I think all the actors did a really good Job, it's the characters that are a bit of a problem, I liked the main lead -just the first part of the movie- & I liked the main Villain's voice, he’s so crazy I really liked his character , I hated the character Mi Do a lot Eww really disgusting & shallow.
I have mixed feelings towards the story as a whole, I liked the beginning a lot yet now that I’m done watching this I feel like vomiting, I wish I hadn't watched it but I don't think this will be the case for all.
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This movie is a male power fantasy
and it doesn't shy away from the fact that their target audience is middle-aged men.Man gets kidnapped and is locked up for 15 years (by the way, he looks the same age before and after) and becomes a badass, pro at fighting and spouting random facts (due to television being the only entertainment he had). Not only that, he gets a young girl as a lover (rather tragic, truly).
Conceptually I can give the story, acting, cinematography, and music great scores, yet this movie was hilarious and I couldn't take it seriously.
At the start it was funny and I chuckled at the nonsensical nature of it (if you like Japanese humor you will like it too). But then the second act starts and the viewer is supposed to care about... Characters.
Then climax and reveal happens, impressive acting performance, emotions going through the roof.
Yet I don't care. I don't even shed a tear or gasp in surprise (spoiler was revealed ages ago to me).
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone." wonderful quote that says how I feel about this movie.
One of the most annoying features of Oldboy- male gaze (our character is lustful). And at times it's quite random, especially in the second half (because in the first half it was played for comedic effect).
By the way, female characters here are basically just decoration (it's not about them after all + it's 2003 movie).
Will I rewatch this movie? Nah. If I need I will look up gifs or screencaps for wonderful cinematography.
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This movie is really hard to rate, in my opinion. Although I found the acting absolutely brilliant, I wasn't happy with the flow of the movie at all. Also the story is just sick sick sick!!!
I can understand the male lead's actions at first cause he wasn't aware...but the ending??!! Gosh that was gross and messed up!! and SICK!!! *goes to a corner and pukes*
This movie was similar in a way to the movie "No Mercy". The whole revenge idea in "Old Boy" was good but I enjoyed the revenge in 'No Mercy' way way better...that movie was just brilliant and haunting...especially the ending!
So what I 100% enjoyed in "Old Boy" was the acting. The whole cast was brilliant, especially Choi Min Shik. I don't think they could have chosen anyone better for that role!
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This review may contain spoilers
Okay I have to admit, I did watch this movie solely because people on tiktok always called it ‘the best korean movie’. I wanted to see for myself what the hype was all about..but honestly, I don’t really see what makes it so special?The plot is completely incestuous and once that was revealed everything became uncomfortable. You can spare the whole ‘deep meaning’ behind it. I still think it’s a nasty movie lol…
Other than the plot, the acting was truly amazing though! You can tell these are veteran actors. I’m always in awe at how great actors could play such a terrible character.
Though Daesu didn’t know it was his daughter, I still think it was wrong of him to just continue the relationship blissfully.
I don’t know…i’ve got mixed feelings about this movie. I’m just left with a nasty feeling honestly.
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There are some plot points in this movie that are kind of questionable and require suspension of disbelief, but overall this was great to watch.The story was harrowing and I felt mind-blown by the way things were playing out, even when I realized things one second before it was revealed. The tone of the story was really doom-and-gloom and I felt like it perfectly encapsulated the vengeance theme, from the very first second to the very last scene. Great movie— one that's not afraid to embrace its darkness.
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¡Hola, gente! Hoy toca la segunda (y más popular) película de "La trilogía de la venganza": #Oldboy.🔨Dae-Su es un hombre de negocios que, sin motivo aparente, es secuestrado y confinado en una celda. Quince años más tarde, es liberado, y su captor le ofrece cinco días para intentar averiguar la causa de su encierro.
Esta película la vi por primera vez hace años, cuando era una pequeña cinéfila que lo único asiático que consumía era anime, y en general recuerdo que me había gustado mucho (sobre todo por el tan famoso final), pero al mismo tiempo me confundió un montón debido a la falta de costumbre. Habiéndola vuelto a ver estando un poco más habituada a este tipo de producciones, puedo decir que es una película muuuy buena y sorprendentemente sólida (teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de cosas que en un principio parecen no tener sentido).
Creo que lo que más destaco es lo entretenida que es. A lo largo de las casi dos horas que dura, pasa de todo, y con un ritmo bastante dinámico. Eso sí, en este rewatch puede que la haya disfrutado un poquito menos, a pesar de haberla entendido mejor, porque toda la trama se apoya mucho en descubrir por qué Dae-Su fue encerrado y, al ya saberlo, parte de la gracia se "pierde".
Con esto no quiero decir que no haya cosas que mirar al volver a verla, ya que la película está llena de pequeñas metáforas y simbolismos que a uno tal vez se le pasen desapercibidos en el primer visionado. Así que si algo no puede decirse de Oldboy es que es "otra película de acción más".
Los actores son excelentes, el director Park Chan Wook hace uso de todas sus habilidades para presentar una película muy trabajada y con mucha atención al detalle (sobre todo en el uso de ciertos objetos, planos o colores), la forma en la que la venganza aparece representada y los personajes que la encarnan son muy interesantes, la banda sonora es muy buena y un largo etcétera.
En definitiva, es una película excelente y súper recomendable que goza de un estilo muy propio y que está increíblemente bien escrita, pero creo que no es mi tipo de filme, y por eso sigo prefiriendo "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance".
•IG DE RESEÑAS CORTAS: @altoplottwist
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