i think 20-30 eps, unless I'm really captivated by the story.
I watched Kindred Spirit when I was young...so it was 1000+ episodes.
I'd like to say I have no limit but that's simply not true. With most of dramas, I really think that the ~20 episodes is enough. Often more than enough... But then, with sitcoms I could keep going on for a long time. I've said this before, but High Kick 1 (167 ep) could've had hundreds of episodes more and I'd totally watch it. Also, I used to watch this non-Asian soap opera for about 2000 episodes, so uh, if there was an Asian equivalent... it wouldn't be the episode count that would scare me away.
I don't have an episode limit, but I used to do (30).
I don't have an episode limit either. For me it only matters if the story is good, it dosen't matter if it has 16 or 156+ eps! ^^
Maaaaybe up to 30. But I generally look for dramas with 20 or less. Unless it has an actor that I like AND it's about to air. I'm not very good about watching older, lengthy dramas...even if I'm obsessed with the actor. I just don't have the patience. I also agree that 16-20 is a good amount. I've seen some shorter ones that I loved...but I don't form a connection with the characters in that short amount of time.
I normally just want to watch dramas that have 16 episodes. But most of the dramas I'm interested in have 20. And even if they do I'm ok with 20. So I think that would be my limit even though I watched BoF with 24 eps and also Flames of desire that had 50, so I guess that as long as the story interests me I don't care if the drama has too many eps. I haven't tried anything with more than 50 but I think I would if the story was good enough, I'm interested in Glass Mask for example, and it has so many. I hope to get to watch that drama sometime
I have no episode limits! :D Longest I've watched so far is 178 episodes.
Maybe 30. I can imagine myself watching longer drama if it's really good, but I find myself avoiding dramas longer than 30 episodes.
My limit until now was 25... the drama needs to be really good if it has more than 25 episodes because i get bored easily...
I don't have a episode limit (watched few 50+ dramas), but yes, later on it sometimes hard to keep to stick to one same drama... ofc if writers made theirs job well done, it's easy to be hooked with so long drama tho all episodes :) Longest I've watched was 62 episodes, but atm watching Oshin 297 episodes = 70,5 1-h episodes and The Daughter of the Emperor 120 = 60 1-h episodes... ;)