Magnanimous- noble and generous in spirit

Nictate - blink.

the lid of her left eye began to nictate

Obnoxious:  very unpleasant or rude


adjective 1 of  little value or account; small; trifling. a picayune amount ·

noun  2.  petty, carping, or prejudiced. noun I did not want to seem picayune by criticizing, 

Rollicking: happy, energetic, and often noisy 

Swanky: very expensive and fashionable, in a way that is intended to attract people's attention and admiration;

behaving too confidently.

untoward unexpected and adverse; unfortunate or unlucky

Versant - a region of land sloping in one general direction

Worrisome: causing distress or worry

Xenophile: a person who likes foreigners or things foreign 

Yu - precious jade 

Zicornia: zirconium dioxide, a white solid used in ceramic glazes and refractory coatings, and as a synthetic substitute for diamonds in jewelry

anhedoniaia- a lack of interest in pleasure.