The person above me is trapped in the dentists fish tank while me her friend Nemo's father is looking for him!!
The person above me is Bruce the shark! Remember "fish are friends not food!"
the person above me is suffering from short term memory loss
The person above me is suffering from a 30 minute delusional intervals thinking he is Jaejoong of JYJ.
The person above me is a spy
The person above me likes to eat ketchup with chocolate pudding.
the person above me has teeth that glow in the dark
The person above me has a specially trained skill called 'Unagi'
the person above me can bark like a seal
The person above me is a vampire
The person above me is the Vampire first victim :P
The person above me is the vampire's lover.
The person above me is a vampire hunter, better watch out!
the person above me once recorded a song with hit group Vampire Hunter called Better watch out
The person above me was once record a one hit wonder song and it hit the top 10.