ParadigmA typical example of something

Quiescence: dormancy or inactivity

"this method has been shown to induce sleep-like quiescence in adult animals"

Ribald: crass humor that refers to sexual matters in an irreverent way.

Sardonic: grimly mocking or cynical.

"Starkey attempted a sardonic smile"

Trypophobia - an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps

UFOUnFinished Object: In knitting, sewing, quilting, etc.: an unfinished piece of work

VANILOQUENCE - Vain or foolish talk


VANILOQUENCE - Vain or foolish talk

Wan: (of a person's complexion or appearance) pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion

Xylophagous= eating or destroying wood

Yare - (of a ship) responding promptly to the helm; easily manageable

Zealous -  filled with or showing a strong and energetic desire to get something done or see something succeed; marked by passionate support for a person, cause, or ideal

Addle - ad·dle
/ˈadl/  make unable to think clearly; confuse.

Blithely:  In a Happy Carefree Manner


Cacology literally means “evil-speaking,” and is used to refer to a poor choice of words or noticeably bad language. 

Likewise, a caconym is an ill-fitting or unpleasant name; a cachotechny is a poorly constructed device or work of art; and a cacotype is either a printing error, or a libelously insulting printed description or account.


luxurious self-indulgence.

"cream cakes on a Wednesday—pure decadence"


study of church affairs

Facetious: not meant to be taken seriously or literally

A facetious person; a facetious remark 

Grandstanding- Being intentionally  showy or over the top to grab attention.