Annoying drama so far
Such a useless movie wastage of time, going back with her ex who is selfish and emotional abuser. I thought the storyline would be better by changing herself into new relationship and stay happy with Kang but uffff the end is not happy ending according to me it's so unsatisfied and annoying to see her getting back with the selfish exWas this review helpful to you?

toxic relationship!
I'm sorry but romanticizing a toxic relationship just doesn't make any sense. I think I made the right decision to drop the drama after passing episodes...Of all clichés, the ex red flag getting back with the previously abandoned partner is the most unbearable for me. People like that don’t change, and the fracture won’t help you heal. Is it so hard to depict life realistically?
Here's the thing. She is NOT HyeRi. She is xtrmly unstable, in need of psych treatment. That right there is a 🚩. Not a time for relationships. The writer chose to have 3 men love her which is totally unrealistic, but, hey, kdramas are seldom realistic.
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Wasted potential for sure...
I hate to write a bad review for this one since I really liked the initial premise and the cast. Those first few episodes were fantastic, the set up, the emotional feeling and complexity of the characters were shaping up to be, if not great, interesting. The story could’ve gone in soooo many different ways, but no, the creators decided to take the more conventional route. Here you have a FL and no matter what she will end up with the ML. In my” humble" opinion BIG MISTAKE. The FL could’ve ended alone and that would’ve been fine as long as she could’ve been on her way to recovery.But if I had my pick I would’ve taken the most unconventional route … exploring the FL relationship with the ML’s younger brother. He was daring and willing to go far and beyond for our troubled FL… they had by far the most interesting interactions in the whole drama.
I don’t think that I’ll rewatch it and I hope that our wonderful Shin Hye Sun chooses better scripts, but if not at least I hope she chooses the ones that offer her the most money.
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We should maybe rethink the synopsis?
As many others, I have had a lot of opinions about this drama. From telling a friend that I will slap someone if she doesn’t end up with Joo Hyeon, to ending up seeing the drama from a completely different angle in the end.We often think of this scenario: She meets two guys. But I have chosen to flip it around. Two guys meet Eun Ho/Hyeri, and we learn about their growth because of her.
Many are talking about Hyun Oh being a red flag. I don’t really think so. He is a good guy, that have taken some really bad choices because of his past. Because, let’s face it: Good people sometimes make shitty decisions and discovers too late that it was wrong. The difference between good people making bad choices vs red flags, are the ability to learn from it and grow as a human.
If we look at Joo Hyeon, he was perfect with Hyeri. I don’t think he would be a good match for Eun Ho. So it was heartbreaking when Hyeri disappeared. But he also changed himself, and there is absolutely happiness for him in the future now that his heart has been opened and healed from his past.
And then we have Eun Ho that couldn’t let go. Firstly, she worked with her ex every day. That makes things more difficult. And they had eight years together, and in a way it felt like their connection was strong. It’s like she breathes Hyun Oh. He is the only one for her. And in all her quirkiness, he is a good fit. Not to forget, the topic in the end: Good and bad break up. The sudden break up, did not give her closure at all. And relationships often take so much longer to heal. So when he came back, she didn’t have the strength to say no. And in the end, that was probably the best choice for her.
But is the story itself perfect? No. It had a bit of a weird flow. A little bit of rewriting here and there, would’ve helped. Her DID didn’t feel completely convincing. And even though I loved Kang Hoon’s character, he wasn’t really necessary for this story to be told. I think most of us got a bit sidetracked buy Ju Hyeon and Hyeri, and wanted that love story to be told, and missing Hyun Oh’s part of the story. I could mention more details, but I think I’ll stop here. I have said the most important things I wanted to say.
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Realistic love story and no mental illness stigma!
Bravo. Shin Hye-sun and Lee Jin-wook are amazing and they delivered a beautiful and intimate performance, pairing wonderfully together.The show did a great job depicting the different sides of love, good and bad- tough decisions trying to balance family and romantic love, things not working out, stubborn stances, pride and letting go of it, allowing yourself to love and be loved... As in life, no character was without faults and without making regretable choices. I liked how instead of dwelling on blame, they moved forward to where they should be in a sincere and loving way.
Some criticize the DID depiction. DID is multifaceted and very different for each person it affects. Much of it is internal and so it is hard for physicians, friends, and families to grasp, let alone portray on a show. Kudos for bringing it up and for not having the characters and audience treat a person with DID in a pathetic, assylum oriented, or pitiful way. Eun Ho/ Hyeri didn't feel like a product of an illness. As a friend of someone with DID and who was treated as a specimen rather than himself, I truly appreciate that.
Loved the cast, cinematography, story line, messages, etc. Great balance between main/side stories and present/flashbacks. I am very glad I watched it and recommend it!
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However, the series encounters challenges in its final four episodes. The storytelling becomes muddled, with several plot lines introduced but not fully developed. Character arcs that initially held promise feel rushed or unresolved, leaving viewers yearning for more depth. The emotional intensity built throughout the earlier episodes starts to wane, leading to a lackluster conclusion that doesn’t do justice to the character journeys established earlier.
Due to these narrative issues, I wouldn't recommend "Dear Hyeri" to others. While the performances and music are noteworthy, the lack of a cohesive and satisfying story undermines the overall experience. It’s a reminder that even with strong elements, a compelling narrative is crucial for a K-drama to leave a lasting impression.
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A good concept ruined by poor storytelling
Drama started so well but went downhill by the last few eps.--This drama could have done so well and shown a mentally broken person with DID healing from past scars but they turned it into a total romantic past lover reunion melodrama bullshit.
--Even Shin Hye Sun's acting and Truck kun won't be able to save this one.
--KJY's character is here to suffer. Major Second Lead Syndrome incoming.
--JHJ's character has no character development and is only there for gag.
--LJW needs to go to acting school.
The leads especially the male lead is a huge miscast. His role needed a guy who can act well with his eyes and even show the subtle emotions well but all we get is a bland and blank LJW who is so crappy with his acting. He was decent is Bulgasal but was horrible in this one. Shin Hye Sun and Kang Ju Yeon did so well with their roles but sadly the story writing was so poor that their amazing acting can't save this drama. SHS always nails her roles no matter the genre and even this time she was phenomenal.
Story writing is the biggest drawback of this drama.
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Dear Hyeri, you deserved better
There’s no other way to describe this show other than wasted potential.I went through most of it thinking it would be one of the best dramas of the year, but the last couple of episodes came and it suddenly turned into one of the worst ones.
This is one of the few drama plots that I think could’ve done with more episodes; you could exclude all the nonsensical secondary characters and all the “let’s try to redeem this ass*hole of a ML by showing his trauma” and still be left with so much to unpack from Eun Ho’s story alone, but instead, it felt like they suddenly had to cut the story short and chose the cheapest, most ridiculous ending possible for it.
It’s like the last two last episodes were completely separate from all the rest. The intended message might’ve been that “love heals all” but in reality, nothing is healed, the “love” is simply toxic and all that’s left is Eun Ho’s unresolved traumas and bunch of complex storylines that were never fully explored.
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Very disappointed, but still good.
I really loved this drama; it was just so so so beautiful. The story touched me; this show's emotions and acting were just something else. I started this show because of Shin Hye Sun; wow, she always amazes me. Obviously, she will continue to be my favorite actress.I didn't hear about this show until about 4 or 5 episodes were out; I saw Shin Hye Sun on the cover and clicked without reading the description. I totally binged all that was out, instantly loving the show. This led me to eagerly wait for a new episode each week... until I wasn't. Long before it finished coming out, I was already going to rate it 10/10; that's how good I thought it was. But then the story just went so downhill. Needless to say, I'm disappointed in how the show ended. I found myself annoyed the whole last episode.
Overall, I'll say I loved the show because of Hyeri's and Eunho's journey. I just wish the direction of the show went better.
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It’s complex but their relationship i can understand.
I don’t think this drama is as bad as some say. The acting is top-notch, and the cinematography is stunning.The leads’ relationship dynamic is complex yet understandable. While the male lead has toxic traits, he also shows redeeming qualities. His actions, though often unwise, are rooted in a misguided attempt to do what he thinks best for her. He’s a coward who loves her, and she knows that. She hates his cowardice but can’t stop loving him. Their relationship is unhealthy, and they both have a lot going on in their lives that affects them. So yeah, it’s understandable.
Also, people who hates this drama because she doesn’t end up with the sml is completely delusional, do u now get what a DID mean? duh.
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them having their "happily ever after" in the forest where her sister disappeared is horrible
I have a lot of criticisms; the romanticization of the toxic relationship, saying that a mental illness is "cured" with love, and completely leaving aside the story about the disappearance of her sister Hyeri.---
ML was selfish, he was with her for 8 years and could never be honest with her about his family situation, we can also see how manipulative he was and of course FL is emotionally dependent on him which makes the situation worse and the fact that she met his family 12 YEARS LATER is just a red flag, FL should have been left alone and managed to heal her pain because she didn't heal anything, she just went back to where she suffered and with marriage everything is resolved.
Mental health here is a joke, FL was depressed, she hated herself and after getting back with her ex she is happy, smiling and excited to go back to her job where she was treated horribly.
A disconcerting personality disorder is not cured just because you found love, and the fact that FL said she wants Hyeri back would make her happy is like... for that to happen she has to be emotionally unwell..
FL developed another personality because of the trauma of her missing sister and that story had no closure, the writer forgot about that halfway through the drama.
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There has never been a male lead that has pissed me off so baddddddddd
Hye Sun acting is spectacular and that was what peeked my interest into this show.The ML irked me so much in this series, I don’t know why they made her hung up on him for 12 years. I don’t see any thing special about their bond. Given the disgrace and the nonsense he told her, it’s obvious she is clinging onto him so bad cause of the amount of time she spent with him and working in the same office didn’t help at all.
They keep doing this push and pull shit that annoys me so much. Let this ML gooooo, their bond isn’t special even during the throw backs it always felt she was begging for his love. I would rather her be sick and be with the SML than be herself with the ML tbh. The amount of times I skipped watching the ML. I can’t stand hearing him talk or his face especially when he is with her. After episode 10, I have honestly lost interest in watching it and won’t recommend to friends cause that’s how shot it is. The writers and directors honestly did a terrible job with this one I can’t lie
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