prota tóxico maravilloso que las escritoras de Wattpad intentan crear pero nunca logran.
Makino y Domyoji hacen una pareja que con el tiempo terminé queriendo un montón, sobre todo porque Domyoji realmente te transmite un amor incondicional por ella. El second lead es más criticable que querible, pero el grupo de F4 como amigos me parece maravilloso. La historia me parece muy entretenida, tiene conflictos que podrían resolverse fácil y se alargan, pero no por eso me gustó menos (además me reí mucho).
En general, disfruté un montón todo, desde la moda espantosa del 2000 a las situaciones clichés y los personajes dramáticos. ¡Súper entretenida!
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¡Sorpresivamente disfrutable!
¡Hello, gente bella! Hoy por fin me paso por acá para hablarles de un dorama que (sorpresivamente) me encantó: #HanaYoriDango o #BoysOverFlowers.La trama, como ya sabrán, va de una chica llamada Makino que, a pesar de ser de clase trabajadora, asiste a un colegio de gente millonaria. En esta escuela hay cuatro chicos, los F4, que se destacan entre el resto y que tienen carta libre para hacer lo que quieran. Por cosas de la vida, Makino termina siendo marcada por los F4 y su vida se complica aún más... al menos hasta que el cabecilla del grupo, Tsukasa Domyoji, se fija en ella.
¿Ya les dije que amo a los japoneses con todo mi ser? Porque en serio los amo, más cuando se trata de este tipo de historias que, si estuvieran hechas de otra manera, serían inmirables. ¿Por qué digo esto? Porque en Hana Yori Dango hay un montón de cosas que están mal y, si la serie se tomara en serio a sí misma, sería un problema, pero genuinamente no lo hace, entonces es imposible no morirte de risa con todo lo absurdo que va pasando.
Les juro que no lo puedo creer, pero amo a Tsukasa con todo mi ser, y puede que sea porque Jun Matsumoto lo interpreta mejor que nadie (al de la versión animada no lo puedo ni ver y, por lo poco que vi de Min Ho, tampoco me cierra). Es un loco, sí, pero es tan nabo y adorable que es imposible no dejarle pasar todo. En este momento soy el fan de Wanda, pero con Domyoji jaja.
Makino también me gusta, no es algo que me encante, pero es una buena protagonista. Además, la pareja que hace con Tsukasa es todo lo que está bien, hace mucho que no amaba tanto a una pareja.
Los personajes secundarios son simpáticos y me gusta mucho cómo se van construyendo y desarrollando los vínculos entre todos ellos. Los F4 son un grupo de amigos muy bueno (aunque individualmente mi menos favorito fue Rui, el second lead, ups) y todos los demás se integran muy bien en la trama.
Puede que la primera temporada sea mi favorita, pero la segunda no está mal (empieza floja, pero el final es HERMOSO) y la película es un cierre fantástico para la historia (les recomiendo ver el corte del director).
Nada, eso. Muy divertida y disfrutable.
•IG DE RESEÑAS CORTAS: @altoplottwist
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Los demas chicos de F4 no tienen quizas una historia tan impactante pero si se ve el lazo de amistad entre ellos.
Matsumoto Jun lo hizo fenomenal no decepciona para nada.
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То же. Да не совсем. Вот почему... что так неуловимо меняет впечатление от фильма? волшебство? Не скажу, что абсолютно, но получились разные сериалы.
Больше легкого стёба, особенно при показе школы и семьи. Мамашка Цукасы не такая жуткая, до нее хоть можно было достучаться - не было такого беспросветного отчаяния в этой семье. Начальница- хозяйка кондитерской, где работала главная героиня Макино, вносила юморную нотку. А уж ее воспоминания о своих мужчинах - не только ликбез для молодежи, но и просто отличная разрядка в напряженных местах.
И да, Цукаса совсем отморозок в начале. Огромное спасибо Матсумото Джуну, что он сумел сыграть так, что было по настоящему страшно, Чувство, что ты заперт с тигром в одной клетке и не в курсах, тигр сыт или нет. Потом его ярость тоже выплескивалась, но "одним щелчком пальцев" Макино превращала ее в противоположное чувство. И за это спасибо актрисе Иноуэ Мао. И вообще - именно эта парочка сделала кино.
Сериал более ровный, чем корейский, который очень четко делится на две части. Здесь же все логично. Понравилось то, что более внятно разжевали нам экономическую подоплеку всех перипетий, с Корпорацией было все совсем нехорошо и именно ответственность за судьбы многих беспокоило и Макино.
Пару слов об остальных из Ф4. Рюи не совем то, что я ожидал, после великолепного корейского. Можно сказать - не верю я в его чувства, ну вот ни грамма. В первом сезоне он вообще не высовывался, во втором вроде бы второй претендент, но блекло как-то. Остальные двое ровно шли весь сериал, вот и всё.
Оуу, а уж хеппиэнд, всем хеппиэндищам хеппиэнд Но я так распереживалась за эту парочку. что это было именно ТО. что нужно
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Dei nota 1 por não poder dar nota 0.
Uma trama que romantiza assédio, quase estupro, agressão física, agressão verbal, agressão psicológica, violência, coerção.O protagonista sequestra a protagonista, faz ela ser assediada, quase estuprada, faz ela sofrer vários tipos de agressão.
Tsukasa Domyoji orquestra situações onde Tsukushi é intimidada, agredida e humilhada publicamente.
Em uma cena específica do episódio 2, ele vai ao extremo, ele usa seu poder e influência para incitar outros alunos a assediar Makino Tsukushi, se não fosse por um dos F4 ela teria sido estuprada.
No mesmo episódio Tsukasa Domyoji contrata homens para sequestrar Makino Tsukushi. Logo que ela sai de casa a caminho da escola, esses homens a abordam e a sequestram, drogando-a para facilitar o sequestro. Após ser capturada, Tsukushi é levada para um local isolado, onde é mantida contra sua vontade. Esse ato é um exemplo claro do comportamento abusivo e coercitivo de Domyoji, que usa sua influência e poder para tentar controlar e intimidar Tsukushi.
Este tipo de comportamento é emblemático do abuso, coerção, violência e agressão que permeiam a série e há diversas cenas que reforçam essa dinâmica. Essa trama é problemática e doentia. Estou descepicionada com as pessoas que falam bem de doramas deste tipo. Essa sociedade patriarcal que vivemos vive dizendo que mulher gosta de ser maltratada, que o homem sabe o que a mulher quer mesmo ela dizendo não.
Assédio, estupro e agressão são comportamentos inaceitáveis em qualquer época ou cultura. Esses atos violam os direitos humanos básicos e não devem ser romantizados ou normalizados.
Este dorama reforça vários esteriótipos machistas e sugere que a violência e a agressão são formas aceitáveis de demonstrar afeto.
O final de "Hana Yori Dango" é extremamente problemático porque romantiza e normaliza comportamentos abusivos e tóxicos. Tsukushi acaba em um relacionamento com Tsukasa e se torna amiga dos outros membros do F4, apesar do sofrimento, abuso e agressão que eles causaram a ela e a outros alunos. Isso pode enviar uma mensagem perigosa de que é aceitável perdoar e se envolver com pessoas que te maltrataram, minimizando a gravidade do abuso e perpetuando a ideia de que o amor pode "curar" comportamentos abusivos. Isso não só trivializa a experiência das vítimas de abuso, mas também reforça estereótipos prejudiciais sobre relacionamentos e poder.
A representação de relações abusivas ou forçadas em qualquer mídia pode ser prejudicial e perpetuar estereótipos nocivos. É importante que o público critique e questione essas narrativas, promovendo uma compreensão mais saudável e respeitosa das relações humanas, infelizmente as pessoas estão aplaudindo este tipo de coisa.
É tido como um romance, um clássico, um dorama que você precisa assistir e na verdade é isso que falei, um lixo.
E não bastando 1 merda dessa, tem outras 5 versões. Fora o mangá e o anime.
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