Floccinaucinihilipilification: The action or habit of estimating something as worthless

Flatulence - passing gas or wind, fart


Flatulence - passing gas or wind, fart 

LOL for the elengance in there....

Gaffe: A Blunder


LOL for the elengance in there....

Gaffe: A Blunder

I just copied it from someone else xD  

Juliette Balcony Providing a 'guard' or security barrier to sliding doors or inward opening full-height French Doors on a first-floor room or above, a Juliet balcony lets in more natural light, and fresh air when the doors are open 

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute. 

Miniscule - extremely small; tiny. 

NonchalantFeeling or Appearing calm and relaxed

Obacerate: To contradict

ParadigmA typical example of something

Quiescence: dormancy or inactivity

"this method has been shown to induce sleep-like quiescence in adult animals"

Ribald: crass humor that refers to sexual matters in an irreverent way.

Shyster - a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in business.