This drama is a love story between Kataoka Sakuya, a grim reaper who comes to the human world for the first time, and Mochizuki Nayuki, a woman who lost her father at a young age and has devoted her life to raising her only remaining family—her younger brother. As they meet, they gradually come to understand each other, and slowly, they begin to fall in love. However, a fate that will dramatically change their lives awaits them both…
All the gods will be leaving before the last rain of doomsday. However, an ordinary human girl unexpectedly puts a dent in their plans to retreat thus causing the world to move towards the unknown. Based on the animistic mythology of the Amis tribe, the gods are no longer willing to bless the land that is plagued with environmental issues. One by one, the gods depart the world they once loved. A human girl discovers that the opportunity to reverse her destiny lies within herself and her guardian. Before the final day of judgment, a love story between human and god unfolds.
Both have a sweet, innocent supernatural female lead (that at one point walks around barefoot with a white dress!) that adapts to the human world. Also both heroines must protect the lives of the heroes for a certain amount of time due to different reasons linked to their powers, and both heroes could die without this bond. Both male leads are also trying to pursue an artistic career: in MGIAG, he wants to become an actor, and in SA, he is a photographer. Also, both dramas have a darker supernatural character that has a soft spot for the female lead.
The life of the White Fox is like another version of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
= they have the same leading character which is a fox
= the second leading character having the spirit pearl (while on the MGIAG is called beads)
= fox chasing the other leading character to get back the spirit pearl
they have the same vibes as for me. when the first time I read the introduction of the life of the white fox, my girlfriend is a gumiho is the first thing that cames into my mind. at first, I thought it was a Chinese adaption from Korean version but they don't actually have the exact plot and so on.. but yeah~ if you liked watching this, you will also surely love watching My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
= they have the same leading character which is a fox
= the second leading character having the spirit pearl (while on the MGIAG is called beads)
= fox chasing the other leading character to get back the spirit pearl
they have the same vibes as for me. when the first time I read the introduction of the life of the white fox, my girlfriend is a gumiho is the first thing that cames into my mind. at first, I thought it was a Chinese adaption from Korean version but they don't actually have the exact plot and so on.. but yeah~ if you liked watching this, you will also surely love watching My Girlfriend is a Gumiho