the person above me is a cavity in my tooth
The person above me is invisible.
the person above me is my classmate and she is bullying me by pretending i'm invisible and making all the others play along
lol the person above me is my bully partner :p
the person above me is made of marshmallows
The person above me has a butter finger..
The person above me is the witch who owned the candy house in Hansel & Gretel
The person above me just ate 112 cookies
The person above me is cookie monster ;)
The person above me likes to be dunked in tea! :D
the person above me makes little Ej shaped cookies and laughs erratically as she dunks them in tea and swallows them whole saying you "Like tea don't you EJ? Have some more HAHAHAHA"
Aahahah The person above me has stolen my EJ cookies and is now using coffee to dunk EJ in saying 'mmm much too good for children!!'
the person above me might be a canibal
the person above me is know in the person above them's freezer. Zan nen na, you should have trusted your instincts
the person above me is in the oven of the person who has me in their freezer