Vamoose - depart hurriedly.

"we'd better vamoose before we're caught"

Xylophone - a musical instrument in the percussion family that consists of wooden bars struck by mallet 

Yardbird - a domestic chicken

Acrimonious- To be very bitter or resentful

Brogue - A brogue is a low shoe, usually made of leather, with perforations and a wing tip.

Cauldron: cauldron (or caldron) is a large pot (kettle) for cooking or boiling over an open fire, with a lid and frequently with an arc-shaped hanger.

Diatribe -A Strong/harsh verbal attack

Felodipine is a calcium channel blocker that is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) in adults

Grandiloquent : pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.

Halcyon- An idyllic time of happiness , calm and peace. (Utopian or golden atmosphere) 

Indecorous: violating generally accepted standards of good taste or propriety; unseemly

Juliette Balcony Providing a 'guard' or security barrier to sliding doors or inward opening full-height French Doors on a first-floor room or above, a Juliet balcony lets in more natural light, and fresh air when the doors are open 

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute.