gets a bed Inserts a mask
get batman insert hand lotion
Gets a kitty cat Inserts a bowl
you get a tiger licking his watery mouth. inserts poison ivy
gets the mumps inserts nuclurar fission
gets an atom inserts a little girl crying b/c she was scolded by her dad
her father comes out while he's being spanked by his daughter *inserts a 10 years old band aid*
Gets a patient Inserts a widow
gets a couger inserts pants
Gets a shirt Inserts a brain
get Homer Simpson with" error: unknown disc " written on his eyes insert blocked friends
Gets access denied Inserts a USB pen
you get laser pen light to poke ur frenimies eyes lol

insert strawberry w/nuttella
Gets a chocolate monster Inserts French toast
gets a pasta inserts Adam Levine