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Aug 30, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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These Series was Beautiful

I saw a clip of this series on YouTube and was interested and started it yesterday once I started I literally couldn’t stop a love story between a gangster and a cop Shao fei & Tang Yi connection was so deep after all they have history. It was cute watching shao fei get jealous because actually releasing he was in love with tang yi being a mob boss I feel his character was really Misunderstood & desperately wanted love it made their story so satisfying when they finally let there feelings fly. I really enjoyed jack & Zhao Li sometimes I’m a bit slow picking up on the second couple but the story between them was really nice my only wish was that they had more screen time & lastly I’ll say I wish there was a continuation of the story so we can see what happens

I feel like I have to say I may have liked this better then history 4 close to you

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Feb 26, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
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Watch this! Genuinely an Amazing Show

I went into this show assuming it would be just like any other bl, but I was wrong. This show was stunning. Once I started watching I was hooked; I can't recall a single time during any of the episodes that I was bored or my mind drifted from the show.

The acting is overdone in some places (usually during the comedic moments), but that wasn't surprising and it honestly didn't bother me or take away from the show at all. However, the way the actors portray grief in this show is incredibly powerful. During a scene in which Tang Yi is sobbing, I actually started crying myself. Even the "villain" characters are shown as complex, emotional human beings with valid reasons for why they acted the way they did. I was surprised at how much I genuinely loved Chen Wen Hao by the end.

The storyline is just... fantastic. I expected one thing, and I got SO much more. There's an element of mystery to one of the main storylines and the plot twists genuinely had me gasping and my jaw dropping on several occasions. The progression of the story never felt rushed or too slow, it went at the perfect speed to keep viewers' attention while not revealing everything too quickly. The relationship between the main leads was the same: it went at the perfect speed. Tang Yi's ability to be scary as shit one moment and a soft baby the next was awesome.

Now, to a lighter subject: I laughed so hard during this show I had to stop and catch my breath. This drama has an awesome way of incorporating tragedy, comedy, action, romance, mystery, AND gay shit all into one show and making it work flawlessly. The soft moments between the Tang Yi and Shao Fei were ADORABLE, and the sexy moments were HOT (while also, at some points, managing to be funny as well. H3T's power). Not only that, but the side couple, Ziao Zi and Jack were so so so cute! In my opinion, they didn't enough screentime but the screentime they did get was so cute and I loved every moment of it. Jack is no doubt my favorite character; confident gay, badass assassin, and puppy boyfriend all in one. Stan Jack. Ziao Zi's eventual giving in to Jack's advances was so cute to watch and god... The kisses in this show... No matter what couple it was, the kisses were AMAZING.

I honestly can't think of anything I didn't enjoy or like about H3T, and I would absolutely 100% recommend it. The only thing I regret about watching it is that I didn't watch it sooner, deadass.

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Jun 6, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

One of the best BL series out there....

I have binge-watching almost 50 asian TV shows since Lockdown started and reading MDL reviews every day but just now posting my first review, I made an account here just to leave my review. That should tell you how freaking good this show is. It ticked all boxes and provided a weekend of insanely satisfying drama feels and watch for me.

Action: What can I say? Everyone was gorgeously cast and acted so well. Kudos to the casting team.
Initially I thought Chris/TG was a bit wooden but the way his acting progressed to the best through the series has to be seen to be appreciated. Especially in a later bed scene, he is very good as a screaming, sniveling child crying in his lover's arms (oh the feels)

Andy/Jack with his psychotic smile was a laugh-a-riot charmer, and Kenny/Zhaoui was sweetness personified.
Both the actors playing TG's mentor and enemy show formidably senior acting levels. Even the actors playing A-fei's boss and team members acted very well.
Jake/A-fei is, however, the best of the lot for me - unbelievably handsome, unbelievably talented (he is graduate of drama school). I read online that he watches a dozen movies every week and has a habit of correcting predicting Oscar winners every year. That kind of dedication to his art, it shows every second of his acting in this series, he had brought A-fei's impulsive, impish, motor-mouth charactar to life. I think I am half in love with his charactar, so no wonder TG fell like a ton of bricks for him!

Writing/story: 100/10 for the writers for executing the mafia-police-love story trope in such a great manner. While the usual romantic situations are made use of, the dialogue and the maturity of the actors make sure it all looks and sounds organic and classy. No cringe at all, even when heart signs are emitting from our main leads' eyes!

Direction / Camera / BTS team - The show is so well recieved because it has been shot in a professionally expert level (thanks for the funding!). All said and done, without these people's hard work we would not have been blessed with such a beautiful show. Many only see the actors in a show, but somewhat miss all the behind the scenes work that makes it possible for the actors to do their job and give us viewers such a good show. Thank you, sweeties! Viewers, do watch the BTS videos of this show on youtube, everyone has done such hard work.

BL/Chemistry level: there are no explicit scenes in this show, but quite a few (but sigh not enough) sweet, cute and hot moments! I am so disappointed that the, er, angry sex scene is not shown? Why why WHY :( Was it cut or was it not shot at all? Direction team, why you denied this eye candy for us :(

In general, this series has struck chemistry gold in casting. TG-AF is the hot couple, while Jack-Z are the cute ones. Sorry, the het couple are nice, but do not shine as well as our two main leads, lol. I do appreciate the age gap drama of the het couple, it was nicely and non-cringely told.

I have only watched this show only once so my review is short.... I will probably leave a longer review later this year after rewatching it again. Let me tell you, Rewatch value of this show is through the roof! Till now both Right or Wrong, and Crossing the Line were tied as my favourites, but I think Trapped just clinched the no 1 position in the franchise, for me.

MY FINAL VERDICT: Whether you are a BL fan or not, just go and watch this series - it has everything in it to satisfy all. You will not regret it, ever :)

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Nov 4, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
An above-average series with a plot different from most of the HIStory series, I was particularly interested in the main couple. Jake Hsu in the role of a policeman was really cute, in some scenes he reminded me of a 16-year-old plucked-eared boy, whose wiry figure is precisely intended for teaching martial arts and karate. In fact, he was 28 years old at the time of filming and played his character convincingly. The plot didn't drag on, on the contrary, in some moments I was even afraid of "what hasn't happened yet" and the references to the past were good so that the viewer could better understand the plot. If it was a combination of state power and crime, I would have easily married the other couple for the sake of believability. Excellent Taiwanese product.

Nadprůměrný a dějově jiný seriál než většina ze série HIStory mě zaujal především hlavní dvojicí. Jake Hsu v roli policajta byl opravdu roztomilý, v někerých scénách mi připomínal šestnáctiletého oškubaného ušáčka, jehož šlachovitá postava je přesně určena k výuce bojových umění a karate. Ve skutečnosti měl v době natáčení 28 let a zahrál svou postavu přesvědčivě. Děj se nevlekl, naopak, v některých chvílích jsem se až bál, "co zase ještě nebylo" a dobré byly vsuvky do minulosti, aby divák lépe pochopil děj. Když to byla kombinace státní moci a zločinu, klidně bych kvůli uvěřitelnosti oželel tu druhou dvojici. Výborný taiwanský produkt.

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This is BOBBY by the way
1 people found this review helpful
Apr 28, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
I am a newbie at writing reviews, so please bear with me!
Story: I found the story to be a little confusing. It started off with a set plotline, but over the course of the show, the plotline became more of a reference point for the viewers. However, this isn't a turn off for the show. The ending picks up the plot again and follows through with the story.
Characters: The characters were very well developed in this show. Each one had their own skills and flaws. It was very hard to tell how someone would react to something, which is what I typically look for in a show. I don't want the characters to be easy to read, but also not to difficult. This show really did a great job of establishing each character as their own person.
However, I feel that the backstory of Tang Yi was over-explained too much. We didn't really get a lot of explaining to Meng's background. He would mention things and become emotional about things, but they never gave us any insight into why that is. The show would have been so much better if they had extended it and put some time into filming Meng's past, even just a little bit would have made this aspect much better.
I also wish they could have filmed more of Jack and Zi. We only got to see so little of them in this show and they were both great characters that added so much to the story. I wanted to know more about Jack and to elaborate on Zi's background. I understand that the show is focusing on Tang Yi and Meng Shao-fei's relationship with each other, but it would have been nice to see some more of those two!
Acting: Oh Yes! The acting in this show was so good! I could feel the emotions of each and every character. Hong-ye especially. The actress put so much effort into her performance and it really turned out well. Everyone did such a great job!
OST: Hands down, love it!
Overall: This show is a great show, doesn't matter if you're a BL fan or not. The scenery and stunt work is just great. The story plot line moves quite smoothly and there aren't any contradicting plot points. This show is a show for people and gives a lot of insight into our behaviours as people. This show is inspiring and will make you want to watch it over and over for those sweet moments.

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Jul 9, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Rooting for such a genre of BL being incorporated into a bigger whodunit story

Just discovered this drama in 2021 and registered here to write my lengthy love letter of appreciation. Could we please have more like this?

What's to my liking:
1) a BL story is incorporated into a bigger whodunit detective framework, with elements of comedy, action, melodrama and real-life problems (why indeed the police are underpaid?) altogether.

2) it's about grown-ups, not students.

3) hate-to-love relationships are bound to have good character development.

4) bits of food philosophy throughout the series (yummy!)

5) Good acting from all the cast, and the actor playing Tang Yi shines in this drama in particular. Amazing how much his younger character from 4 years ago and Tang Yi as a mob boss feel like so different people. Gorgeous looks needless to say! And I really liked Unit 3 captain's acting as well. These two actors were cast perfectly.

Honestly, I didn't find Meng Shao Fei likeable at the beginning, then I realized that his character just was written this way, a bit childish, quick-tempered, but sincere and enthusiastic, since I made a journey similar to Tang Yi to start to appreciate and understand his character more, it turned out to be involving after all. With the gangsters' characters we discover their multidimensional/vulnerable sides going from their negative presentation - but with the police it is vice versa.

6) I'm not a diligent disciple of a BL genre, so probably don't know well, but I admire how natural, touching and not forced seemed all love scenes and tender moments between main characters in the middle and to the end of the series (Rewatch value: 10 out of 10).

In contrast to a number of trite cliches in the beginning (a guy falling into hands of his future boyfriend or medicine application - ?). IDK, probably it's a double-edged sword: sweetness and soothing predictability of BL are impossible without such cliches?

7) Like the job done by the costume team: obviously stylish clothing of Tang Yi and his childhood female partner in crime, but for some reason I liked even more how the clothing of the police unit 3 shows how... well... they live on a budget, quite palpable.

What I would have probably changed?

1) As a boring law-abiding citizen (not of Taiwan, but this is universal), I'd love police officers to be depicted at least as competent as career criminals. Two naive childish police officers in one unit - a bit too much imo.

2) Not a problem at all, just a thought. We, girls, love it and since I'm not from Asia maybe I don't know how it is there in real, but, I'd love confessions scenes among male characters to look a bit more natural - less full of nice heartfelt words. IDK, in my part of the world men normally don't expected to be able to express their feelings verbally in lengthy well articulated sentences. The actors delivered it sincere and moving nevertheless.

3) Few thoughts on the ending. Attention, SPOILER, for those who haven't seen yet, please don't read further.

I think Meng Shao Fei owes Tang Yi the biggest possible apology at the end. Really. He has been chasing him for 4 years for the wrong reason. The real evil and culprit was in his own backyard. Shorty at least was obviously shaken by this discovery that good guys turned out to have rotten apples among them, worse than bad guys they were chasing.

Also I don't understand why Meng Shao Fei so readily accepted Tang Yi's birth father. It's really only up to his son. And, since we know he doesn't tolerate drugs at all, basically for the older man it was a choice: either his son or he goes with the flow.

As for Meng Shao Fei's late mentor. Well, looks like she was neither a knowledgeable police officer when it came to her private life, nor she was a good mother when her 12 years old run from his adoptive father's home - she was away from work for whole 3 days, wow. Is it possible for a mother to live her life not trying to find out whereabouts of her child? I think it's not. Ok, I understand, it's difficult for the plot to be flawless and without gaps. In general, the plot is complex (not black and white but some characters are multifaceted) and engaging anyway!

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Apr 3, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

My Favorite Drama Ever

This show is by far my favorite drama I have ever watched. The acting is amazing, and the storyline is something unique that you rarely see in BLs. It perfectly balances the romance with the action scenes, and every scene serves a purpose. While there are some dark and serious topics, the show does a great job sprinkling comedic scenes that are actually funny, not cringy like some other shows.

Both couples are equally captivating. Tang Yi and Zhao Fei are interesting to watch as they grow from enemies to lovers. It's also interesting watching their other storyline, about Tang Yi's past and his father, unfold as they find out more about it together.
Jack and Zhao Zi are mode comedic in my opinion, and really adorable. They are another unlikely couple, but their chemistry is really amazing. There is really never a dull moment with this couple. Plus, for both couples, the kiss scenes are really well done. ;)

I've already watched this series twice, and I'm beginning my third watch through now. It's a show that you can rewatch many times and still appreciate the work that went into such a complex and heartwarming story. I definitely recommend this show, if you like BLs then this show is a must watch.

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Apr 23, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


This is by far one of my fav HIStory series!!! I have watched this several times because the main couple and side couple are so cute! Guys once the main couple finally start dating they're chemistry is AMAZINGGG! The kiss scenes are so freaking good it'll have you blushing and squeaming lol. I really liked the side couple as well they're chemistry is so cute and funny, your going to love them lol. I really really loved this series, ALL the actors did a phenomenal job. I really loved the guy who played Shao Fei in this. Him and that little piece of hair that sticks out his head are so adorable lol! This is definitely worth the watch!

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Oct 21, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Honestly I love this way too much

This has been one of my favourites for AGES, it's soooo good. It was so cool and I loved Tang Yi's character. Honestly, everything is perfect. I loved the intro song, although I was a bit confused about the ending. In my eyes, it was really good and kind of topped HIStory 2. I was a bit shocked by some of the plot twists too (won't spoil anything teehee). I also loved the side ship with Jack and.... what was his name again? It was personally my favourite ship between all three. In conclusion, this show is very good and I totally recommend.
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Oct 23, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
i was forced to watch this season by a friend and i guess i have to thank her SO MUCH!
The first 2-3 episodes might seem a little forced or cringey, but as soon as the story paces up, it becomes such a treat to watch. Every single thing about the serie was wonderful: be it the story, the acting, the pace, the music. THE COUPLES!!! Truly loved all 3 of them. The chemistry between the leads and the secondary characters are drool-worthy.

To be frank, I didn't watch anything that was as compelling as this for some time now. I was getting really bored with everything but History 3:trapped revived the reputation of the drama world for me.
Really have to thank the storywriters and the producers for not making the bl couples' story too cringe or unoriginal.

Everything about history 3: trapped is so fresh and amazing, it's such a well done serie. PLEASE WATCH IT, YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!
also i guess i'll have to check out the other seasons too now! can anyone tell me if they're equally as good as this one??

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Jan 3, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Everyone take notes, THIS is how you Enemies to Lovers !

The best portrayal of "Enemies to Lovers" I have ever seen ! A mob boss and a cop fall in love while protecting one another and it's so beautiful and tender, toss in the fact that both of them are Super Badass ! This is an absolute MUST WATCH. Plot twists abound, kept me watching ep after ep.

I haven't watched literally any of the other HIStory series but this one was super impressive, Tang Yi and Shao Fei and both amazingly written, and neither of them are boxed in or super troupey, which I greatly enjoyed. Both of them are complex and feel real in a sense cause of that.

There's none of the creepy, bad touch, noncon that some BLs have between the main couple or the side couple (who are also super freaking CUTE and hilarious) which I Thank GOd for. All in all, I absolutely loved HIStory: 3 Trapped and I highly highly recommended it !

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Nicolai Javon
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Jan 24, 2020
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers
I just finished this and all i can say is wow that was a ride. i love when a show uses real kisses and not just pecks i also love a good action scene of which there are many! The tension is so real i loved it. I typically dont like things that dont have a happy ending but this ending was happy enough to still leave me hopeful and content with everything (im being very general so the show is still satisfying to watch) if you are someone like me who doesnt watch shows with sad endings then i would still recommend this to you it is enjoyable and really really well acted

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HIStory3: Trapped (2019) poster



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