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Last Cinderella Episode 7 Reactions

The rest of the ep wasn’t that great and that accidental kiss was so fake. I still want her to end up with Rintaro; he still suits her the best and Hiroto hasn’t been honest with her.
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Issues that I would like to be explored are breezily skimmed over and things I would like to finally develop stagnate to the point of annoyance.
The character of Sakura, while funny and well acted as always, is not moving one inch from where she was at the very beginning. I'm starting to wonder why she's doing this drama "journey". She is still shabby, cares for her friends, talks like an old man and watches porn of all things.
Her relationship with Hiroto is somehow awkward. I couldn't help but notice how they never had a decent kiss and yet we were shown them in bed twice already. There is a lack of true chemistry building in such a screenplay choice, one I'm not fond of. Mostly because they could be so much cuter together, as it is apparent by their more simple interactions (the tickling scene was the saving grace of this episode, for me).
And what with the mystery surrounding Hiroto's sister? Why did she accuse him of having ruined her love life? I wish they wouldn't just throw the stone into the pond and then forget the issue until even the last wave has disappeared from the water surface.
As for Miki, I'm waiting with a passion for the moment she'll finally send that horrid mother in law to hell with her stupid son in tow. If she doesn't, I'm going to write to the production and cover them with insults, I promise.
All in all, I'm not having such a great fun watching this drama anymore. Unfortunately for me, I have started it and now want to know how it ends.
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Miki-san part... I feel so sorry for her, she must be in a big mess right now. I hope her husband will show how much he cares about her, and Shima-nee will explaining everything and take all the fault on herself.
And what is she gonna do with that Host club guy?
Any way would love to have some play like that with Haruma (^^ ) this show spoils fangirls sooo much
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Just to make this more understandable, you know how in dramas the 2 leads meet each other, and they argue a lot and claim to dislike each other, but then somehow fall in love and get together? Well that's how her and Tachibana are (besides the falling in love part) cause we already know he likes her, but I can't really tell on her side.. I mean she seemed a little effected by their kiss in the episode. But with Hiroto I can't help but feel they'll end up together as well, because he claims he's only with her because of Chiyoko, but what if he likes her too but doesn't fully know it yet? Idk.. Am I reading too much into this? Just as long as Tachibana and Chiyoko don't end up together because she's doing some sketchy business and doesn't deserve him... And she's kinda obsessed with him so that's a little creepy..
Can't wait for ep.8~~
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