Incredibly thorough blog post written by a novel reader who then went though history books, biographies, etc....

The Twitter account owner said he'll put the account into private mode when he goes back online. When a Twitter account is in private mode, anyone who doesn't follow the account will no longer be able to see the posts/tweets.

I suggest taking a screenshot of the relevant tweets and post it here in MDL instead.


Reference from the novel on why San took 10 days to visit Deok Im after their first night


Reference from the novel on why San took 10 days to visit Deok Im after their first night

Lol…well, it wasn’t just first night. It was also first morning.  Good thing Court Lady Gweon did go check on them.  


Lol…well, it wasn’t just first night. It was also first morning.  Good thing Court Lady Gweon did go check on them.  

Yeah I don't think there was any sleeping done that night  Regarding article a literat professor wrote about the characters.

Leaving this here as another important historical reference. Written by San's mother.

From the link:

Lady Hyegyong's memoirs, which recount the chilling murder of her husband by his father, is one of the best known and most popular classics of Korean literature. From 1795 until 1805 Lady Hyegyong composed this masterpiece, which depicts a court life whose drama and pathos is of Shakespearean proportions. Presented in its social, cultural, and historical contexts, this complete English translation opens a door into a world teeming with conflicting passions, political intrigue, and the daily preoccupations of a deeply intelligent and articulate woman.

JaHyun Kim Haboush's accurate, fluid translation captures the intimate and expressive voice of this consummate storyteller. The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong is a unique exploration of Korean selfhood and of how the genre of autobiography fared in premodern times. 


Leaving this here as another important historical reference. Written by San's mother.

From the link:

Lady Hyegyong's memoirs, which recount the chilling murder of her husband by his father, is one of the best known and most popular classics of Korean literature. From 1795 until 1805 Lady Hyegyong composed this masterpiece, which depicts a court life whose drama and pathos is of Shakespearean proportions. Presented in its social, cultural, and historical contexts, this complete English translation opens a door into a world teeming with conflicting passions, political intrigue, and the daily preoccupations of a deeply intelligent and articulate woman.

JaHyun Kim Haboush's accurate, fluid translation captures the intimate and expressive voice of this consummate storyteller. The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong is a unique exploration of Korean selfhood and of how the genre of autobiography fared in premodern times. 

For anyone interested, here is a pdf version (although I want to get a physical copy of the book).

Word! This one will sit on my shelf with my TRS goodies when I'm done reading it :) 


Leaving this here as another important historical reference. Written by San's mother.

From the link:

Lady Hyegyong's memoirs, which recount the chilling murder of her husband by his father, is one of the best known and most popular classics of Korean literature. From 1795 until 1805 Lady Hyegyong composed this masterpiece, which depicts a court life whose drama and pathos is of Shakespearean proportions. Presented in its social, cultural, and historical contexts, this complete English translation opens a door into a world teeming with conflicting passions, political intrigue, and the daily preoccupations of a deeply intelligent and articulate woman.

JaHyun Kim Haboush's accurate, fluid translation captures the intimate and expressive voice of this consummate storyteller. The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong is a unique exploration of Korean selfhood and of how the genre of autobiography fared in premodern times. 

I’m going to have to get a copy. 

Historical records translated into English by @filmwuju

(thank you, @pinksprings01!)

Narration of the epitaph and a letter written by Jeongjo 3 years after her death. T_T

Detailed plot/character point comparison vs history