I realize that I'm quite generous in my ratings compared to others. A lot of bad stuff have gotten a 4 from me when others might have given them 3 or below so I'll mention them anyway
Loving You Ten Thousands Times - ok, I'm not generally a fan of melodramas, but I can & have watched and enjoyed them. This drama was an utter mess with one of THE most infuriating female leads I've ever had the displeasure of watching. I hated her so much that I can't stand to watch anything else with the same actress ever again. The story made me feel like I was stuck in a horrible twilight zone of demonic in-laws & 16th century morals. Worse 55 hrs of my life. I only gave it a 4 because I liked a few of the supporting cast members, but if there's one drama that would deserve a downgrade in rating it would be this atrocity.
La Belle - Pure sex without substance. Oh Ji Ho may be Korea's best eye candy, but erotica without an underlying meaning is just porn and not worth my time.
Ditto - So I can't stand Kim Ha Neul as an actress, but this story was just dumb. The concept was original and could have worked with better execution. I couldn't rate it above 4, not even for my love of Yoo Ji Tæ.
Relation of Face, Mind & Love - Smack in your face sexist. Argues that a woman's only merit is her looks. Don't let the title fool you, the male lead hates the female mind.
Unexpected You - Comprised of bickering, bitter, unsatisfied desperate housewives who hate their spouses & their lives. Ugh. Couldn't stand it. Even the female lead who was relatively likeable in the beginning turned into whining entitlement princess later on in the drama. If there's ever a reason why I hate chick flicks, this would be it.
Rules of Dating - I don't even know what to say about this dreadful film aside from BIGGEST WASTE OF TIME. EVERRRRR. One of the most dysfunctional, unlikeable set of lead characters I've ever seen. One should be in a mental hospital & the other in prison.
Dream Affection - another so-called erotic film that objectifies the female character in a very degrading way. Porn. With a budget.