Dropped 9/16
Peggy Godfrey
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2021
9 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

That’s it for me on episode 9!

Like most of the veiwers this kdrama started very promising, I can even handle the far fetched time travelling, scientific bits etc. what I couldn’t take any more was coming to the conclusion on episode 9 that ‘mother’ and ‘son’ heading towards becoming lovers🤮! This was confirmed after reading some of the reviews, I would have continued watching it even knowing the ending as long as it’s not mother and son as lovers! It’s making me sick to the stomach just thinking of it, regardless of what time span serious, how can any normal guy marries someone who looks exactly like his dead mother or a mother marrying someone who could be her son?I wish more thought was out into the romance storyline before it was finalised as this would have been an enjoyable show.

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Dropped 10/16
Xie Lalisa
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 29, 2021
10 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Too Disappointing

Please tell me where and why you agree and disagree with me after reading this review.
Suggestions are welcomed.


Getting to the drama~
I have actually dropped it , so I would recommend you to go through all the spoilers content in other reviews as well for an idea for the story and if you think you like it, just watch it since everybody has a different taste.

Story: 3.0
So, in this, there isn't accidental travelling to the past or future (quite unique, eh?).
The first to episode were quite interesting so I gave it a shot anyways, I thought it would be interesting but the story couldn't keep the viewers interested till the end, it started to become monotonous and very confusing. So they're messing up with Physics' Quantum Theory, using the multiverse theory of time travel and destroying the parallel universe they're travelling to.
Oh please, NO!! It's logical in the starting but it's all getting so so so messed up by the end. THE BOOK OF PROPHECY, what's it? Please, you're all scientists researching various things and suddenly you're all behind the so called prophecy, superstitious thing. It shouldn't be called a sci-fi drama with that book of prophecy in it, such dramas are called FANTASY DRAMAS.
They all seem too intelligent, smart and clever in the start but by the end you'll realise they're just humans overcome with emotions trying to kill their own past selves, by travelling in the future. My God, it's such a stupid thing.
They are just trying to the Prophecy by tracking down the current owners. My dears, go back to the past, find the weakest owner and get it if you're so desperate.
So, for me it's just a non-sense drama using physics and some machines and gadgets as a base to call itself a sci-fi.
And the most irritating thing is that the main leads (Professor and Detective) seem to fall for each other from episode 5 or 6.
I was like WHYY? You people are scientists, right? Ever heard of a term called consanguinity, well that's for siblings, I don't what would happen if you basically start to date your mother's past self, so it's just your mother. She's your mother's past self, how can you just do this?? It's too annoying.

Acting/Cast: 9.5
Just a waste of talent......

Music: 5.0
I basically hate the romantic music, anything else is alright!

Rewatch Value: 1.0
Nope, there's no way you would like to rewatch it. Atleast I wouldn't!

Too disappointed

Hope it wasn't boring.
Sorry for all the sarcasms and all if you feel offended but that's my honest opinion.
Lots of love <3

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GiGi JaZee Jae
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 29, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
The one thing about this drama is that you will have to stay focused on every minute of these episodes. If you don't you will be lost and confused like I was at first. I still have to go back and watch Episodes 1-3. I finally caught on with the 4th episode. This was truly a drama but traumatic. If you don't like those types of dramas then I doubt you will like it. When I finally caught on to the storyline it does become a mystery of who did what and when. The writers did great on this storyline. The music was played over and over which was bothersome for me. Otherwise, I loved it!

Kim Hee Sun who played Yoon Tae Yi | Park Sun Young did very well and was very believable in her character.

Joo Won who played Park Jin Gyum was very good at making this character his own, I'm glad he kept up with his storyline!

Kwak Shi Yang who played Yoo Min Hyuk I really loved the way performed the baby daddy. The only thing there was one part that I laughed at when he ran. That's how focused I was on this character. I think the director messed up.

Anyway, enjoy it as I did.

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Ah Nil
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
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The only way the ending makes any sense

I won’t repeat some of the comments made by other reviewers.
I remember on line that was made “if reset was to happen, then not everything will go back to as it should be.. because we have come too far.” This is not an exact quote.
So using the line above, Tae hi and lieutenant did not disappear and end up meeting again in 2020.
The other mom who did not die .. I wonder what happened to them. Perhaps they are living happily in an another dimension.
This is the only way I can Rest In Peace with this bizarre ending.

However, I am glad I watched it..it was engaging and intriguing till the end.

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nikkoli castilan
1 people found this review helpful
Mar 12, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Terrible Endling

The episodes were good except for the last two or three i think, a lot of loop holes but thats understandable since its a time themed series. I also hate the fact that they made his mother his lover, in any dimension or time thats incest :/

The "reset" also doesnt make any sense for me , it should have reset around 1992 or when she was born.

The acting was good though but you would know that they tried to force end it overall I think I wasted my "time" on the last few episodes.
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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


I might be overreacting but this drama is what I would like to call: disappointment + frustration = Junky.

This drama started off well, it was quite intriguing considering the fact that I haven't seen a lot of good kdramas this year. But then after one or two eps after eps 5, the disappointment started.

They started adding new information to the drama, which made the drama seem like a whole other drama when I watch the new episodes.
The characters weren't put to good use, take for instance a character like Do Yeon, she was a reporter they could have done a lot of things with her character like bringing awareness to others and getting information. but no they didn't do that. I really despised the way they made it seem like prof. Yoon and Park Jin Gyeom were the only important character. And not only did they do that I feel like they could have made Prof. Yoon's character bring more to the table, they just made it seem like she was nothing without Park Jin Gyeom.

And I also wanted to see more of Prof. Yoon and Do Yeon work together toward the end their teamwork was admirable.

The end was really really unsensible if you'd ask me, anyone, who watched it ould have known it was rushed and while trying to come up with a thrilling idea, the best they could come up with what they gave us.

I would recommend watching the first 5-6 eps and then leave the rest to your imagination If you don't want to be disappointed like I was.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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WHY ?????

Oh, my flaming !#$%!
This was basically a well-thought out thriller with overall consistency (minor glitches but nothing terribly horrible) right until the last 15 minutes or so (you know, after the time reset).
WHY does that version of his MOM still remember anything? That's silly right there. WHY doesn't he see her resemblance to his MOTHER??? WHY does the ajusshi police chief not remember him? We saw the 2020 version of our detective disappear, but his teenage self went walking off with mama - so WHY IS THE HOUSE not theirs??? WHY doesn't the girl who loved him AT THAT TIME not remember who he is?????
AND for the love of all that's holy, were they REALLY trying to set him up with his MOTHER???? How sick!!! She's a genetic match for his mom! She IS his mom in fact! OMG!!!
This should have ended showing him with his mum AND dad, plus married to our newsreporter. With the Professor NOT remembering a damned thing!
Of course to be completely accurate, he should have totally disappeared as a HIGH SCHOOL kid, along with his mother, as they were walking to the convenience store. Plus the POLICE chief should have disappeared as well. But of course that would be sad, and I'm glad they didn't do it. However, I'm sorry. She's his MOTHER, and she KNOWS DAMNED WELL she is!!!!
Another KDrama ruined in the last 15 minutes, sadly. I'd tell EVERYBODY watching this to just stop watching as he disappears, with his younger self walking up the street with Mom. MUCH more satisfactory all the way around.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
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Sucks You In

I was told this drama was disappointing and almost didn't pick it up. However, I'm glad I did! Yes, it's complicated and there isn't much romance. I still liked it! The acting was superior, especially by Joo Won and Kwak Shi Wang. It was very addicting, as I binged watched to catch up. I couldn't wait to find out what happened next.

Now, the downside. There is a kind of creepy, not so subtle romantic vibe going on throuhout the drama. That bothered me. In fact, that is the reason I only rated it an 8.5. In fact, I was all set to rate it a 9 up until the end. I was expecting something different. Rather, I was *hoping* for something different. Instead, it ended on that creepy romantic vibe thing. That was disappointing. I honestly would have written the ending differently. Plus, where is Min Hyuk?! Seriously. :(

I would like to end this by saying that after watching this, Kwak Shi Wang needs a main role! I fell in love with this guy!

Anyway. I can recommend it if you like a good, mature story and have an open mind. It is really good. Just could have been awesome, had they veered in another direction at the end.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 25, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
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Subpar plot, wonderful music and acting

I loved the acting and soundtrack, definitely going to download the music, but the drama went downhill after episode 13. There are too many plot inconsistencies and the show is confusing from start to end. A lot of questions were never answered and the ending was open ended. It feels like the writer/s gave up the show. I refuse to believe they got together. The FL remembers everything and that would be revolting if she still started dating him knowing what she knows. I wish the story had been told better.
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IM YourOnlyOne
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 11, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A Masterpiece!

Summary: Alice is a major masterpiece.

Some details:
I. Time-travel
-- I am very critical when it comes to time-travel stories. The writers of Alice handled this very well with just 16 episodes. They backed it with current science and theories and less on artistic freedom. They also handled well the grandfather paradox.

Were there loopholes in the time-travel? At first, it appears so but after watching the whole series there is none. In the finale episode, many would probably think there were a lot of loopholes but I beg to differ, there were none as far as the theories and science used by the series they did this one well.

II. Acting
-- The acting of everyone were superb. From the comedy to seriousness, from the love triangle to family love, and from the future to the past to the present. I have no idea the sequence of filming you did--all past scenes first for example, or was it mixed--but everything fit perfectly.

III. Music
-- The background music were in the right place and at the right time. Not too soon, not too long, and definitely not in the wrong places. It was not used to elicit emotions, the music was there to add an additional layer to an already complex dynamics.

IV. Story
-- This is the most important part. The story is very deep and thought-provoking. It is a love story about a mother and her son. It is a love story about the son and a person who looks exactly like his mother. A love story about the son who was adopted and grew up with another family. It is a story about camaraderie. And it is also a story about time-travel and the repercussions and morals of it.

Having weaved all these different stories to form one grand story is not an easy thing to do in a 16-episode series. This is usually possible in a novel or comics but the writers of "Alice" and the director were able to pull it off. It started with love and ended with love.

Time has no beginning and no end but people do.

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 3, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 3.5

Can be confusing with it back and forth on the timeline

Review:-Alice (2020)

I had never heard of Alexithymia until I watched The Flower of Evil and now its in this drama. It is a good one too.

This is so good. I love these time travel. Fantasy Science Fictions they hold my interest completely. I love these one when I just can’t stop watching and I can’t let myself got to sleep. Just totally complicated perplexing thriller

I find it unbearably fascinating and can’t stop watching in spite of the back and forth of time and the different dimensions that they go into and the differences it makes to the main actor. It get really creepy as it start to wind up to the end.

How many times did he come back to find his mum dying?(?5) So scary and terrifying. Wow but awesome acting. It is so good

Then what happens in the last episode it all turns to custard and doesn’t make sense and drives me totally crazy. I have to think about this ending. Yes he did everything I wanted him to do but I have so many questions.
I loved it so much until the end.
You viewers out there you have to make up your own mind but let me tell you I wasn’t happy about the ending after all the time I had invested in watching. Later I might come back and write some more comments but for now. I’m over it.

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0 people found this review helpful
Nov 25, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
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This a perfect example of a beautiful journey with a disappointing destination

Really a promising show. It is exciting to explore the science of time travel.

The story started with the travellers going back in time to acquire a book of prophecies that marks the end of all time travellers.

Lots of twist and turns, almost all beautifully done. Except maybe the ending, which is very confusing to say the least.

Also, the ending left a lot of questions. Like, why did all time travellers vanished? Even Alice vanished when the older version of the male lead died.

Another thing that really bothers me is their concept of the relationship of the ML and the FL. They used the term dimensions, they claimed that they were from different dimensions. But I'm more comfortable using the term timeline. Doesn't matter what term is being used though, sure they are from different dimensions/timeline but they are still genetically related. And even as the story unfolds, they started to know and to feel their other self merge with their current day persona.

So what does the ending means? If of all time travellers cease to exist, it means that the FL didn't travel through time. Didn't met ML's father and didn't gave birth to ML. In theory he shouldn't exist. But he's alive and living a normal life in a world which is really different. And why does the FL still have the memories of her old life as a time traveller? Does this mean that they are no longer sharing the same genes? Are they supposedly to be lovers now?

Anyway, watched this twice already. I was hoping that things would be clearer after the rewatch. I was wrong.

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Alice (2020) poster



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