As i recall, The longest hour i've marathoned a drama was "Tree of heaven". its 10 hours and 50 minutes. >__<
I watched it straight, NO TOILET BREAK. Started 10 in the evening and finished it almost 9 in the morning.

I usually doing a dramathoned. But that was the record breaking "marathoning" for me. :P
femmedesneiges wrote: About 35 hours because I'm a total insomniac. I went through Bloody Monday, Rescue and Long Vacation. Now that I think about it, that might have something to do with why I didn't enjoy the last two.

You're a monster. O.O
Normally I can only watch 4 episodes a day, if it's at night, right now I want to watch 4 episode in the morning and 4 at night but I don't know if I can, I think the longest dramathon I had was 7-8 episodes, and probably the time I watched nobuta wo produce in one day. The only dramas I've watched 7-8 episodes in a day have been: Secret Garden (spent almost a night watching 7 episodes) then President, which I spent watching almost 8 episodes I think but with breaks, Innocent Man and Secret, I think for Iris I watched 6 episodes in a row but yeah..can't watch more... plus I take little breaks if I watch more than 3 eps in a day