"First Impression is the Best Impression" - Proven False By Love Class 2
I agree with the people(in the comments) who stated that the first two episodes did not leave a good impression, also those two episodes are a bit confusing and make me lose interest in the drama. Hopefully I gave it a chance and I do not regret it. I don't know about others but I really really enjoyed it.I am not saying that it is completely flawless, that it is perfectly perfect. But I can just say that it is cute, lots of couples(literally not just 3...If you watch the drama you might just understand hehehe), a tiny little bit of mystery which I felt could have handled more wisely and mature. But kudos to the director, team and the leads the drama came out so well.
Talking about the characters and the actors, Lee Kwang Hee(Maru) is such a great actor.I fell in love with his character when he confides the cafe manager for minwoo...so cute and funny.I felt that nobody could have pulled that scene except for Lee Kwang Hee. I am already looking forward to his future projects. Also the dating class teacher is such a lovely person, I really liked her acting also her smile is so beautiful. The whole Kim An and Lee Hyun relationship felt so off for me, but the other two couples(maru x minwoo and joohyuk x sungmin) made it up for me. Also special mention to Sara(I don't this actress name) she nailed it and she is so beautiful.
I felt episode 10 is a bit draggy and totally irrelevant to the story and unnecessary as if they are forcing it to be the climax of the story. Other than that everything is great!!
Also, I did not watch the first season but the cameos of the first season's leads made this a season 2 for Love Class hahaha. So, no need to watch the first season, You will enjoy it for the story itself like I did.
P.S. - Great Support actors (especially Sara and dating class Teacher), Great Visuals, Good chemistry, Many couples, Short and sweet, Worth the Time.....So o watch it!!!
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Triple the fun in Love Class 2
Initially I was expecting this to be a continuation of LC 1 with the same cast - it didn't happen. The concept of a Love Class at University continues but this time there are 2 other couples.Three Couples
Friends to Lovers - the funny one
Teachers Assistant and Student - the frustrating / lack of communication one
Old Crush hurt / comfort - the darker one
All 3 stories are engaging and worth watching to see how they end. I switched favourites week to week
The kisses vary from hot and steamy to mannequin idol kisses so be warned !
This is definitely worthy of a binge watch. It is confusing in places and it would have benefitted from more interwoven interactions between the 3 couples throughout the series.
Didn't really notice the OST so can't comment. Casting and acting were generally good. I've rewatched bits already.
Can't wait for season 3
CB x
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A filler drama you are bound to forget
The only thing I remember from season one was a teddy in a hoodie, the rest just did not really leave a mark. I wonder what or if I will remember this season.If I do will it be for a pink shirt and a man being called a slut? or will it be for the cupid with a beautiful smile? Maybe Ill remember the dark rooftop and my own pondering about peoples perceptions of reality and mental health? Or maybe just maybe Ill remember the friendships and the smiles... Who were all lovely, but chances are that even though this had a better last episode than season one (I found it in my memory), chances are this one will be forgotten among al the other plots of dreamland.
So what can I say it was an okay watch but if I could baerly remember the first 4 episodes after a weeks break I doubt Ill remember the drama next month. But do are all dramas meant to be remembered?
So here is to filler dramas, and when in need of a filler, this is actually not a bad choice.
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A surprisingly good series
The first two episodes were confusing and not too engaging, but it's well worth giving it a chance.This is one of the most attractive casts I've seen in a long time, and the acting is fairly good. There are three couples, the main pair and the two side couples - as is not uncommon, the side couples far outshone the main pair, who were the weakest in every regard - their story was odd and full of holes, they looked like they were held at gunpoint to play gay, and their kisses were among the worst I've ever seen. Fortunately, J-Min has his singing career to fall back on, and Kim Yeong Suk looks really, really good with his shirt off, and I liked that the show didn't pretend his abs had no effect on Lee Hyun.
The other two pairs have wonderful chemistry and their characters are more appealing, with MVP going to Lee Kwang Hee as Maru, who is a powerhouse of vulnerability and cuteness and yet so sexy.
I liked how this was about pairs of guys, and didn't divide them into ukes and semes - in fact it subverted expectations. You would assume Sung Min was the seme - older, taller, more muscular. and yet passive and shy, whereas Joo Hyuk is more assertive and confident. None of which means anything in real life about who does what in bed.
The last episode is a bit of a throw-away and could have been skipped, although it wasn't unpleasant.
Anyway, I'd recommend this - it's possibly my favorite BL series lately.
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Watch out for the boom mic
I enjoyed the start of this series although it was a bit confusing. The ending became like a filler for time.Couple of episode, the boom mic was showing. I am sure editing saw this but probably due to budget, and scheduling, reshooting these scenes weren't an option.
There were 3 couples wherein their stories were told.
I am however, still confuse as to the guy jumping from the rooftop. It wasnt even explained how he survived it, and what happened after suriving his jump. Where was he all that time that he just suddenly showed up. Did I miss it?
Last two episodes were like added just to make it 10 episodes. There were awkward, senseless scenes.
The acting is good and roles were portrayed well.
I think this series could have been directed and edited better. Script and Screenplay need a lot of improvements.
As for recommending this series, yes as something to fill your cravings without high expectations while waiting for a well produced BL series.
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Just ok
It really was a weird drama in regards to how I felt about it, usually I have a whole spiel after watching a drama but I am almost loss for words on what to write with this one.Although the couples were cute and adorable, the plot was thinner than a sheet of paper.
I simply can’t forgive a mannequin mouth press dead fish kiss especially from the lead couple of a series in a show done in 2023, but the other 2 couples delivered, I just wish there was more of a plot.
There were some good dialogues and banter though.
Overall ok and easy/fast drama to watch.
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A Hidden Gem
I am loving this series,it hasn't finished airing yet,and i have never written a review before but this series is not getting the hype it deserves.I haven't watched the 1st season,for some reason i couldn't bring myself to watch it so i never really had antly expectation from this one but boy i was wrong,when it started to air i read some comment on mdl,people kept saying
this series was confusing so i didn't watch,next week i had nothing to watch so i ended up watching it and i loved it,yeah the 1st two ep was kinda confuising and i forgot the trailer so i didn't know anything,but this series started to do good after 3rd ep.
I really loved Hyun and Kim an,they have a complex love story and i love this kind.So Kim an was Hyun's Tutor when hyun was a high school student,hyun's parent's were getting a divorce and kim an was going though problems(well i won't say what kind) they both kinda found a safe haven between themselves and the sexual attraction was strong.But then one day kim an disappiared from hyun's life(again i won't say the reason),Hyun tried really hard and got into the university kim an goes and when he found him kim an was a completly different person,he was giving hyun cold soulders,but hyun kept trying to make kim an happy and kim an was also in love with hyun so he finally gave in,and then a climax happened,it wasn't much sure but they did their best.
So what i liked about this was their chemistry ,the way they looked at each other,the way the behaved i absolutly loved those small interactions.
The other two couple are good two,there was a couple where the story begain with one falling in love with other at first sight,not a big fan of love at first sight stories but their kissing is on point and the assistant teacher is cute and funny.
And there was another couple,one had a unrequitted crush on the other,the other loved him to but was too oblivious to know that,same old story.their kissing was good too they were kinda cute.
Conclusion:My favourite couple was Hyun and Kim an,they deserves another spin off on their on,and i wish they get one.I will rewatch it again after it ends i know that,so if anyone wants to watch it,give it a try it's not perfect but it's imperfectation also feels good somehow,it's way better than many and worth the time.
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liked it more as it went on
Overall: confusing start and I had some issues with the series but it ended well. 10 episodes with about 25 minutes each. Aired on GagaOOLala and Viki.Content Warnings: attempted suicide, attempted/near murder, manipulation, blackmail, stalking, non con kiss
What I Liked
- sweet moments (especially ep 9 and 10)
- that the couples had different dynamics/relationships (though I struggled with all of them at different points)
- the misunderstanding with modeling was funny (wish he had actually modeled though)
- cameo from a couple in season 1 of Love Class and also the couple from Private Lessons
- good kissing/intimacy (except for 1 couple who did dead fish lip presses)
Room For Improvement
- that was an extremely heavy way to start a series and then they jumped into a fluffy scene directly afterwards which gave me whiplash
- things were confusing in the beginning, it was not immediately apparent if that first scene was a flashback or a flash forward, I was trying to figure out who was who during episode 1...
- too many characters introduced without properly explaining who they were/their relationship to one another
- spent too much time on other things like how none of the three couples interacted until after 10 of 30 minutes in episode 3
- the non con kiss, totally unnecessary
- I was still confused when the past was revealed, what exactly was the issue with the wrong ID, did it ruin his reputation???
- I struggled with all 3 couples
-- teaching assistant/student - bought him underwear and then blackmailed him into a date, played relationship mind games, cliche plot point of witnessed something the ghosted him (did like the flashback in episode 10 that explained a bit on why the student was interested in the teaching assistant, wish we had known that sooner)
-- barista/jobless friend - barista silently simped forever and then punished his friend who didn't even know why, barista called his friend a slut for singing a fake confession and then did a non con kiss while his friend was passed out, played relationship mind games
-- student/older student - ignored boundaries several times, the student was pretty pushy but then older student just relented for no reason that I could see, they didn't clearly define what their relationship was in the past, ghosted someone for 2 years, dead fish lip presses
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Confusing Start but Thoughtful Ending
The first episode will have you in shambles, forewarning. I was given the impression that this would be the continuation of season one but it is not. Instead, Love Class Season 2 is the tale of three college couples, all with their own distinct story and conflict. But the only reason this series can't get much higher than the score it has now is because of the ample amount of editing errors that are just so unlike what I've ever seen come out of Korea.Let's Dive In.
It's unfortunate that the first two episodes are so confusing and don't have a good start-up to the story at all. We're thrown into their stories without even an introduction to their person or who they are or what they do. It gets better by the third episode, by then, I can't remember names, but I can at least figure out who will end up with whom. And the story by the end is actually pretty nice -- it's all wrapped up in a neat bow and given proper resolutions. As well as the plot within the middle being very intriguing, keeping me super enthralled and ready to watch the next episode.
My favorite couple were the cafe cuties, Maru and Minwoo. Kwanghee's (Maru) incredible acting abilities was the reason I was so thrilled with this pairing, so I'm so excited to see that he has a lot of impressive projects lined up for next year. Anyways, I think this pairing worked so well being of their personalities and how they clashed so well together. Maru is super outgoing and bubbly, doing anything he can so that Minwoo won't keep getting bullied by the cafe owner anymore. and Minwoo is just quite the opposite, obedient and to himself, not letting himself share his feelings with Maru until it becomes unbearable. I like that once they get together, it's just that, not some unnecessary conflicts thrown in at the last minute. They're just happy and in love and can kiss (thank god)! And thankfully the friendly female character was able to end up with someone too.
Onto my second favorite couple, the TA and student, Joohyuk and Sungmin. Their story was pretty easygoing and just super sweet. They have a one-night stand that ends with both of them not being able to forget about the other and so they further that relationship by teasing and scheming and some miscommunication, but in the end everything works out. I loved Joohyuk, I loved how he really went for what he wanted and got the TA to fall for him so hard. The moment Joohyuk walked into his office, locked the door, and kissed him leaving without anything else to say?? Oh, I was hooked. Again, once they got together, they were just happy and cutesy and I liked them a lot. Also, Woojae (Sungmin) is gorgeous to look at so that doesn't hurt either.
Not onto my favorite couple that would gotten number one had it not been for the drop in chemistry and the god-awful kissing: An and Hyun. I hate that they ended up being my least favorite couple because they seriously had some great connection and tension build-up from the get-go. Even the flashbacks to when An was Hyun's tutor were so full of tension that I couldn't wait for them to finally get together. And then they do, and it's like all their chemistry drops to the ground. For one, their kiss was so terrible that I don't know how the director approved of it, especially seeing how intense Maru and Minwoo's kissing scenes were. And then they proceeded to kiss maybe 3-4 times after that and it's so gut-wrenching to watch that I just started closing my eyes. That's when their chemistry drops too, and it just feels off and not genuine. For them to also be the main leads, someone should've taught them how to kiss or just not have them kiss at all if it was going to be that bad. On top of that, An's stalker "brother" plot had the worst ending ever. He just suddenly doesn't want to stalk An anymore after years of doing it...? Okay...
Now onto the reason why this series is getting a low overall score from me: the technical/editing errors. I'm not a nit-picky person by any means, but oh my gosh, in each episode there was some type of technical issue that I started just screaming in my room each time I notice it. The amount of times you could see the boom mic had me wanting to reach through the screen and tear it out of the frame. Who edited this? How could you miss something so evident like that? The laziness and sloppiness in this department is embarrassing, and I've never seen this in any series, let alone a Korean series.
Story: 7.5/10 - harsh start, but by the end, it's really good. The main couple weren't as poignant as the side couples, so, you know, that's not good, along with the rushed stalker storyline. And then continuous editing errors threw me off completely. But I loved the side couples a lot, so a 7.5/10 will do.
Acting: 8.5/10 - Kwanghee stole the show! So excited to see him in future projects. everyone else did decent too, but Hyomin and J-min's acting was probably closer to the mediocre line.
Music: 7/10 - wasn't distracting so that's good. Also like how for certain scenes (cough cough, Maru and Miinwoo's beautiful and very crisp-sounding kiss) they didn't play music and let the moment be, which is why I wish that a lot of other series would do the same thing.
Recommendation value: 6/10 - Eh. It's cute and not terrible, but some things are better than others. Wouldn't be the first K-BL I'd recommend, but they're all hot, so why not?
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A decent watch for a low budget web drama
“Love Class 2” is an impulse watch on Viki and I really didn’t have high expectations. I also did not watch the first season. I know this is a lower budget web drama with novice actors. So, I was pleasantly surprised that the acting is not half-bad and the drama is a little less cutesy than I imagined. The drama follows 3 couples and their romance stories.Lee Hyun reunited with his former tutor and crush, Kim An in college. Kim An disappeared out-of-the-blue 2 years ago and Lee Hyun has been trying to find him. Their story is unexpected in a way that it was more serious and less fluffy than I thought. The reason why Kim An disappeared and his relationship with a ‘family’ member are interesting and developed well enough given this is a very short drama. The acting for these 3 aren’t bad, but I was quite disappointed in their kiss scenes. LOL. I guess because J-min/Lee Hyun is an idol?
Min Woo and Ma Roo are best friends, and Min Woo had a crush on this BFF for a very long time. Unrequited love is one of my favorite tropes, so I am happy to follow their journey. The story is simple and predictable, but not bad. Acting was only so-so for these two young actors. I find Ma Roo overacted and Min Woo underacted. They do make up for the amazing kiss scenes that were somewhat unexpected. I didn’t think shy Min Woo had it in him to give me that. ;)
Last but not the least, Joo Hyuk, college senior, fell in love with teaching assistant Sung Min, at first sight. Joo Hyuk is quite persistent and launched his courting attack on Sung Min quite early on in the drama. I was a little less invested in their story, compared to the other two. I didn’t think Sung Min, who is the oldest of all the characters, would appear to be the most inexperienced in love. I guess you can also call his confusion cute. But this older couple does not disappoint in the kissing and intimacy department. I am not going to say it’s not a little fan service during their intimate scenes, but nonetheless, I am glad to see Korean BLs are not as shy in that area (still not as provocative as Thai BL, but it’s an improvement).
The last episode is totally fan service and not necessary. They could have wrapped everything up in episode 9. Overall, for a low budget web drama, it’s pretty decent with acceptable acting from the young and inexperienced cast. Oh, the actual class is interesting and I bet it’s the most popular class on campus.
Completed: 9/10/2023 - Review #352
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Well... nothing happened really... except some fluff
What was great about this one is that it told three different stories.And Kim An's back story seemed interesting and complex. But writers quickly abandoned his development.
However, despite moving on quickly the show dragged its short 10 episodes.
It was hard to invest oneself into any of three relationship because these were superficially covered. I though the actor who was Hyun did a great job. Him and Kim An sort of had some development and backstory. However Minwoo and Maru, who put them together? Also Minwoo's behavior strongly suggested something was not exactly right with him and since it did not get revealed I just get a strange vibe altogether.
Acting really was not strong in this one.
It is 10x20min episodes but it is a pass from me.
There are much better fluffy options with great plot, acting, chemistry. if interested check out my fluff playlist as I cannot remember exact names of dramas.
If you decide to watch it, enjoy...
And Thanks for reading!
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Not as I bad as I was expecting
The main couple was sweet. Older childhood crush with trauma backstory - the older guy was framed by his "brother" (unrelated) who used his name for prostitution, then had sex with his professor and then faked a suicide and disappeared for 3 years, till he conveniently showed up as at the exact same moment the ML, Kim An, was getting his life back on track. MC, Lee Hyun, is my fav seme in Kbl, so far. He not only trusted the ML (this is a rare seme protag bl) to tell him, even when the creepy brother was being a creep and trying to break up by bringing up "rumours" about him being host/murderer, he was like "meh, rumours are rumours". He never gets angry/jealous and never questions his partner's secrets.There were some comments about dead-fish kissing but honestly, I didn't feel that way. The only times we see them kiss are when ML is almost assaulted by his brother who realises ML would rather die than be with him, so he just.... leaves (after failing to create any drama, because MC is Bae...173 (sorry, couldn't resist). MC takes him home and they kiss so it makes sense that it isnt a full-on makeout kiss. The other times are in a public garden and then there's another which is more of a good morning peck than a kiss. Also ML is supposed to be shy/stoic (like MC literally comments that ML doesn't react much to kissing and he is like 'am I supposed to?') So, the heavy lip-touching wasn't as weird or out of character as I expected. They, instead, had plenty of intimate contact and were generally cute.
2nd, we have the best couple of the show. Minwoo and Maru. Hell, Maru was the best thing about the show, period. It's your typical friends to lovers trope - Maru is an extrovert playboy and Minwoo is an introvert with a crush on his best friend. I am not going to wax poetics about uri Maru because we will be here all day, but just trust me when I say I really hope someone makes a special Maru cut of the drama. He is also the reason for the rewatch rating.
My biggest problem with the show was the 3rd couple (ONS to lovers in summary). One guy works in the administration office and other is a returnee student (came back to college after Military Service) in a completely different dept (Art major). Their story starts when office guy, who is a complete pushover, is mistaken as a nude model while delivering something to the Art's Dept Professor. The ML manages to find the right guy in nick of time, but not before catching an eyeful of the office guy in his ugly underwear and of course falling for him. What follows is him stalking and harassing the guy by sending him underwear presents IN OFFICE and repeatedly harassing him for a date, completely disregarding his discomfort because, god forbid, anyone make an ensemble bl without at least one stalker-to-lover plot. It culminates into a one night stand and eventually a relationship (which I was shamelessly skipping, so I dont really have an opinion about them).
Lastly, the last episode. There are plenty of complaints about it both in other reviews or comments. But as seasoned BL watcher, it was just a KBL equivalent of Phuket or Chiang Mai tourism episodes in Thai Bls, which was essentially promoting some game and a glamping campsite. And, honestly, if this sponsorship gave us last 15 mins of ep.9, I ain't complaining.
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