The sweetest, most wholesome, heart warming drama.
I really have no words to describe how this drama made me feel. To be honest, I come from a generation in which LGBTQ+ movies and dramas were very, VERY tragic. We either got killed, physically, verbally and mentally abused, sexually assaulted, abandoned, and a lot of other sad (and somewhat traumatizing) things that, at some point in my youth, made me feel quite scared of being myself. I was young not too long ago, you guys, and I want you to know those times were actually a lot closer than you think. Around seven or eight years ago. So, I would like you to imagine even just a little bit of the happiness this drama brought me.It is fashion nowadays for Japanese dramas, anime and manga to have these very descriptive titles, and I find hilarious how spot on it was. I have said this before and I will keep saying it because they deserve the recognition: Japanese BL dramas have been a true delight lately. We have had way less BLs from Japan; however, these handful of stories have been able to surpass Thai BLs exponentially. They have been unique in their own way, creative and, most importantly, completely different from each other -- the last point is what Thai BLs lack the most, unfortunately. Still love them, though!
The story is very special. I don't think I have seen anything like this before. To be honest, the title pretty much says it all: a simple plot that blooms into a wholesome ending. I think the most successful thing about this series is how well established the personality of each character is. Even with those who happen to be similar, there's still specific traits that do not make them a copy of the other. Now, the story isn't as fascinating as "Fujoshi, Ukkari Gay ni Kokuru," but it still manages to captivate the audience with its heart warming scenes.
I know this drama is about homoerotic relationships, but I must mention how in love I am with the main female coworker. She is simply the COOLEST! I just love how down-to-earth and supportive she is. She deserves the best this world can offer.
Sis, I could not recommend this drama enough. If you are new to the genre and are looking for something short and sweet, this is the drama for you. If you are a BL veteran, you'll fall in love with the classic elements of boys love showcased in the story. Really, you should totally give it a try.
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So cute, a must-watch
I read the synopsis of "Cherry Magic" and my jaw dropped. It's just right up my alley. If I could have 10 different shows with the same premise I would watch the hell out of all of them.I did feel like it was slowing down in the middle, but I think I was just too hyped up by the plot and the first couple episodes and my expectations after that were too high to be met.
However, don't get me wrong, "Cherry Magic" is so good. Watch it now.
Both leads provide pretty stellar acting. An office setting for once, which is very fun and a nice change. It's really sweet and adorable, even hilarious at times. Just writing this review makes me want to do a rewatch to see Adachi's embarrassed face again. I also love the contrast between Kurosawa's reputation and how adorable he actually is.
Also, I think this must be the first show where I never skip the title sequence because the theme song is so nice.
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Can there be more cuteness and sweetness in a BL?
Rarely do I find a BL that makes me feel equally for both the male leads. The character settings may sound familiar: we have a guy who has a crush on another but tries his best to keep it a secret, we have a guy who has little confidence in himself and sees himself as just a person who cannot be more ordinary and nondescript. But instead of putting both of these into one character and having the diffident guy as the one in love with someone handsome and popular, we have the handsome guy secretly in love with the one with a low self-esteem. And simply with this move, we don't have the usual trope of a practically toxic handsome guy finally falling in love with the long-suffering ordinary person. Instead, there is plenty of sweetness throughout.I can empathize with the handsome man who assumes the other person isn't interested in him but finds it harder and harder to just remain colleagues with him, and I can identify with the feelings of the diffident man who assumes that no one would ever be interested in him. This story of two really nice people falling in love with each other and getting together is touching without making one feel miserable (well except perhaps for the fact that the fiction will not be one's reality). It is light-hearted without resorted to senseless humor.
The side couple is similarly cute though their personalities are different. And there's a cat. Two cute and sweet BL couples and a cat and a pretty good story: it is hard to ask for more when watching BL. Even the friendship between Adachi (the one who lacks confidence) and his best friend, Tsuge (one half of the side couple) is so adorable. And while one of the female characters is interested in Adachi, she is not used as some sort of evil woman who goes between the main couple. Instead, she is genuinely supportive of their relationship.
This is how you make a heartwarming BL series. You don't need passionate kissing scenes or tons of bare flesh or a story full of twists and climax full of tension. Just use this as a textbook example. I'm not even asking for a second season. I'm asking for more BL series like this. They are not going to be the only BLs I love or the only things I watch, but I do want such series around to watch when I'm feeling down and need something to give me some warmth.
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Quirky, cute, and more thoughtful than I expected it would be.
Jumped right into this after just having finished My Beautiful Man (which I'm still sad about finishing because it was so good Q_Q). This one starts off cute. We meet our naive virgin, Adachi Kiyoshi, who's 1 day shy of turning 30 and gains the ability to read minds when touched after he turns 30 (he becomes a wizard, hehe).I like the quirkiness of the show, so far. He's cute, dubious, and clumsy. The editing is done well so the physical comedy after he learns of his power is well executed and not garbled or lost in editing between scene changes. The internal thoughts are cracking me up and give me second-hand embarrassment for Kurosawa (I mean, who *wants* their crush to be able to hear their cringe inner thoughts about them?! It makes me blush and get uncomfortable just thinking about some of the weird things I'd say to myself, ha).
I randomly fell off around Ep 9 after reading ahead because I was starting to get too impatient with the story progression
Side note that mattered to me but may not matter to other viewers: This series does NOT have a kiss for the MLs. Overall, I can see how this series would be very endearing for a lot of people. It's very cute, but it was just too soon after watching My Beautiful Man for me to fully appreciate it. I made too many comparisons and missed the chemistry between the leads, and the overall quality of that show. Still, I'd recommend both as solid BL shows.
Episode Musings Up Till Ep 9:
Ep.1: As the first episode develops and his new ability has a bit of room to breathe, I like the transition of the superficial-only thoughts we hear from Kurosawa to the more meaningful observations he's made of Adachi that Adachi is now also privy to. I can see how the more thoughtful, honest observations from others may help him in learning more about himself. The ending "EYY?!" at the end was hysterical. I really, really hope this wizard power is a myth-only for any poor soul about to turn 30, lmao.
Ep. 2: The church-like music that plays whenever Adachi sees Kurosawa's fantasies are HYSTERICAL. The gay panic, I'm DEAD. This is too funny. It's endearing how insecure Kurosawa is with Adachi. His thoughts are hopeful, sweet, and clearly inexperienced in love. The incredulous "Eyy?" at the end by Kurosawa was a cute flip from the end of Ep 1. The pacing/editing is super clean.
Ep. 3: "Well, I guess even if we'd gone to dinner, I'm not sure I would've been able to hold a conversation. I'm not the type to take chances. I should figure out my own way of facing Kurosawa." - That line resonated with me. I can relate to that type of anxiety in finding the words to say. Even with friends. I deal with that all of the time. I'm really liking the unexpected revelations with each character; Adachi doesn't always get the right first impression of people, and as we learn ourselves in our dealings with people, he's more often surprised by the sincerity he finds when he finally gets a glimpse inside.
Looking at the situation from an outsider looking in, and without the advantage of hearing thoughts; the situation seems really difficult for Kurosawa and I empathize with him. He's obviously head over heels for a colleague at work that, to this point, continues to give him confusing signals. He knows his feelings are complicated and maybe misunderstood, and he feels like he's probably imposing into Adachi's life with unreciprocated feelings. The sad gaze and hunched body language at the balcony shows a pretty clear depiction of that. He doesn't have the (dis)advantage in hearing Adachi's muddled thoughts on the situation. He just has his heart and his intuition to guide him and he's hopeful, confused, and sad. He hasn't heard a confession. He hasn't seen any signs. He's in the dark. The shift at the end for Adachi is sweet. He's terrified of his feelings and of Kurosawa's feelings. He's trying to figure it out for himself, too. It's going to take him some time.
Ep. 4: The physical comedy from Adachi continues to befuddle and amuse me. Normally, I'd probably get a bit impatient with it by now, but the quality in him is endearing. He's such a spazz. The tonal differences between this show and My Beautiful Man are pretty stark, but I'm still digging it. It's more lighthearted and funny, but not insensitive toward the bigger issue (the excitement and fear of first love, especially with a same-sex individual). A lot of the internal musings from Adachi toward Kurosawa put him on a pedestal that I don't think Kurosawa would personally agree with. In this sense, I can see a similarity with My Beautiful Man. While Kurosawa isn't idolized in the same sense, he's placed on a tier of unobtainable perfection that I don't think is the reality at all. I can see sadness behind his eyes at all times; there is more to his story and I believe as we peel back the layers Adachi sees beneath, he'll find more human qualities within Kurosawa that'll endear him.
"I feel the difference in these moments."; "I'm afraid of getting more deeply involved and disappointing him."
Ep. 5: This episode is a big leap forward in Adachi's character development as he takes a few "first steps." He finds his courage, resourcefulness, and ....jealousy. There is a shift in him. At the same time, he makes a few frustrating assumptions based on his insecurities that stagnate any forward momentum.
"I never thought I'd influence anyone else. Being acknowledged feels amazing. And it's all because of this power. But, the whole reason I'm able to move forward..is because Kurosawa fell in love with me. "
Ep. 6: Nurturing Kurosawa is probably the sweetest thing ever. Two suit jackets hung up. Beautiful imagery.
My frustration with Adachi is....building. His avoidance and nervousness are still very much at the forefront
and we're about at the halfway mark of the series with only a few breakthroughs in between.
"Adachi's "so good" belongs to me and only me." heheheh. His internal monologues are more often than not WAY less cool than his exterior image and I find that so cute.
Ep.7: The bravery it took for Kurosawa to finally confess! Ughhhhhh, come ON, Adachi. The mud he's dredged in is thick with self-doubt, inexperience, and uncertainty, and my heart breaks for Kurosawa. Thankful for the switch in POV to Kurosawa (again, not unlike My Beautiful Man in that sense) for the first half of the episode. It's a refreshing break from Adachi's muddledness. I'd been curious about what attracted him to Adachi. This entire episode was heartbreaking and eye-opening. I really liked seeing what made him fall in love and his gently sweet observations. Adachi's run is about as disheveled as his recurrent bed head, lol. Big relationship shift here - I'm all for it. This episode really propelled the story forward again.
"I feel like my heart had been touched for the first time."
"Spending time with you has yielded a lot of surprises, but before I knew it, I was smiling."
"His heart is beating so fast. Kurosawa's feelings that he can't put into words are flowing into me."
Ep. 8: I'm cringing along with Adachi and smiling like a big goof. Kurosawa is obviously just as inexperienced as Adachi but he feigns it a little better (on the outside, lol). Adjusting to office life after *that* conversation is new territory and I'm excited to see where they'll go and how they'll grow together (and within themselves) with half of the season to go. This is an atypical format from what I've been used to; usually, the BL series ends right when the couple gets together and we're left with our imaginations (excluding I Promised You The Moon and its sequel- which were masterpieces). Here, we'll get to witness how they adapt to their work/life situations and navigate a new relationship.
Adachi's friend, Tsuge, *cracks* me up. His reactions are so EXTRA. He feels so passionately about everything.
The C R I N G E, the gentle step away from Kurosawa's foot after hearing that horrendous on the fly poem, hahahahaha.
I love that he's got to begrudgingly hear all of the supppper gushy mushy internal thoughts that Kurosawa (or anyone) would NEVER say out loud for its obvious grossness, and he's got to bear through it and acknowledge how embarrassing it is without breaking face. It's a really cute byproduct of his power that makes me blush in embarrassment for him.
Ep.9: They're cute. As their comfort levels rise, it's even cuter. They've got a lot to learn about each other and how to comfortably talk with each other.
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Go Watch This
Signed up to specially write a review for this deserving Series!//Long One//
Honestly how do I even begin? Yes, I have been a fan of BL/YAOI for over a year now and from Movies/Series to Manga/Novels I have watched and read every other one possible and while there were so many of them which became my favourite but this particular series right here...man it just has to be a magical one to be able to hook me up so bad on it right from the very first episode!
I am in no way trying to criticize any other BL series or the concept but honestly it was getting kind of repetitive for the same old College/Uni themed BL dramas following a smiliar plot line. You gotta give Japan the credits here for taking BL dramas on a whole new road and man what a wonderful road at that.
Even when we are only 3 episodes in, Cherry Magic has stolen my heart completely. The actors are just so good and their chemistry is evident right from their very first interaction. After just reading the synopsis I did feel that it was going to be a little cringy and cliché but I was so wrong. While the story line and some parts does have that immature (in a cute way) moments but they not being there would rather make the series loose it's essence. Also for some reason I highly believe that either the two leads share some similarities with their own personalities and their respective characters or it's just that they are two phenomenal actors. You can get a pretty good idea of what Kurosawa's personality is like right in the 15 minutes of the first episode, even when he is somewhat deemed as the 'Mr. Popular' the way his interactions are with his colleagues as well as with Adachi just let's you know he is that ideal personality every one dreams to date/be with...hats off to Machida for executing the role so flawlessly.
And then comes our Angel Adachi...gosh just three words here NEED TO PROTECT! His character is overflowing with adorableness, the poor boy was minding his own business when suddenly he is bestowed with the magic! He really is just too sweet in every episode and the way it's shown how he doesn't entirely dive in nor does he entirely retreat from the situation he is put in is so great because if they would have chosen either of the two then that would again somewhat follow the old school plot line. The dilemma is real and with the help of his magic he is trying his best to come to a decision.
Lastly, all I want to say is I have been someone who although loves to appreciate good talent wouldn't necessarily be so hooked on it to the point of gushing about it non-stop but I guess everything has it's firsts and Cheery Magic is my first time of fangirling on a series non-stop. I have never been so eagerly awaiting for the next episodes of any series but I just can't seem to wait for Kurosawa and Adachi to continue with getting to know each other and fall in love in the rest of the episodes. I can already feel my upcoming heart break when the final episode would be airedTT
Wow I wrote a damn essay! Well folks...y'all just need to go and watch and experience this amazing series for yourself!
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Beautiful story
Many times this series appeared to my youtube page and i dont event bother to watch it at the first place. However yesterday I watched the first episode and thats it.I fall in love with the episode one, two and cannot wait to complete it all. The series is about the shy Adachi Kiyoshi who gifted with the power to read someone mind when he touches them. At first he feels it like a curse. Of course it is scary to read people mind, however when he touches Kurosawa i can see that it is cute encounter. Akaso Eiji is so cute in this role with his clumsy and too nice attitude. People like to take advantage of him because of his innocent heart. Its make Kurosawa falls in love with him, well if you watch the episodes you will also fall in love with him!This BL series doesn't have too much kissing scenes but it is so entertaining to see the two male leads acted so well and we cannot wait to see the next episode. When i watched it, I always shouted to Adachi...just confess that you like him too!!!!!!!!
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Pop That Cherry!
This was such a unique BL/Yaoi in so many ways. First, the Seme fell in love with the Uke first and was a supportive and kind man. Second, the plot itself was original for a BL and took place in a realistic adult world, not a school or university like Thai BLs often are. My only complaint was the lack of passion shown. There were plenty of cute moments, and good character development. But for such a risqué idea of losing your virginity, it was pretty tame. We barely got a kiss. I would rewatch it though, because it had romance at least.Was this review helpful to you?
Till date one of the best BLs
This is one of the best BLs to watch, have been a fan of BLs sice long and have covered almost all the thai and few Philippine, Taiwan, Korea and japan. but so far this tops my list.I am even taking the pain to write this long review because the first episode itself had me crying and the pure beautifulness of the relation between the main leads is simply amazing.
the way story unravels and the way their feelings are expressed to each other is just perfect or even better. this is not just confined to BLs the drama has one the best love tracks that any story can have and keeps you hanging on cloud 9.
moreover, unlike other BLs it doesn't have forced circumstantial love. everything feels so real and the love feels so genuine and pure. you can't help but find yourself smiling while watching these episodes. It has that innocences and purity that makes the drama worth while to watch.
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Great original idea, cliché overly shy male lead and creepy side character
I wanted to wait until I finish the whole series but I couldn't take it any longer and stopped in the middle of the 8th episode to write this review.The idea which the story is based on is interesting and absolutely original as it is the case with most Japanese dramas. It gets slightly boring later on and I can't blame anything else than the poorly written, cliché characters. I'm mainly referring to Adachi here but Kurosawa felt kinda off during some scenes, too. It's very upsetting to see a good idea getting wasted like this, it had so much potential. The creators decided to leave out important information and ignore the fact that some scenes, interactions and feelings will come across as annoyingly random. (For example both Adachi and Kurosawa's sexual awakening, they totally skip this as in most BL, sadly.)
And now I'll tell the main reason I decided to write this review so abruptly: it's the one and only Tsuge. I must say beforehand that I have very little triggers and I'm usually not bothered at all by
"unhealthy" or at least not natural relationships (I'm a huge fan of Killing Stalking and I love Sangwoo and Yoonbum together, I think that says it all), but this guy made me feel so uncomfortable which I haven't felt in a long time. He is the typical middle-aged creepy loser with no friends and no life, so definitely not someone appealing in the eyes of a cool teenager. Since this is a romance BL series, I assume Minato will fall for him regardless (probably because Tsuge is the first one who believes him and encourages him to follow his dreams... strong daddy issues vibes so this is not love, sorry) and it ruins the whole drama for me so much that I would even call it unwatchable. And the fact that nor Adachi nor Kurosawa tells the dude the truth that he is an unfashionable creepy old guy and they even encourage him is even more upsetting. The drama basically implies that it's completely alright to prey on young boys if you are a 30 years old boring virgin. Like please, if you want to write a story about something that's not really right morally and socially, at least make it unrealistically appealing and hot instead of weirding viewers out by showing how a real p*d*phile looks like.
Despite the above mentioned (huge) negative point, the series is nice and it's worth watching once for sure, I wouldn't call it a waste of time. Plus point for featuring Yuutaro, I love him, and it was also a refreshing surprise to recognise Karube from Alice in Borderland (Keita Machida), I would have never thought he would play in a BL series.
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Entertaining, Cute, and Original
This show is currently airing and I have only seen 2 episodes so far but I'm already in love with it. The main character is a virgin at 30 and in this story this grants him the ability to read minds. He then discovers the cool handsome and all-rounder guy at work has a crush on him. This show is well-acted, funny, and has such cute lovely moments. I also find it to be introspective and thoughtful. I can relate to the main character and his struggles and his loneliness. He has lost hope in falling in love and his life isn't miserable but he goes through the motions and does his best settling for the usual. You can't help but root for him since the beginning to find love. The progression of the show so far feels natural and the chemistry between the ML's gives me butterflies. I will come back once the show has fully aired but this drama is refreshing, romantic, funny, and. sweet. Also, I'm addicted and wish all episodes would air at once.Was this review helpful to you?

its so fucking cute
The objective score is 8 but my score would be 10, i adored it.I hadn't gone into this knowing it was a bl but it was a nice surprise and as I was watching it I realised I had read the manga back in 2018 but I hadn't remembered it well so each episode still had me intrigued. If you especially like a painless watch where the problems aren't angsty as most bl tends to be, then this'll be perfect for you?
This has the rare bl drama premise of the lead (Adachi) having supernatural powers of being able to read people's minds if he touches them and finding out the other lead (Tsuge) - who he finds is this unreachable charming and top standard competent handsome guy - likes him. Adachi has low self esteem but a huge heart and has a general opinion that everyone else is better and is lucky(???? not the best choice) to be better, although not in a cruel way, it's more from a place naivety? ignorance (although I don't think that's the best word for it either). There's a maturity to the chaarcters in that they are adults who have already established a lot of their identity but like everyone, regardless of age, has room to grow further and find new parts of themselves. There's no unreasonable problems, the characters grow and learn from each other and if you watch anime, I think its got wotakoi vibes (which is another office love story featuring characters that are older) a little less funny but same vibes.
It's nice and lighthearted and the characters are damn precious, there is not a single character that I hated. You get to watch Adachi come to terms with himself, his identity and forming new opinions on himself and the people around him, but this is still lighthearted mind you, it's just something the creative staff pulled off really well without coming off pretentious by neither taking the idea too seriously or not seriously enough. It's great progression, I thought and the pacing was just right. The other side romance is also pretty cute and paced well considering the screentime given although slightly hurried but they manage to ease out the edges as the episodes move along.
The acting is seriously good, like Eiji Akaso as Adachi, balanced the awkward, hesitant and unsure adult that's comfortable in his individuality in terms of his values and beliefs really well. Akaso portrays Adachi's earnesty and sincerity believably and charmingly. Keita Machida as Tsuge shows off the composed and competentness of Tsuge in a sort of alluring way and when Tsuge's inner thoughts are revealed, Machida highlights the fucking adorableness of his thoughts but also the fact that you cant take things from first glance, that even someone that seems to be doing well as their own doubts and expectations of themselves that they struggle with. The two leads had amazing chemistry and each scene I couldn't take my eyes off them. The side characters' actors and actresses did a wonderful job showing each character unique aspects. There is only one female character Fujisaki - portrayed by adorable and talented actress Ryo Sato - in the story and she takes on a slightly guiding sort of role but still just manages to be portrayed as someone with her own problems, ideas and values which will be enough for me although I'd love to have seen more of her, she's way too kind and cute to not have been utilised more.
The intro and outro songs slaps hard but you know jindie always be like that, so no surprise there.
Rewatch value for me comes in how fucking cute this shit is.
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Cutest frickin' thing I've ever seen
This show is 150% fluff and I loved every second. Adachi and Kurosawa have great chemistry and their story is beautiful. Definitely a new comfort watch woohooOne note, I wasn't a huge fan of the secondary couple. I liked the individual characters but they didn't have much chemistry together.
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