XZeldaX wrote: [QUOTE=NinaJade82;215013]
I really really really love "The Witch" i wouldnt mind having a drawing like that on my wall. :3
Sleepninja was right you did leave yourself short, There all amazing!
Thank you Zelda :)
The Witch was drawn from a picture a friend took after coming from the Renascence Fair. She had painted her face at the fair, and it was slightly fading. She took that picture with her cell in the car, and I thought it was gorgeous, so I drew it and added the cape for witchy purposes LOL.
Sleepninja wrote: Here are some of m prints from printmaking class. These were done using linoleum blocks.
The ones for the two color are brighter in person. The camera dulled the colors a bit.
Sleepy had to cut your message short to fit all the pics in mine. Nway, I love your prints wow... do have more? I like the color ones best, but the black and white is also really good.
WINDSONG wrote: I don't have a fancy drawing to show but I was fooling around with PS and this came out:
I was pretty satisfied with the result ^^
This is really nice. I like it, I first thought it was a painting.