Honestly, and with all the respect for those who think different, this second season is disappointing. I really loved S1, but this S2 is not that good. 


I don't know if it's just me, but I always rate the drama after the 1st episode and while I watch I change the rating according to what I feel it deserves, so it could change. I personally love this show and it's been a 10/10 for me this far. People can have opinions and people like different stuff so I don't think it's ok for you to question the rating when you're not the only person watching it. The rating consists of the opinions of hundreds, if not thousands, of watchers.

ME TOO!!! people just love to hate... grow up. I saw this user's watch list and the high rated are absolutely questionable in my opinion. that's how opinions work! they rated this a 1/10 and dropped it..... pls...

I usually review something at least three weeks after I have watched it. If something has left a lasting impression good or bad, and its made me think, then I review it. Some things are just wallpaper, some seem OK at the time, but leave a bad aftertaste, and some appear trivial, but I later see it has made me think about an issue or the script.

The events in S2 take place three years after S1, and after S1 ended I actually thought it would be much darker. 20 eps condensed to 10 eps, means to get to a meaningful conclusion, we hope, means the plot has to motor along. One of my grips in K drama is there are a lot of time fillers, when really if you cut the programmers to a more manageable 12 eps, there wouldn't be so much dead space. I wonder if actors contracted to other project influenced the time scale, and it was a case of produce this or leave it for perhaps a very long time.

So S2, is excellent but different, it has to be because it has a lot to cover in a very short, k-drama wise, space of time. I come from the UK and most dramas only have 8eps, even the most popular ones, so I am used to a fast pace. It has managed to maintain most of the plot threads, the humour, the running joke and even added a new one. If you live with a retired man it is completely accurate. The fact that they have managed to keep most of the original cast is amazing.

So don't compare apples with oranges, just be glad you got a chance to eat the fruit.


ME TOO!!! people just love to hate... grow up. I saw this user's watch list and the high rated are absolutely questionable in my opinion. that's how opinions work! they rated this a 1/10 and dropped it..... pls...

Saw this too. Agreed!

Like this person even finished all 20 episodes apparently, got through all of it and still gave it a 1. If a show hooked you for that long, shouldn't that warrant a different rating. I mean your interest was clearly peaked enough that you finished the whole season. 

No one is wrong or right, you've clearly found the end of ep20 so bad you gave it a 1, meanwhile others would think objectively despite that scene and look at the show in its entirety. People rate in such bias ways, fav actors/actress, death scene, shippers, plots. I wouldn't take ratings too seriously though. 


Only the people on both extremes of opinions will rate a drama before it's completed. It'll probably be better reflective at that point (and a little while after when the bingers get ahold of it - since not everyone watches while airing). 

But I never go off ratings anyway. It's too subjective. Even if people like the drama the exact same emotional amount, the star rating might differ. For instance, I rate things a lot harsher than some of my peers, despite 100% agreeing on our sentiments about it.

And there's plenty of hidden treasures that people pass right by because it has a low rating for some reason (not enough viewers, not the right audience, what have you).

So i don't understand this obsession about what the rating is or how "accurate"/"deserving" it is of it.

I never trust MDL ratings because people get spiteful over the smallest things and don't do  a "fair" rating. You eithe enjoyed watching it or you didn't. Nothing deserves a 1, just a comment saying hey I really liked this but I wasnt a fan of this, thats all. People are intense...or bored haha

Honestly ratings help others decide if they want to watch the drama or not. 

It's not as helpful as people would expect because your likes and dislikes could be different than the people rating the drama. 

It's good feedback for the director but not to audiences who wish to know if it's a good drama or not.

I have so many criticisms about season 2, especially the ending, but I still enjoyed watching it so I gave a 10/10 would recommend for anyone to watch.

 Rahul Raj:

i would rate it 8/10

agree! and also agree, chemistry this time around in part 2 more palpable than in version 1. 

It's a little high imo, I thought the first season was wayyy better.

i liked the 2 series, this one i rate 8, the first one 8.5. how can anyone rate 1/10 - i would never finish watching a series if the first episodes would not capture me to at least to 5/10. i do not think these people are to be taken serious, just lousy trolls.

Soo soo many trolls, all over the ratings section and in the comment section bringing in so much hate. Accounts created a week ago with no other shows watched except AOS, giving it a 1 and most will rate Part 1 a 10. Its clear who is doing this and why they're so salty, the actors/actresses they stan for would be embarrassed. It's sad that these people resort to this to be honest. No show like this is ever worth a 4 or under (at the least)!

At first I was mad and I was also like you saying some dramas don't deserve this much rating because it was bad for me. But like Kate said, if you've been using this website for awhile, you should know that the ratings aren't so great. I used to depend on ratings too and ignore some really good shows, so just don't depend on ratings or question about it. This is not new also, this problem is with every show on MDL.