I agree and thank you for the kinds words above.  

I just don't get the negative reviews of this series, since I like a slow-burn romance as it's more realistic (I'm an older male).  They complain that it's too-tropey, too-vertical, too-cliche, etc.  But it's not.  She is the most complex, conflicted FL I've ever seen in a drama and is anything but a cliche.  My MIL once told me, "A woman will never be happy unless she follows her heart and not her mind".  This is how ShuYi strikes me:  her heart & mind are at war, and the mind is winning.  And Dylan is so wonderfully awkward in this role that if you weren't familiar with the storyline, I guess you'd think he was wooden.  But again, it's not the case - he's brilliant in his portrayal of the ML.  

I'll submit my review after finishing the series and recap this (I've only completed Ep 5 in full, so it will take a while).  DW & BL kind of remind me of K-drama's JunHo & YooNa....as a longtime couple with history together.  While they might not have the extensive, close history that JH&YN have, they just need a better vehicle to show it - King The Land did that for the Korean's...DW/BL need something similar (like Love is Sweet) for them too.  I think they'd be outstanding.

Exactly Shu Yi is a complex character and there are a lot of intelligent people like that in the real world who struggle with matters of the heart.  And yes nothing Tropey or run of the mill about this romance. They are both smart people who are very awkward when it comes to romance and that is what makes it very different and interesting .  And yes her heart and brain are at war and it’s hilarious to watch that LOL.  Never laughed so much while watching a drama. Even her friend with all the crappy contrived advice is hilarious

Yes, I LOL'd last night a few times watching Ep 5.  I'm looking forward to doing a review of this once I see all of it.  There are a few things I'd change in the plot to make it better (to my taste), but it's pretty darn good as-is.   And ShanShan might be the worst wing-girl in history, but her devotion to her BFF is admirable. I do like that actress, especially with that shorter hairdo.

koreanbosuji thank you for starting this discussion and giving us a chance to vent.

Yes I have watched that actress in a few dramas and she is really good

I forgot to mention, that it's worthing noting that the opening credits (and commercial breaks) show her figure fishing.  So, there's that to interpret too.  

Ha! I need to check that out

Back again to hear all the comments of one of favourite dramas. It makes sense that we have two people whose personalities seem at cross purposes so even though they are in love they do not know how to navigate the relationship. She is in denial till she is in too deep and he is used to people using him - hence his thoughts are always about what precisely she is after him for - he knows she is not being honest and yet he cannot leave / walk out. 

She is fascinating at a personal level - but her professional competence attracts him too. 


Beautifully put.

I agree ???

I feel like a rewatch immmediately ?

I will not confess how often I have watched this lest I be dragged off to an asylum - ROFL


I might be one of those people soon. Twice already done.

3rd sometime soon

Welcome to the club ?- 3 times already 


On an aside, did you notice how through the journey of getting to know each other he slowly realises that the usual reasons people use him do not apply? He initially thinks it is for connections to important people in the field, but she never does take up the options he offers her. When he organises other interviews for her, she distributes them. When his niece buys clothes she returns them... He ends up saying I am waiting for you to tell me the truth and then finally he decides he cannot wait any longer. For someone who is savvy and careful and doesn't like being used, he is aware she is still lying or at least not open but decides to go ahead in the relationship any more. 

For me, nothing can be more romantic than that. 

I love the OST too. Particularly Stars and Light, Mood remote control and For you 

A big thanks to this Youtuber who has translated the songs.



lol those scenes where he is figuring out her intentions are so funny??- they had me in splits?

Indeed. I love the layering of different emotions - funny, romantic...

People don’t like quirky /eccentric and out of the box. This drama was just that !