This is not a love story (Complimentary)
In the series itself, Gene was writing BL novels, so the events of his life became a BL story. Beautiful men fall hopelessly in love with him, the conflicts he encounters are intimately tied to the state of his love life, and the resolution leaves him in a new place with regards to his relationship.In this special, Gene is writing horror novels and his life reflects that. People are acting in ways he doesn't understand, and he's very visibly losing his connection to other people, even the person he cares for the most.
If you're here for more lovely moments between Sib and Gene, this may fall short of expectations. But if you can set the BL aside to enjoy another installation of a writer having a slightly surreal experience and some fun meta about horror genre then this will feel clever and funny and like a fun coda to the main series.
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More a flop than a win
Honestly, the series and the characters didn’t deserve this. They tried to do something different, but I feel like it ended up being a a fail.Yes, the ending (after the trip) is nice. We get to see all the main characters in the restaurant, with a quick wrap up on their stories. We even get a Aey moment, which was one of my favorite parts because it shows that actions have consequences. I also like the callback to the bracelets from Gene’s dad.
I was okay with the abrupt weird beginning when I looked like just a fun bit to tie in with the new novel. The whole supernatural stuff on the beach was a complete mess. If Sib was not aware that something was going on, I’d 100% expect him to be extremely angry. Gene escalated his trick on Sib way too much. Sib’s lie was completely based on love, wanting to create a nice gift and spending time with Gene. While Gene’s only existed to make Sib look like an idiot and admit his lie.
Overall, though Sib is not perfect, and he did lie to Gene, with the help of their friends, this episode makes Gene look bad. Yes, Sib might be too much sometimes (we saw that on the show), but Gene sounds like the bigger problem.
Like so many continuations, this special ends up doing disservice to the characters.
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I just Love them!!!
Lovely Writer is one if not the Most Buzzworthy BL series nowadays. Its impact not only to Up and Kao's career but also to viewers are huge enough until now. The most anticipated Special Edition with 2 episode has been shown last night and I enjoyed it. The story tells the love of Nubsib to Gene was really immeasurable. After two years of being together, Nubsib wanted to maintain that kind of relationship with Gene. For just a 2 episode, of course we cannot hope for a perfect one just like the first series. Technically, it was not as what I expected, but as a whole it was really entertaining to watch. All the Characters are fun to watch and very supportive to Nubsib and Gene. In this special episode, Gene is more bolder in branding Nubsib as His Boyfriend and I love it. I really seeing Arthit character on Gene ha ha ha. And again there VISUALS, we dont need to argue with that.I think for those who watch it with me last night, in my opinion it will be better if they pull off the Season 2 of this series not only to satisfy Up and Kao's fans but to make the ending a better one....but still I did enjoy it...... If you are going to ask if its worth it for the price I pay to watch this episode, It was worth it. .......
Congratulations Lovely Writer ...........
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I'm hungover
Every time I finish watching Gene-Nubsib, I feel a deep sense of loss and stare at my computer blankly. I don't know what to watch after this that will make me feel as warm and content as this show. Their relationship is synonymous with comfort. The older I become, the more I crave for that calm redundant established relationship - both in the fictional world and my own life.This was a special episode. I have no clue why people are mad at it. Not a single special episode released for any other series has a major life defining plot. Not even a certain how that for some reason everyone is raving about. So... I don't really get what the fuss is all about. A non problematic feel good show comes along and suddenly everyone's an art critic. Give me 4 seasons of Sib and Gene being all cute, dorky, soft, and bickering and I'll gladly watch it. Anyway, take it for what it aimed to be. A glimpse into the future of Gene-Sib. For all those who felt happy just by seeing them smile at each other at any point, it's for you. It's cute, soft, crazy and a callback to the amazing show.
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Awesome Actors! Great and fresh story
I said the story is great and fresh because of it's first 12 episodes. I kinda predicted the story line of the special episode. But regardless that, I still enjoyed watching it because of the actors, especially Up Poompat. It really shows his experience in acting, though there are more rooms for improvement. I highly recommend this series to watch. It's plot is fresh and unique. As I already said on my first review for the firs 12 episodes, Kao can still improve his acting skills, and others too.Was this review helpful to you?