
im loving this heheheheeh

Oooh! oorie Kamzie! He's hot. and he needs to keep his hair long too! ♥♥ swwooooon! ♥♥
cos i think my original WB pics may hv been on KB1

As this is my first infraction unlike the regular rule breakers i hope i will get a lenient sentence :p

ssshhhh dont tel sky about above pic

this one was quite big lolz

shhh...just keep it on the downlow! here..let's move along the threads so we can tuck it in where it will be safer

Ahjussi this Ahjumma is waiting!!!

WTH bokami in the midst of my ode to won bin u put in that scary pic WAE? WAE?
i will give you a flying chop kick lolz
somebody get a chair for PinkDiamond

im used to seeing him with black hair but he looks smexy here

never envied a phone before :p

i maintain its not shirtless the shirt is there haha

ok my rubbish connection is playing up so thats all for now :D
RainFlower wrote: i will give you a flying chop kick lolz

I was "oooh-ing" and "ahhh-ing" and suddenly Mr. Jiggly Moobs a.k.a Robert Pattinson shows up and there was some hissing from my part...So, I'll lend you the power of my black aura to that flying chop kick you'll be attacking bokami with...LOL
thanks Lis & he had to choose a photo of RP where hes looking particularly creepy LOL