I am Sam technically had a rich girl/poor guy, but because of the living situation within it (the poor guy lives with the rich girl) it doesn't usually play a very big role in the show, plus it has a lot of other scenarios that many people might not like (younger girl/older guy) (female student/male teacher), so it may not really work for you.
Celeb to Binbo Taro however fits perfectly. As long as you're also ok with the 'single father' dynamic. Personally, I like the Poor Guy Rich Girl theme better than the other way around, because usually, it seems, when it's 'Poor Girl/Rich Guy', it always seems to fall into 2 types, either 1) the poor girl is blatantly kind of money grubby "don't want anything to do with poor people', or 2) the girl is ok, but the guy is some rotten, horrible person of a spoiled rich kid. With the Poor Guy/Rich Girl, even if the girl is a spoiled princess type, she's not usually a necessarily bad person, just a bit naive about how people should actually act, at least, that I've seen