Elisabetta wrote: Rule 53 (I guess): A hard-working angel you might be, but you will suffer poverty and hide from loan sharks due to your irresponsible father. Eventually, you'll get into some shady deal to pay them back.
My Girl, Sunshine Angel, Mary stayed out all night, Why why love, Atashinchi no Danshii...
Some parents are really irresponsible... and isn't usury illegal?
There was one drama (that I didn't finish I guess), probably Taiwanese one, with a second lead being a positive, understanding loan shark boss... that was something original, was it Easy Fortune Happy Life? I think so...
added thanks!
?A hard-working angel you might be, but you will suffer poverty and hide from loan sharks due to your irresponsible father. Eventually, you'll get into some shady deal to pay them back.? (Elisabetta)
VioletSakura wrote: RULE 54: The best solution of the problem it CRY-CRY-CRY... the more the better...
RULE 55: If you face a problem that needs to be decided upon by you and your counterpart, NEVER consult him/her about it... bad idea... just decide for yourself, and you don't even need to state the problem to him/her, just go and tell him/her the BAD/SAD/HEARTVREAKING solution you came up on your own...
Is it obvious I've been watching Love Rain?
ok first part is under Law #13 - Cry me a river? Or at least a small stream.
?Someone...Usually but not exclusive to the male or female lead, MUST CRY? (Jeaniessi)
Added second thanks
Law #53 - It takes two - NOT IN THIS DRAMA!
?If you face a problem that needs to be decided upon by you and your counterpart, NEVER consult him/her about it... bad idea... just decide for yourself, and you don't even need to state the problem to him/her, just go and tell him/her the BAD/SAD/HEARTVREAKING solution you came up on your own.? (VioletSakura)
kdramamad wrote: haha yes very obv. tbh I refuse to contuie watching love rain because it is way to dramatic for my liking. I seriously cant stand so much dramaticness
rule 56: has anyone else noticed this? In some dramas the day after they err done it. Clothes are no where to be found? what did they do clean it during the night? cleaning elves? I was watching take care of my agasshi again and I happened to notice that. I think ive seen it in other dramas but I cant quite remember haha
added and amended
Law #54 - Take them off and they disappear!
(Which helps to explain laws - 47 and 26)
?In some dramas the day after they err done it. Clothes are no where to be found? what did they do clean it during the night? cleaning elves?? (kdramamad)
cityhunter83 wrote: rule 57: it is possible to shovel down spoonfuls of rice 8 times larger than your mouth as long as you are crying at the time you try to eat it, some one packs you on the back, or you take a sip of water.
seriously, sometimes i watch and i actually get worried for the actors. "there's NO WAY he can swallow that!" and "OMO! she's gonna choke!!!!"
Law #55 - Just unhinge the jaw - there like that!
?It is possible to shovel down spoonfuls of rice (or other food items) 8 times larger than your mouth (especially if) you are crying at the time you try to eat it, some one packs you on the back, or you take a sip of water.? (cityhunter83)
Aya97 wrote: Ok so rule 58:How can the famale lead/male lead not knowing when she/he is sick!!!.It realy surprised me because I always figure it when I have a freakin 38 grades temperature.He/she only goes to work where somebody touches thei foreheads by mistake and realise the fact that she/he is freaking hot "OMO!You have a fever" , I mean seriously?GOD it never happened to me
Rule 59:I mean guys, you really have to broke your heel when trying to get your boyfriend back...and reaming in he middle of the street with him going away...don't you think?:))
amended and added
Law #56 - What do you mean? I feel fine!
?The famale lead/male lead not knowing when she/he is sick! He/she only goes to work where somebody touches their foreheads by mistake and realize the fact that she/he is freaking hot "OMO! You have a fever" (Aya97)
second one falls under
Law #43 - These shoes were made for walking - well not so much!
?Asian women shall be capible of performing ANY task in heels, be it running w/arms full, climbing really tall stairs, jumping fences, i say ANY task, except walking. any Asian woman who attempts to simply walk in heels at a normal pace down a flat surface carrying absolutely nothing will mistep and hurt her ankle in a way that will prevent her from walking for no more than 8 hrs, no less than 20 minutes.?(cityhunter83)
Elisabetta wrote: Am I the only one who keeps posting on this awesome tread?! Nevermind... Anyway... a new (old as the world itself actually) rule just occurred to me, and how it didn't get posted before I don't know....
Rule 61: The only way for the love to bloom is to live under the same roof... or at least a neighboring one.
My Girl, Nodame, ISWAK, Shut up! Flower By band.... Probably most dramas I have watched.... It seems you can only fall in love with your neighbors.
Law #57 - Proximity breeds familiarity breeds romance
?The only way for the love to bloom is to live under the same roof... or at least a neighboring one.? (Elisabetta) This is especially powerful when combined with law 45.
I tried to update this as follows - Law # - Title of Law - Description of Law
Law #1 - Near Miss - like two ships -wearing blinders!
The two main leads shall be at the same place at the same time, but will not see each other.
Law #2 - Piggy Back - limo, car, bike? Nah! Baby got BACK!
One of the main leads, for reasons of excessive drink, leg/ankle/foot injury, or illness, shall be carried on the back of another character.
Law #3 - Back Hug - I love you so much I can't stand to look at you!
One character will be grabbed from behind and squeezed.
Law #4 - 24 hour Drama bug! - Get sick, faint, get better! All before the world spins
Someone will get sick, and/or faint, have to be nursed back to health or hospitalized and will be completely better the next day. The cause of this will be “being in the rain for about 3 minutes or Rumors can make a person go sick with fever, even make them FAINT! (Violetsakura)
Law #5 - Don't call me FRIEND! I'm smart, warm, AND treat you nice. THAT's why we can't date?
The best friend, or second romantic interest will be warm, understanding, accepted etc. But as we all know nice guys finish last, so they never get the girl/guy.
Law #6 - The Business of Marriage - it's all in the fine print! (arranged by you or your parents)
Who marries for love anyway? A marriage will be set up by your parents, agreed to by the two main leads through a contract, or forced upon you by circumstances including but not limited to pregnancy, and deathbed promise to elder relation.
Law #7 - Narcolepsy - Consciousness? Anybody can do it when they're awake!
“One must fall asleep at an inappropriate time or place. Once asleep, a second party must be present, at which point they perform one or more of the following acts: Confess a secret, Give the first party a kiss, Cover the first party with a blanket or make their sleeping arrangements more comfortable in some way
At no point must the sleeping party awake, although soft mumbling or slight stirring is acceptable.” (Kawaikochan)
Law #8 - Eat with RELISH! Wherever, whenever, and as much as possible!
The eating of food in Drama must be frequent and with great gusto. Sounds of mouthwatering delight must be present. The eating of food should be always on the minds of the men and women. Any foods are acceptable, but special preference will be given to Ramen, and kimchi.
Law #9 - The Soju will flow like WATER! (and someone will drown)
EVERYONE drinks - to excess. For any reason, happy, sad etc. you must imbibe alcohol. This unfortunately leads to problems with LAWs - 2, 6, 7, 10 etc.
Law #10 - The porcelain GOD! Pay homage as you see fit.
Whether you are puking from overdoing law 9, or constipated from overdoing law 8, we get to see the results in the most sanctified of rooms - the bathroom!
Law #11 - Mile high? Nah we don't even need to leave the airport!
Someone is always flying in, flying out, flying away. Therefore there must always be a scene in an airport.
Law #12 - Don't walk away from me! -what kinds of shoes was she wearing?!
Girls’ shoes, especially high heels, will be made from a special material that allows them to walk faster than men can run. “The girl left walking but he has to run and run to catch up, and sometimes misses her.” (goldenseal50)
Law #13 - Cry me a river? Or at least a small stream.
“Someone...Usually but not exclusive to the male or female lead, MUST CRY” (Jeaniessi)
Law #14 - The phone may NOT be turned off - complete removal of the battery is required.
Despite advances in technology, one can not simply turn off a phone. You have to physically remove the battery.
Law #15 - The Time skip - It's just a jump left... and then a step to the right ..."
The main couple have problems, split, and then years later BAM - hit with happily ever after.
Or The "rival" lead goes off for X years - WITH NO CONTACT - and is somehow surprised that you are NOT waiting by the door with his/her slippers? I mean it's not like there is anyway to communicate over great distances through the air or anything..... oh wait that would be a phone right? Well it's not like you can just write them a quick note and say your still alive...nope wrong again!
Law #16 - Slap Attack - "You don't know who you messing with man, I slap people for fun." (Chris Tucker)
“Someone must be slapped. Sometimes the love rival but also the child. The child must be screamed at and hit upside the head. Or the bad daughter must be beaten! The bad son womped on the back or head.”(Jeaniessi) This is not limited to times of anger either, ANY emotion will bring on the slap attack.
Law #17 - Let there be SONG! - Karaoke for all!
At some point someone MUST go to a karaoke place to sing. This becomes the setting for many other laws listed here.
Law #18 - I only hate you because I love you !
“You will NOT finish your angry sentence : I'm already kissing you ! You will NOT stop hitting my chest until I give up and hug you !” (Juniko) This law also applies to “The I'll protect her/him even if it means pushing her/him away and say hurtful things you don't mean” (kdramamad)
Law #19 - Never been kissed - What?? you're lips touched my lips?? O.O
The kiss shall always come as a complete surprise! The kiss-ee will be rendered COMPLETELY shocked and unable to move/blink/think. Also most of these kisses will be closed lip kisses, so that the two people involved stand unmoving.
Law #20 - I call it the superman! - Clark Kent is such a dork! (removes glasses) OMG! superman is HOT!
“This is usually brought about by giving a ridiculous haircut to an actor/actress with which any attractiveness of their face is automatically hidden. A new hair do or change of clothes gives everyone's impressions a complete 180 turn.” (Mary-x) This is also brought on by the removal of glasses as well.
Law #21 - The NECKLACE - My love is like a chain around your throat... that's not creepy at all!
“The ultimate token of love a necklace shall be. Your beloved one will put it on you and then possibly backhug you. You shall lost it (in anger) and then retrieve it(from mud or river)” (Elisabetta). The necklace MAY be substituted for another piece of jewelry (is. Cell phone strap, ring etc), however that too must also be lost/thrown away, and then found.
Law #22 - Family is optional! 2 parents? sorry no good. 1 parent? we'll work with it. Orphan? JACKPOT!
“Mothers are usually the most dispensable ones, in Korea they die after giving birth and in Japan they abandon the family. If you're an orphan, so much the better, you can be adopted and be tyrannized all your life by your evil step sister who hates you for no reason.” (amrita828) Also accepted is that you don’t know who your REAL family is, and later find out you are an heiress, a princess, or the male equivalent there of.
Law #23 - Tumors and Amnesia win over Leprosy : Only pretty diseases are allowed !
If the main lead becomes terminally ill, that illness shall not effect the physical appearance of said person. Even if you have cancer, you will not lose your hair or even appear pale.
Law #24 - It’s like seeing you with my eyes open!
“"Ugly" girls/boys/other are never ugly. In fact nobody is ever ugly. In dramaland only beauty exists. (Szasha) “A perfectly normal even beautiful girl will somehow be seen as an ugly one... and then magically (without, of course, changing anything, or maybe having an operation on everybody's eyes in the drama) will be loved by 2 or more male characters of the drama!” (Violetsakura)
Law #25 - Sleep yoga!
“The lead will always have strange sleeping habits/positions” (Sleepninja)
Law #26 - We are completely alone - let’s play cards!
“Hospital bed? Car? Boatless Island? countryside hotel ? We will find a way to sleep together...without actually sleeping together !” (Juniko) Please note that this only applies to people is some form of a relationship. If two complete strangers end up in a similar situation then a one night stand will occur, most likely leading to Laws 6, 11, 12, 15 at a minimum.
Law #27 - The nose bleed
Please note culturally sensitive Law- “If you work too hard, your nose will bleed and you will faint (only if first or second male lead is watching)” (Juniko)
“(taken from Japanese and chinese dramas ) Arousal (thinking someone is hot) causes a nosebleed O.o this is usually seen in secondary characters and comedies.” (goldenseal50)
Law #28 - The caveman clause - not restricted to men.
No one shall be simply ASKED to go somewhere. Instead they must be grabbed by the hand and DRAGGED there.
Law #29 - Cleanliness and all that
“There will always be at least one shower scene, mostly around the time where the male (face it people.. it's always the male) lead character is being troubled or something.” (Ashu) Also, said shower will not allow privacy, and will in fact in many cases require being walked in on by a member of the opposite sex.
I don‘t care if your 18 or 38! “The oh so powerful business mothers/fathers/grandmothers who control there children in everyway possible including keeping them away from the one that they love”(kdramamad) They can also be “generally violent, or if rich pathetic.” (Szasha) but you still have to listen to them.
Law #31 - Are we speaking the same language?
“Never tell the truth about why you do things the way you do them... I mean, really... who needs simple explanation, if you can make it complicated misunderstanding to separate you from your loved one for like 10 episodes... you of all people know, that whatever happens, you're going to end up together, right?” (Violetsakura) Or the other extreme, never explain ANYTHING, because of course they are physic and know exactly what you mean even if other people are telling them other things.
Law #32 - Conflict is an aphrodisiac
The “female/male lead shall hate each other - she is always stubborn but kind hearted with Cinderella syndrome. And the male is always hot tempered somewhat unreasonable, arrogant and materialistic :) but is in fact warm and sweet and grows to love the female lead.”
Law #33 - We all have our own fan clubs right?
“school girls and fans always crying and screaming over popular boys or famous people. If they get girlfriend or something scandlous happens involving a girl they end up crying? and its not just weeping its full on crying!” (kdramamad)
Law #34 - White night syndrome
“The female lead has whatsoever NO survival instinct... While being beaten/her hear pulled by other girls/2nd female lead (usually an evil b***), who are/is somehow not content that she is the BEST guy's girlfriend, she just stands there and gets beaten up, of course a moments later the 2nd lead male will appear and save her.” (Violetsakura)
Law #35 - You can’t buy common sense with money
Wealthy people will always be unable to do anything that requires common sense.
Law #36 - The novelty of being poor
Wealthy people will always find strange delight in “ordinary” things/objects that are common place to the rest of us. Ie. Instant coffee, The size of one’s house, the owning of a small shop/restaurant etc.
Law #37 - We’re not sexiest - see!
“To make sure that female viewers won't feel vexed over sexism in dramas, the male lead will be neat freak and the girl is allowed to be as messy as she wants !” ( (Juniko)
Law #38 - Don’t admit to it at first …. Then ….
“The lead character will always be starving, but refuse to say so. However, their growling stomach can be heard by all!” (Sleepninja) Which of course leads to law #8!
Law #39 - Sins of the father (or any other family member)
Even though you were in no way, shape, or form involved - "Something your parents did years ago makes me angry with you now, relationship off." (soveryunpretty)
Law #40 - The paper cut clause
“Someone always ends up going to the hospital for the smallest things, like a cough.”(Doremeduck) No person or persons shall have the necessary items to treat any injury/illness at home. This will lead to the need to either visit a pharmacy for medicine or more likely go to the hospital for treatment. One cannot underestimate the fatality rates of paper cuts!
Law #41 - Looking for love on the streets! No not like that!
If you are poor or “if you're from the countryside, one of your parents ( and/or yourself) must be selling food on the street” (Juniko) or an outdoor street market.
Law #42 - Taxis - the gods of travel
Taxis shall be waiting on every corner whenever you need one , and “You never have to pay for a taxi in Korea they are free” (RainFlower)
Law #43 - These shoes were made for walking - well not so much!
“Asian women shall be capible of performing ANY task in heels, be it running w/arms full, climbing really tall stairs, jumping fences, i say ANY task, except walking. any Asian woman who attempts to simply walk in heels at a normal pace down a flat surface carrying absolutely nothing will mistep and hurt her ankle in a way that will prevent her from walking for no more than 8 hrs, no less than 20 minutes.”(cityhunter83)
Law # 44 - I’m King of the Road!
No matter what - you will always be “able to park anywhere, anytime in any situation! No speed limit, lane discipline or anything! stop at anywhere, anytime!” (PrettyBrown_Eyes) This includes all other traffic/moving violations as well including but not limited to, u-turns, speeding, etc.
Law #45 - Red string - they tie it in early childhood
“The one you are destined for is your kindergarten-love, everyone else is going to make you unhappy” (Szasha) Also acceptable are childhood friends, etc.
Law #46 - That voodoo that you do!
The main lead/s “needs a toy, usually a stuffed animal, that she can treat like her sooo hated boy and talk to.” (Szasha) Also acceptable are any other mementoes.
Law #47 - pj’s? what is the meaning of this?
“Everybody sleeps, and more importantly wakes up fully dressed” (VioletSakura)
This is most likely due to the fact that they have to stomp their clothes in a bucket to clean them so they want to wear them as long as possible.
Law #48 - Law of relativity
The poorer you are directly correlates to wealth of your destined partner and the amount of time you will have to be involved in conflict before you realize they are the love of your life.
Law #49 - Dinner with portals
“If you dine at a restaurant, you will always encounter the one you love. He/she will be eating with someone else and you will be miserably watching. Why are you miserably watching them? Because you have been strategically placed at a table across from them with a clear view of their actions.” (Sleepninja)
Law # 50 - The Impossible Find
Despite the law of averages, whenever needed someone will be able to find you on foot, in immense crowds, or secreted away in a solitary location.
Law #51 - Me English long time!
“Even if a person stayed in the US for several years, his/her English will suck. Still, everybody will be amazed by his/her excellect english speaking ability.” (Mareina)
“A hard-working angel you might be, but you will suffer poverty and hide from loan sharks due to your irresponsible father. Eventually, you'll get into some shady deal to pay them back.” (Elisabetta)
Law #53 - It takes two - NOT IN THIS DRAMA!
“If you face a problem that needs to be decided upon by you and your counterpart, NEVER consult him/her about it... bad idea... just decide for yourself, and you don't even need to state the problem to him/her, just go and tell him/her the BAD/SAD/HEARTVREAKING solution you came up on your own.” (VioletSakura)
Law #54 - Take them off and they disappear!
(Which helps to explain laws - 47 and 26)
“In some dramas the day after they err done it. Clothes are no where to be found? what did they do clean it during the night? cleaning elves?” (kdramamad)
Law #55 - Just unhinge the jaw - there like that!
“It is possible to shovel down spoonfuls of rice (or other food items) 8 times larger than your mouth (especially if) you are crying at the time you try to eat it, some one packs you on the back, or you take a sip of water.” (cityhunter83)
Law #56 - What do you mean? I feel fine!
“The famale lead/male lead not knowing when she/he is sick! He/she only goes to work where somebody touches their foreheads by mistake and realize the fact that she/he is freaking hot "OMO! You have a fever" (Aya97)
Law #57 - Proximity breeds familiarity breeds romance
“The only way for the love to bloom is to live under the same roof... or at least a neighboring one.” (Elisabetta) This is especially powerful when combined with law 45.
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