not me

im the type that prefers sour over sweet

me too

im the type that needs to be with someone at all times

me too

im the tpye that want to do something but does something else instead (wants to sleep but goes on the internet instead)

me too

i am the tpye that likes to perform

Not me

I'm the type that listen to music before going to sleep

me too

I'm the type that likes to sing together with the song I'm listening lol 

Me too 

I'm the type that prefers texting over face to face convos

me too (but depends on the person though)

I'm the type my mess is an organized one lol 

very me🥲

I'm the type to prefer getting to bed early 

me too 

I'm the type that doesn't delete everything right away

Me too

im the type who afraid of dissapointing people

me too 

I'm the type that has a meme folder on the phone