Well I’d say let’s settle on that time and solipsism5 please create a thread for us and post the link here. :)

Where are we posting the thread?  I wonder about doing it on the I Promised You The Moon Board?  You might attract a few people from there.  I'm fine with any time on the weekend and 4PM Bangkok time on Sunday will be good for me.  

I think it would be more logical to post it on the IPYTM or ITSAY boards.   It would be weird to post it here under ATOTS.  

Next question:  when do we want to start the ITSAY rewatch?  We still have a couple more ATOTS episodes to go through, but I guess there's no real reason we couldn't start sooner.   I've got a schedule conflict on Sunday the 13th, but that's not a reason other people couldn't do a rewatch then.   My other Sundays are free.  

Hi guys, i’m not sure if i’ll be able to join you on the ITSAY or IPYTM rewatch party :( really sorry, still looking forward to the last 2 episodes of ATOTS though.  :)

I have a tight schedule so I would rather finish the last two episodes of ATOTS and then move on to ITSAY.  But I'm flexible so whatever everyone else decides is fine by me :-)

would rather finish the last two episodes of ATOTS and then move on to ITSAY

That works great for me, too.  


That works great for me, too.  

Same here


Hi guys, i’m not sure if i’ll be able to join you on the ITSAY or IPYTM rewatch party :( really sorry, still looking forward to the last 2 episodes of ATOTS though.  :)

Oh no. Why? :( Because of the day/time? 

So no watch party today? 


So no watch party today? 

Hi Mildred, there is a watch party today. Theres already a separate discussion thread for episode 9, see you later :)


Oh no. Why? :( Because of the day/time? 

No, it’s not the time :( i think i’m one of the very very few who wasn’t as fond of ITSAY as i was with ATOTS so i’m not sure i can commit T_T hopefully i can join you again on a future rewatch, i also haven’t found any show to watch recently. Any show i try to start i get bored and stop. It’s just me, i can’t commit to any shows right now :(

Reposting in case someone missed the new thread

Annyeong chingus!

Click down below to enter the rewatch for episode 9 on Synctube.

Before that don’t forget to check out how the subtitles work on the phone/small tablets and how to change your username, if you didn’t already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5GkdopVuGE&ab_channel=Sina 
On computer the subtitles just work the same way as on YouTube. 

If you can, please use a laptop/computer or a bigger tablet for the rewatch as it is the most convenient way to watch and chat at the same time. Phone does work, too though.

If you enter the Synctube room and it says “no video” you may have to use a different browser or disable Browser extensions like Ad Blocker.


- Please set your username as the one you use here on MyDramaList
- Don’t spam the chat and be nice to each other, please

And last but not least – have fun. :)

Click here to enter >>>> https://sync-tube.de/rooms/D_HrRJayY <<<<


Hi Mildred, there is a watch party today. Theres already a separate discussion thread for episode 9, see you later :)

No, it’s not the time :( i think i’m one of the very very few who wasn’t as fond of ITSAY as i was with ATOTS so i’m not sure i can commit T_T hopefully i can join you again on a future rewatch, i also haven’t found any show to watch recently. Any show i try to start i get bored and stop. It’s just me, i can’t commit to any shows right now :(

Ah yeah I get it. Why rewatch a whole show if you didn't like it that much. Maybe if you're utterly bored you can still join one episode to chat with us :) 


Where are we posting the thread?  I wonder about doing it on the I Promised You The Moon Board?  You might attract a few people from there.  I'm fine with any time on the weekend and 4PM Bangkok time on Sunday will be good for me.  

Hey solipsism5 did you create a thread yet? So are we starting this Sunday or rather next week on Sunday, 20.06. ?


Hey solipsism5 did you create a thread yet? So are we starting this Sunday or rather next week on Sunday, 20.06. ?

Hi, I posted another response to this question on the latest thread for episode 10.  Just thought we should do June 20th so we give people a breather between series.  I also have to finish my summaries, but that's not important.  I also can't advertise well given only 3-4 days.  Let me know what you think.  Have a great night!