This movie is so painful, and you'll love it.
I kid you not, I had to sit down for two hours and stare at the wall after watching this. The story is heartbreaking and anxiety-inducing. The characters are painfully realistic. The cinematography is out of this world. The amount of angst this movie creates is impressive. It is a realistic portrayal of gay lives, and that is what makes it terrifying. The topic of internalized homophobia is one of the main focuses, and it is well executed and so deeply painful.I would recommend this movie only for those knowing what they're getting into. It will literally change your brain chemistry.
Rewatch value is high, because you can understand the depth of the movie even better, but nothing will hit you emotionally like the first watch.
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I really enjoyed this film.
I really did enjoy this movie, it was very different from other BL’s I’ve seen! But I found it really interesting!The characters were great, their relationship was very sweet! And you could tell how they had a connection. This BL had more of a ‘grown up’ feel to it. And when i thought I wasn’t so into the movie by the end I loved it! I will most likely watch this again! The end part was sweet how love can still last after a long time!
If you have not seen it yet definitely check it out.
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okay i’m not great at reviews there’s a reason i never write them but i couldn’t not write a review for this movie. Honestly the only reason i watched it was because Zhang Hao from ZB1 sang one of the OSTs on live and i thought “hey let’s watch this random movie hao obviously likes!” without looking into it anymore. biggest mistake of my life.Honestly if you don’t like to cry this movie is NOT FOR YOU. It had me sobbing to the point of hyperventilating and nearly throwing up more than once. But i think that also proved just how well written and amazing the acting of this film is and how clearly the passion of the director and writer (who this story is based on) shows through.
This movie is so worth a watch as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into and want to cry a river!
I’d also recommend looking up a list of TW for this movie if there are certain things your sensitive too :)
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Some of the actualities of an LGBTQ+ love-life.
I cannot emphasize how much, I am in a state of dilemma, on whether I should be sad about the ending of the story or rest on the bitter realization that not every love story would be a happy one. The story wholly describes how a person comes to terms with their sexuality, and how they develop feelings for the wrong person. I am so content with how Jia-Han had accepted being gay, starting from having a crush on Birdy, then experiencing jealousy when Birdy hangs with a girl to conditionally coming to his parents just to confess his feelings for him.The life lesson argued between Jian and Father Oliver is the gold to be mined. "How is your love greater than mine ?" would be the epitome of subtle inference to the gender equality issues we face even today. This story made me realize how religion can a boon and a curse to your life. The old pedagogy of the church has derogatory effects in the community even today.
I was very personally hurt and disappointed by the story of Jia-Han, I think he is the one the story didn't do any justice to. I feel, that even in the end when Birdy subtly confessed his real feelings toward Jia-Han, he wasn't accepting it wholly. I was distraught to see Jia-Han still getting rejected for a drink by Birdy, after all these years.
In the end, a dream is portrayed of their younger versions joyfully singing the theme song, in the streets of Montreal.
So, in the end, there is this dreamy picture that we paint for ourselves of living with our loved ones, irrespective of gender, caste, or race. But in the end, we do realize that we are chained by the norms of society and religion, who dictate our life for us and paint our lives just in black and white.
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Too dark
Soo as i have written before i dont really like dark movies/drama...i live the fluffy cheesy ones with picknicks in and sunny bright skies!However after reading some reviews on this movie i thought i should give it a try...
I really love the story! And the reality behind it! It is really difficult to be honest about your sexuality as it is let alone in a christian community.
I could really feel the pain of the male lead that was expkaining the story to the pastor. He was hurt sooo bad....and it was soo difficult to express....
I do think they could have made this movie 10 times better if would have expanded this to a drama or elaborated more about the mix feelings between the leads and the struggle against sociaty.
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Indeed, your name is engraved deep within
why am I crying?Oh, such a sad but bittersweet end.
Would definitely rewatch it in far future (if im alive).
This film was a good memory.
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... BIG SHOUTOUT TO THE ACTORS, DIRECTORS, PRODUCERS & TEAM.
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Se eu dissesse que não esperava nada estaria mentindo, mas é porque vi muitas pessoas falando sobre esse filme e até fui para a Netflix. Gostei muito da experiência de assistir, mas foi um pouco longa e cansativa, talvez eu não goste de dramas, mas acho que deveríamos sair da nossa zona de conforto às vezes, então aqui estou.Sobre a história foi triste, mas ao mesmo tempo tão bonita, uma linda história de amadurecimento com personagens LGBT, saber que era baseada em fatos reais tornou o filme ainda mais verdadeiro. Eu amei o formato em que a história foi contada de certa forma tornou o filme mais real? Porque normalmente a maioria dos filmes foca em apenas uma parte da vida dos personagens e nos faz pensar que fim eles levaram, o que aconteceu depois desse período conturbado da vida deles? Acho que de certa forma Your Name Engraved Herein nos trouxe uma resposta para isso.
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"Seu amor é maior que o meu? Qual a diferença entre seu amor e o meu? Fala a diferença"
Assim que vi o primeiro trailer, meses antes do lançamento, eu soube que seria o tipo de filme que eu iria amar, que eu acabaria chorando e não foi diferente. Your Name Engraved Herein (Seu Nome Gravado em Mim) é uma verdadeira obra de arte 100% baseada em fatos reais (o que pesou ainda mais na história).O filme passa quando a lei marcial tinha acabado de terminar, então ainda assim temos uma sociedade machista e extremamente homofóbica, tanto que ao longo do filme temos mais de um exemplo do que acontece com aqueles que falam abertamente que são homossexuais. Então, é bem compreensível como tanto o Padre quanto o Birdy agem desde o começo do filme. Pelos trailers pensei que o Padre Oliver seria um personagem que eu odiaria, mas ficou impossível no momento que percebi que ele só estava tentando proteger o A Han.
Uma das cenas mais impactantes pra mim, é quando o A Han pergunta para o padre Oliver o seguinte: "Seu amor é maior que o meu? Qual a diferença entre seu amor e o meu? Fala a diferença" depois disso pra mim, foi tudo a baixo e no final do filme eu estava chorando enquanto os créditos subiam.
É uma verdadeira montanha russa de sentimentos, é um filme tão realista e tão cheio de emoção que é impossível não se comover. As atuações foram impecáveis tanto quanto a cenografia e a trilha sonora, principalmente a música do final com o título do filme, cada parte perfeita e essencial pra fazer um filme sensível e tocante como esse. Todo mundo deveria dar pelo menos uma chance para esse filme incrível que é, com certeza, um dos melhores que assisti esse ano.
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bL nuansa vintage tahun 1980an
Film YNEH (Your Name Engraved Herein) adalah sebuah bL asal Taiwan yang menceritakan seorang siswa pada tahun 1987 bernama Chang Jiahan yang menyukai seorang laki-laki bernama Wang Pote (biasa dipanggil Birdy / burung kecil). Cerita dari film ini menurutku menarik karena mengangkat tentang "denial" yang tergambar di karakter Birdy, sedangkan Chang Jiahan menggambarkan seorang laki-laki yang sudah menyadari bahwa dirinya seorang gay. Hal lain yang menarik di film ini adalah karakter birdy yang tampak seperti seorang laki-laki straight namun menampilkan chemistry-chemistry kepada Chang Jiahan. Ada beberapa scene yang menurutku tidak nyaman untuk ditonton adalah ketika Chang Jiahan sedang bersama bapak-bapak yang memberikannya bakpao' scene ini mungkin menjadi red timeline menurutku, sedangkan alur terbaik adalah saat Chang Jiahan dan Wang Pote berada di alur timeline masih satu sekolah. Cerita ini mempunyai gap time karena memang konsep dan alur ceritanya memang seperti itu, awalnya saya tidak begitu menyadari mengenai Gap Time karena selintas ; sebagai sebuah movie, akan sulit untuk menyamakan karakter antara masa kecil dan masa dewasa bagi seorang aktor apalagi versi dewasa keduanya pastinya akan menggunakan aktor yang berbeda, dan menurutku Chang Jiahan dewasa related dengan masa kecilnya, namun untuk Wang Pote saya agak kecewa karena menurutku sang aktor kurang bisa menampilkan karakter dari Wang Pote yang sebenarnya. Film ini menekankan pada pencarian identitas diri dan kisah cinta yang sulit dimengerti, ada banyak makna yang terkandung di film ini.Was this review helpful to you?
An Instant Classic
Pada tahun 1987 saat kebijakan darurat militer dihapus di Taiwan, 2 Remaja SMA, Chang Jia-han (A-han) dan Wang Bo-Te (Birdy) merasakan jatuh cinta ditengah stigma sosial.
Film ini unggul hampir disemua aspek, pengarahan dan sinematografi yang indah, plot dan dialog yang indah, akting dari kedua tokoh utama yang membuat kita yakin mereka benar benar jatuh cinta, scoring dan soundtrack yang indah membuat film ini Paket lengkap.
Walaupun berfokus pada Suka Duka Cinta Terlarang dua remaja, namun yang ditampilkan dalam film ini adalah sisi emosi yang mampu dialihmediakan oleh Edward Cheng dimana film ini kebanyakan mengambil sudut pandangnya, beberapa scene terbaik menurut saya :
1. Percakapan A-Han dan Padri Olivier
2. Mandi
3. Percakapan di Pantai
4. Telepon
5. Jalan-Jalan Tengah Malam di Quebec
Beberapa adegan yang seharusnya sensual malah tampil sebagai adegan terbaik yang menguras emosi. Penggunaan teknik close up pada Dialog A-Han dan Padri Olivier dan penggunaan tone kuning sangat juara membuat kita fokus pada A-Han dalam berbagi keresahan hatinya, dialog nya pun sangat-sangat alami. Penggunaan terompet dalam mengisi scoring juga bermakna, karena tokoh A-Han memegang instrumen terompet di Marching Band Sekolah.
Selain Edward Cheng, Tseng Ching Hua juga mampu mengimbangi kemampuan akting Cheng sebagai Tokoh Birdy yang slengean, Jejeran pemeran pendukung pun Tampil Apik utamanya Fabio Grangeon dan Leon Dai sebagai A-Han Dewasa.
Akhir kata, film ini menghadirkan kisah cinta terlarang dua remaja dan pendewasaan diri dengan indah dan merobek hati, interaksi kedua pemeran utama membuat kita dengan mudah menaruh hati dan berharap mereka berakhir bahagia.
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Un film touchant
Ce film est très touchant. Il nous montre l'histoire de deux hommes qui s'aiment mais ça n'est pas accepté dans la société. On voit par quoi ils passent, ça retrace tout leur parcours de l'université à l'âge adulte. A un moment donné, l'un s'est marié à une femme et ils ont eu un enfant ensemble ; il redoutait sans doute ce que le monde aurait pensé si il aurait vécu avec cet homme. L'autre, a vécu un moment sans plus jamais le revoir mais ne l'a jamais oublié et n'a jamais cessé de l'aimer. Et puis un jour, ils se sont revu.J'ai trouvé cette histoire touchante, poignante, dure parfois, mais très belle au final.
Les acteurs sont très bons, les différents cadres sont intéressants, l'époque (les années 80) m'a bien plu, et au final, qu'ils soient homos ou non, le principal c'est leur amour véritable. C'est vraiment un très beau film.
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