Hi MDLer,
I evaluated the survey about drama rating. A few questions came to my mind, and I am searching for answers out of the community. Please take your time to answer the 4 questions. I will read everything and hope to find a few new aspects to improve the quality of the article.
It takes 4 - 8min to answer the questions. Please help me :)
Thank you!

Here is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/6LFJ3BC

For the rating percentages are we meant to include only those dramas which we are currently watching or have completed or does on-hold and dropped also count?

Done sweety :)

In a question there is written "cenementory", I don't know what it means so I interpreted like "cinematography" and checked it. 


For the rating percentages are we meant to include only those dramas which we are currently watching or have completed or does on-hold and dropped also count?

Everything count :)


Done sweety :)

In a question there is written "cenementory", I don't know what it means so I interpreted like "cinematography" and checked it. 

I thought it means something like big pictures amazing scenery

Thank you!

Done. Looking forward to your article. Good luck!!!


Done. Looking forward to your article. Good luck!!!

Thank you! :D


Thank you! :D

You're welcome :)

I think i know when you are heading with this survey and i am excited to read about results! the rating and hivemind of mdl users are topics i always wanted to explore but i wasnt dedicated enough!

Little side note: In question 8) Which border do you consider as bad rating? it migh be worthy to specify it a bit more. eg. when i give a rating, i consider lower than 6 "bad" but when i check a drama and its overall rating is 7,5 or less i consider it bad.


Everything count :)


i only counted the completed ones

Had to break out the calculator to figure out the percentages lol


Had to break out the calculator to figure out the percentages lol

Wow  :-O thank you so much


Done. Looking forward to your article. Good luck!!!

Thank you!


I also had to Google a percentage calculator.  Hehe. :P

Will you be showing us the results when this is over?  I'm really curious!



I also had to Google a percentage calculator.  Hehe. :P

Will you be showing us the results when this is over?  I'm really curious!

I will write my new article about it and in this artice there will be all the results. Thank you for your help :)