Joo Ji Hoon Kim Jeong Hoon Vic Zhou Matsumoto Jun Chun Jung Myung
You Who Came from the Stars
kim soo hyun and ji sung :-)
hhhmmm other than some of those mentioned.. Jang Geun Suk-Not in You're Beautiful, but more like in Hong Gil Dong, and MSOAN Kim Nam Gil Rain Eric Jin Akanishi(loved some of his kisses in Bandage) Oh and ANY girl who doesn't just stand there like a board
I think we can all expect male Korean actors to kiss like they mean it, but many female actors, esp those who play in dramas, tend to disappoint in this regard, choosing to either not kiss back or purse their lips. That's why I agree with everyone who mentions Yoon Eun Hye. I've never seen a drama in which she delivered a bad kiss. She doesn't just stand there and let the male lead do all the work, she actually participates & make the encounter seem more heartfelt and real. Many Korean actresses could learn a thing or two from her about kissing.
lol, yes I watched Heirs too - that kiss was really awkward - but I know the reason why it was now, it wasn't a planned kiss, PSH had no idea that LMH was going to kiss her - so she was really shocked lol
I know there are two: Lee min ho, Yoon shi yoon
meganjoy12 wrote: this isn't based on my favorite kisses but actors ive seen kiss good again and again.

godfrey gao - pretty much amazing in every kiss scene he has done. odd perfect match has the best first kiss ever. I mean just look at this -

jung il woo - always kisses great

lee min ho is a good kisser but he has been given a few crappy female leads.

also joe is for sure one of the best kisser. ive seen almost all his dramas and he has lots of good kiss scenes. the best being the honeymoon scene in they kiss again ep1. they are kissing for a good 5 mins and there is no background music, wow that scene was good.

Wow! So I'll be checking out Godfrey Gao Dramas this afternoon. . .

Totatlly agree with Jung Il Woo- the one in Flower boy Raymun will still make me blush if I think about it.
DreamingKoreanBallad wrote: lol, yes I watched Heirs too - that kiss was really awkward - but I know the reason why it was now, it wasn't a planned kiss, PSH had no idea that LMH was going to kiss her - so she was really shocked lol

That's the thing though ... her kiss scenes are ALWAYS lame, even when she knows the kiss is coming. She kisses the SAME way in all her dramas.
MrsLeeSeoJin wrote: That's the thing though ... her kiss scenes are ALWAYS lame, even when she knows the kiss is coming. She kisses the SAME way in all her dramas.

Agree agree agree !!

She is always the same frozen in place as if she is an alien and never heard of or seen the concept of kissing. Shes in her mid-20's now and she still does this lol its utterly ridiculous.
I also think that Yoon Eun Hye is a good kisser and I would also kiss Lee Jin Wook anytime. Have you seen his kiss scenes in Nine: Nine Times TIme Travel? >.<
I really like Jo In Sung's kissing in That winter the wind blows ^^ You can really see that it's french-kissing and not some stupid lip-pressing-I-love-you-but-I'm-too-shy-to-kiss-you-crap ._.
To be honest, sometimes the whole kissing thing isn't a gender thing. I think it actually depends on who kisses who. When Sulli kisses Minho in To The Beautiful You, he also just stands there like a board. But maybe that's just Minho.
Lee Seung Gi and . Suzy (Gu family Book)