
I don't get the aggression.  If you like Wayu, fine, come here and expand on the OP's post.  If you hate Wayu, take a pass.  The negativity that people brought who don't like the show or character was uncalled for.   If you hate something about Gen y 2, start a thread of your own and discuss that there.  

It's all cool.  You can still pop on the thread and share your love for the pairing.  Just ignore anything posted by user Tis_I.  It's what I'm doing.  I haven't read any of the last 3 (maybe 4) posts they made.  

Just finished EP 5, what the face?!!!!

Wayu starts to ignore Thanu right after Thanu told him about Pha's illness. That's cold!!!!

I kind na get it... but he did say on the parking lot rooftop that Thanu is his love that would last forever....

Thanu is such a goody two shoes! I love him. He has to tell Wayu... It wouldn't be a fair game if he hasn't, I suppose... and he is the only one that appropriately can do so... 

I think Thanu is giving Wayu room so he can work things out without pressure.  But, there's also that thing where Pha wanted to talk to Thanu alone and I have a weird feeling that is impacting things.

If Pha thinks there's a chance he'll survive, he might be pressuring Thanu to keep to the periphery.  But yeah, if I were Wayu I'd be confused right now, but still more considerate of Thanu than that.  

I still think Thanu is the better choice and I think Wayu does too, he's just in shock over the revelation that Pha left because he was ill.  He's probably torn between grief and also guilt, because he's not wired to be really angry.

I totally agree with you on all points. I love Thanu + Wayu.

The scene when Wayu came out from the hospital room to see Thanu waiting for him all that time... Then Wayu refuses the ride home with him.... That hurts... Thanu hasn't expect that.  I feel very sad for Thanu... :( 

I feel bad for Thanu too.  But what got me was when Wayu said he was going with Kit to their place and I assumed we'd get a "Wayu discusses why this was hidden from him" scene.  And we didn't get one.  At least in the final cut.  It may be part of the extended version available behind Star Hunter's pay wall. Which I will subscribe to when the series is done.

But I think I will excuse Wayu in this.  Because shit.  Just imagine never getting closure after all that suffering and having to find a way to let go.  You finally do it and have a good relationship with this guy and suddenly the person who hurt you isn't just back in your life, but you find out the reason he abandoned you was because he was terminally ill?!  

The absolute emotional whiplash would be enough to stun me stupid.  So I am cutting Wayu a lot of slack as he explores this stuff.

I think that may be how Thanu is approaching it as well.  He had a lot of empathy for what Wayu is going through.