Ongoing 10/12
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2023
10 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

One of my favorite Time traveling BLs so far

Ok so...
I have pretty much spent this year watching BL's and at last count I have watched roughly 50/60 different series. I know we are only on Episode 10 and still have 2 to go but unless something drastically horrible happens in the last two episodes I don't think it will change my mind about this series.

When you compare this to the many other time travel/parallel universe BL's I think for me it is by far in my top 3. my all time favourite being "until we meet again". I think when watching these kinds of BL's you kind have have to ignore the plot holes otherwise you start to question the entire series. For me this has so far been very interesting to watch and the Acting and chemistry between the Characters is amazing. Especially the younger versions of the leads. Shout out to Tor-Supakorn who in my opinion is the stand out actor in this series.

I get what people are saying about the slow pacing to begin with, especially in the first 2/3 episodes, but for me that was part of the charm of this series. Honestly I am not afraid to say that in episodes 9/10 I was literally a full grown man balling his eyes out at the tv screen. Personally if a series can make you feel real emotions then the writers and actors have done their job to be honest. Anyway I am really looking forward to the final 2 episodes and I am hoping I wont have to come back and downgrade my original scores.

Happy Viewing Everyone

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0 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Heart warming

Loved this series, but episode 12 kind of leaves you hanging for more. Will there be a season 2? I sure hope so. Talk about true love… WOW when you truly love someone there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for that person. You will go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to be with the one you love the most……….

Loved this series, but episode 12 kind of leaves you hanging for more. Will there be a season 2? I sure hope so. Talk about true love… WOW when you truly love someone there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for that person. You will go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to be with the one you love the most……….

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Ryan B
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 14, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

Great concept - Binged it - Rewatch? Yes.,..but,

Spoilers - but, maybe it will help you follow and figure it out.

Binged this because there was enough detail to make this an interesting and compelling series. But, with the choices made by the writers/director - it created issues that will have you reaching for the fast forward button - often.

With any time travel story - you will have issues. People still argue the existence of the pocket watch in Somewhere In Time (a movie you see on the shelf at the DVD store in this series). Where did the watch come from - originally - if the person from the past gets it from the person from the future but, the person from the future got it from the person from the past - in the present? See what I mean?

We see the DVD store owner becomes integral to the story. He initiates the contact and allows it to unfold - each time (three times). He is always there for guidance - a wonderful mentor/guide. He even makes a decision when the characters finally get it right.

Here's the issue...because we have been fed so much information, when the story moves through the second phase - we already know the outcome - there are almost entire episodes that are a waste of your time. Does it really matter that we get to see their relationship develop when we know the outcome? And, while I understand a time traveler choosing a moment - why wait until a week before the event to make an appearance? Love and sacrifice are already established and understood.

I would have preferred to see where Ongsa went before Suansoon rejoins the present than to see the relationship develop - in detail - the second time (a given that could have been handled with references and a few flashbacks). Create a story where we want to follow what everyone is doing. Not waiting while they have their five minute stares at each other while the soundtrack plays.

Spend less time in phase two and expand phase three/the end. I loved how every character realized that they went through this before but, couldn't quite put their finger on it. Let's see more of that.

I really liked this series for going so deeply into a thought/story that others have not gone before. Would love to see this done by the Koreans with their larger budgets and stronger writers.

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Dropped 11/12
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 7, 2023
11 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

The content of the series is unique

When you watch the series just finished each episodes because you will find your selves crying because each episodes will make you cry.....??.If you want the to understand the story just watch the series without dubbing, find with subtitles. The actor portrait well each characters.
I love this series and highly recommended BL series. This is my first time to gave nice review for korean series, thai series and vietnam series . Watch the series from episode 1 to episode 12.

Abosolute Zero is the best Bl Series that makes me cry for every episodes.

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Ongoing 4/12
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 26, 2024
4 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
I am so enjoying this series - and have been able to keep up from the accidental time travel back for Soon (the meteor shower before the tunnel) to who is who thus far. I don't think that Soon intentionally traveled back but that it happened and that he found himself 10 years earlier in time. The acting is so amazing that you can see and FEEL the love between the 2 leads both younger and older. The age gap didn't bother me - I know so many couples gay and straight with large age gaps. But there feelings and emotions say it all. One can tell that they belong together. And that's all that matters.
I am looking forward to continuing watching this even though I am crying during every episode. I have been good thus far and not looked at any spoilers but if there is one thing we all know - it's that destiny (or fate) will not be denied. I am sure it will end as it is supposed to and with a lot more tears to come.
On an aside, think a minute about yourself accidentally going back in time - would you change anything???

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 6, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
This review may contain spoilers

Noyade dans son torrent de larmes et ses détours sans queue ni tête.

Absolute Zero était une des productions que j'attendais le plus. Il y avait quelque chose qui m'intriguait dans les teasers. Quelque chose qui me poussait à croire qu'il s'agirait d'une aventure chargée en émotions. Après une première tentative lors de sa sortie, j'ai délaissé le drama à peine le quatrième épisode visionné pour le recommencer quelques semaines plus tard. Peut-être avais-je été dans un mauvais état d'esprit la première fois ?

Sur le courant de 2023, nous avons eu droit à de bonnes histoires incluant des voyages temporels. Je pense notamment à I Feel You Linger in the Air. Bien qu'imparfait, il est sans aucun doute mon chouchou de 2023. Il y avait aussi An Ancient Love Song et son inversion du temps ou encore My Perfect Stranger qui nous renvoyait dans les années 80. Absolute Zero avait un bagage assez intéressant grâce à l'émotion qu'il projetait au travers de ses teasers. Mais en fin de compte, c'était un pétard mouillé.

Et pour être mouillé, je me demande même comment les personnages/acteurs n'ont pas fini sous les eaux avec le torrent de larmes auquel nous avons eu droit. Ils pleurent tout le temps ! Au début, la compassion est présente, mais à force, c'est devenu ennuyeux.

Pour être honnête, je n'ai pas aimé grand chose du scénario. J'ignore si c'est l'adaptation qui n'est pas représentative ou l'histoire en elle-même. Le mélange des temporalités n'avait aucun intérêt. Je ne comprenais pas cette obstination à vouloir mêler les deux. D'une scène à l'autre, on se retrouvait dans le passé puis dans le présent sans que cela n'apporte quoi que ce soit à l'histoire. Pour moi, plus rien n'avait de sens (et je reconnais avoir eu, au bout d'un moment, la flemme). Je ne cherche pas un scénario parfait, mais un minimum de cohérence.

En revanche, sur les quatre personnages principaux, c'était le gros lot pour trois d'entre eux. Tout d'abord, Tor (Ongsa, adolescent) était brillant. Mix (Suansoon, adolescent) était adorable. Toey (Ongsa, adulte) était doux.
En revanche, Teng (Suansoon, adulte) était terrible. L'acteur ne convenait pas au rôle et a rendu son personnage apathique. Je ne vais pas m'étaler des heures (parce qu'après tout, ce n'est peut-être que moi qui avais une dent contre lui pour des tas de raisons). Pour moi, Teng n'était l'acteur qu'il fallait, en plus d'avoir un personnage changeant au fil de l'histoire.

D'ailleurs, il est amusant de noter que mes épisodes préférés sont les 06 et 07, car nous retrouvons Suansoon et Ongsa, adolescents. L'histoire était tout de suite plus fluide et légère. Lors de ces épisodes, l'histoire a trouvé ce petit côté mignon qu'il lui manquait. Avant de le reperdre jusqu'à la fin...

Pour finir, je me demande pourquoi Suansoon (adulte) ressent le besoin de créer un lien émotionnel avec Ongsa (adolescent) ? Je n'ai rien contre les différences d'âges, mais je n'ai pas trouvé ce point cohérent et saint. Aussi innocent que ça puisse être, ce n'était pas normal à mes yeux. Le fait que Suansoon (adulte) veuille tant s'impliquer avec Ongsa (adolescent) n'était pas une bonne chose pour moi.

Bref, les histoires de voyages temporels peuvent devenir complexes et de vrais nœuds si on n'y prend pas garde. Malheureusement, ce fut la destinée d'Absolute Zero.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 5, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Un véritable bonheur!

Cette série m'a emballée dès le premier épisode. Elle a un côté lent qui fait son charme. On nous offre la possibilité de connaître la personnalité des protagonistes en finesse. Il n'y a pas eu un moment de qualité inférieure, la série est prenante et poétique. Les acteurs que cela soit les rôles secondaires ou principaux sont parfaits; les deux jeunes acteurs sont excellents ( il n'y a pas de rôles féminins mièvres ou hystériques) C'est un véritable bonheur. Je recommande chaudement.
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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 12, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

uma trama meio criminosa e meio confusa, porém vale a pena assistir

várias novelas que tem a temática de viajar no tempo sempre tem as mesmas regras. 1ª: sempre há um gatilho pra viagem, como por exemplo em animes como tokyo revengers no qual o protagonista viaja apertando a mão do irmão da ex namorada dele, 2ª: **geralmente** o protagonista acorda no corpo dele mesmo no passado e 3ª: o protagonista sempre tenta mudar oq vai acontecer no futuro.
eu sinceramente não gosto que sigam todas essas regras necessáriamente já que eu assisto tanto dramas com viajem no tempo que essas 3 regras chega até ficar chato porque você sabe oq vai acontecer, apesar disso absolute zero não segue essas regras.
sinceramente eu acho que não havia necessidade nenhuma de ter mais de 3 visões durante o seriado (a do suasoon do passado, a do ongsa e do suasoon do futuro sem o ongsa) pq acaba q fica confuso mesmo sabendo q o ongsa vai ficar com todas as memórias (tanto as do passado quanto as do futuro).

(a seguir vem a minha indiguinação que contém spoilers cruciais da série então você vai ler por sua conta em risco, não é minha culpa se você ler já que esse é o segundo aviso de spoiler)
também tem aquela questão do age gap... cara... a relação do casal principal da série se baseou em um adulto de quase 30 anos se aproximando do amor da vida dele de 10 anos atrás (a série se passa em 2008-2018 apesar de ter sido lançada em 2023), e o pior de tudo, é que o ongsa realmente se apaixona por alguém teóricamente 10 anos mais velho do que ele. sei que suasoon e ongsa teriam a mesma idade em 2008 PORÉM O SUASOON DE 2018 TEM QUASE 30 ANOS ENQUANTO O ONGSA NÃO ERA NEM MAIOR DE IDADE QUANDO A HISTÓRIA DE COMO ELES REALMENTE SE CONHECERAM PELA PRIMEIRA VEZ, sério, apesar disso, é uma trama bem reconfortante se você tiver tempo já que todos os episódios possuem mais de 40 minutos de duração além dos episódios mais pra perto do final que começam a ter 50.

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