Have been fllowing this Drama Series on tv but could ony watch 1 episode at a time once a week. So delighted to find this website. Furstrating nevertheless - can't find the button to click to play and watch any of the wonderful episodes!!!! Please kindly help to make this website more users and fans friendly please so that we can support the series anytime anywhere. Keep the spisodes sreaming.
This started off as such a precious gem. It was, if not perfect, near-perfect. The setting, the characters, and the situations were all so realistic, loveable, and addicting yet subtle. It was a perfect blend of everything... that I love. This beauty continued on for the entire first half, until things started going downhill. I found that the story ended up revolving too much on our main characters, Liu Chuan and Jia En. None of the other characters really got a moment in the spotlight they so rightfully deserve. The stories, while tried to be interesting, were, but it just lost the magic it once had. At the end of it, I loved the supporting characters more than the main characters, who took all the screen time for themselves. Smh.
Yes, I know, not the greatest review, but I'm still so upset at how downhill it went to continue this review. In a few days, maybe, I might come back and reflect more on it.