Heh. We had threads for where we are from, what we do, how old we are, what we can speak etc... So what about which country you are most crazy about! I'll throw in the drama related countries only =p I have a feeling its going to be Korea heavy, but we did have a bigger population speaking japanese... so u never know ! its japan for me, followed distantly by taiwan. i wanna go to japan and work one day, but i met this waitress(japanese) at this restaurant and she told me not to as they overwork the people there =( i dunno. i thought well, if im not going to work there with my degree, maybe ill still go there and work part time while sightseeing! in around 15 years time! when im done all this studyinggggg/trainingggg :@
I go through phases. But there are three. Korea, Japan, and Thailand. Lately I've been on my Thailand phase. Alas! There is no option for it. :p
I don't even have to think about it. I will not visit any Asian country (unless someone else pays :D) until I go to S. Korea first.
lol victory for the hallywu wave. 6-1 and nothing for the other countries
*hallyu not korean fanboy enough obviously =9
J.A.P.A.N >3
Even though my parents don´t want to allow me because of the radiations^^
I will go there anyway one day !:)
I really want to go to South Korea, then I would love to on a tour of Asia
How is Korea beating out Japan? Since most people claim J-Dramas started them off it should be the other way around... lol Any how I'm big into Korean/Chinese culture ^-^ Then Japan lol
Raventhedark wrote: How is Korea beating out Japan? Since most people claim J-Dramas started them off it should be the other way around... lol

Any how I'm big into Korean/Chinese culture ^-^ Then Japan lol

Overload of K-pop fangirls????
mangagirl wrote: Overload of K-pop fangirls????

I don't know maybe? J-pop/Rock is just as good though... lol
Raventhedark wrote: I don't know maybe? J-pop/Rock is just as good though... lol

I like it all....just do not know many Taiwanese singers/groups
mangagirl wrote: I like it all....just do not know many Taiwanese singers/groups

Jay Chou
Jolin Tsai
JJ Lin

Check them out on youtube (Y) gooooooood
I would love to vote for Japan too. But S. Korea is the place I would most love to explore. Especially after watching 1N2D and seeing all the amazing and pretty places around S. Korea there are to visit.
I haven't voted yet and I guess I won't. The country I am most likely to visit in the near future is Taiwan due to my Mandarin studies, but I have a biiig heart - there's enough space for all of them. Hehe.
mangagirl wrote: I like it all....just do not know many Taiwanese singers/groups

Show Luo, Fahrenheit, Ariel Lin, and Angela Zhang are some that I like :)