you get a picture *insert a lizard*
You get Godzilla *insert a stone*
BeccaTrio wrote: You get Godzilla

*insert a stone*

you get The Flintstones hahha

insert scissor
you get origami *insert coffee*
dongholove wrote: you get origami

*insert coffee*

you get me hyper! no more please :) how 'bout
insert green tea
you get a private tea ceremony with any japanese actor you want *insert a pair of really stinky socks*
MusicROSE wrote: you get a private tea ceremony with any japanese actor you want

whit Matsujun perhaps...I wish!!
wrote: *insert a pair of really stinky socks*

you get rugby!
insert a kiss
you get U-kiss lol *insert pigeon*
you get pigeon poop >< *insert a really handsome Korean Actor*
You get me fangirling :) *Insert SHINee + TVXQ*
And you get nasty fangirls fighting over who's more talented. *true story* *Insert a mobile phone*
you get a frowning face from my parents , mad at me for using up all my credit *insert a big bag of chips*
...and you get Han from Tokyo Drift eating them all. :D *Insert an oreo*
You get a glass of milk *Insert a back hug*
you get a... sweet guy? *insert deodorant*