Someone mentioned it on tumblr and I checked it out has the site in a sticky thread
There was an ad on dramacrazy, clicked on it, glanced over the site, and went "ah! Brilliant!"
I also found this site through the Ad on Dramacrazy. At first I didn't bother signing up, but after visiting the site a second time I gave it a chance. And booy, now I love this site! <3
Dramacrazy.. has it been over a year already.. wow..
Same fore me. Dramacrazy! I already have a list in a book of all the drama I want to watch and when I saw an ad in dramacrazy,after checking it..I was like, this is perfect!!
dramacrazy :) I never used to use dramacrazy but since I use animecrazy I thought I'd give it a good and I am :)
Not original : Dramacrazy too !!! (not the ad but the recommendation headband at the top of the homepage) I first started to visit MDL in order to find some infos about japanese actors and dramas, and when the small sheet of paper on which I wrote the name of the dramas i've seen was full, i've decided to join (and I'm happy cause I spent good times reading forum's posts!).
i found it on dramacrazy too :)
Me too, I found MDL when I was watching some drama on Dramacrazy, I'm happy I did. It think it's been a little over a year now, but I only really started using this account this April. ^^
Exactly! dramacrazy :D I didnt get the meaning of the site at first but later it became so useful that I started searching dramas and movies only from here. It became easier to track my actions. Thats why I thank everyone who is working hard for this community. Otsukaresama!!!! :D
by accident when i typed .com instead of something else and felt this place had a nicer atmosphere and was more friendly. <3
Somewhere from Facebook, I don't really remember where.