I had the opposite problem, when I moved in 3rd grade, the new school I went to expected the students to already be semi-fluent in Spanish and would assign us worksheets that were completely in Spanish (including the directions) and expected me to be able to fill them out. (The previous schools had only taught me how to say hello, thank you, how to count 1-10, and the colors) I pretty much gave up because they wouldn't help me try to catch up. Then in Middle School I signed up for band so I wouldn't have to take a language course. In High School I took French because I was worried that if I took the Spanish classes, I might have a bad experience again. My French teacher was awesome. She was nice and funny. When she was frustrated she would substitute mecredi (Wednesday) for merde (s**t). She told us she did it out of habit because she had 2 kids at home and didn't want to cuss in front of them. :)