Cuz too many watching Korean Dramas, i can't resist to try some Korean dishes:


Fried Mandu


Kang Jung chicken
After watching so many dramas, I find myself almost bowing when I say hello to people............not a real bow, but I subconsciously dip my head and shoulders slightly. :p
Sleepninja wrote: After watching so many dramas, I find myself almost bowing when I say hello to people............not a real bow, but I subconsciously dip my head and shoulders slightly. :p

ah ha ha !
ME TOO !!!

it's a bad sign init?!
Dolsot Bibimbab

Ramyeon Sujebi

Tips: When you dine out at Korean Restaurant, please bring min.2 friends or family. For heavy eater to eat alone, please don't come alone. You'll need someone to finish the dishes up. Large portion with full satisfaction :D
Haha Lady Violetta, you're making me so hungry with all these delicious looking photos! :D
Sleepninja wrote: After watching so many dramas, I find myself almost bowing when I say hello to people............not a real bow, but I subconsciously dip my head and shoulders slightly. :p

abs wrote: ah ha ha !
ME TOO !!!

it's a bad sign init?!

LOL, same here!! And I also wave goodbye even when the other person is only a couple of metres distant from me... :P
Oh my gosh! I'm so hungry!!! I want all that food!
These are funny. Jeanie you come up with some good threads.

Like others, I started learning Japanese. It's so cool to hear a word that I learned in a lesson in a drama and know what it means, and it's also cool to come across a word in my lesson that I already knew from watching dramas. It's also fun to speak it throughout the day. If I know the word in Japanese then I say it. It's funny getting my family to ask me to say stuff in Japanese too. I like saying Itadaki Masu before eating too. And I learned part of What a friend we have in Jesus in Japanese from watching Innocent Love.

Oh one more thing, I grew my facial hair out like Hiro from Tokyo Dogs lol.
^^I can't take the credit for this one Joe, Kawaikochan started this thread. ..Great one though right?^^

I bought MNIKSS on DVD and So Ji Sub's book, The Road/Journey. The drama also made want to go places I didn't want to go before. I hope I get to someday...very very much.
Food, definetely. Learned to make onigiri. I also started learning Japanese and using (in my mind only though or when I'm alone) random words from Japanese and Korean. Also listening to jrock and kpop (in this eatyourkimchi had a greater impact maybe). And one more thing: Although I listened to classical music a lot before, now when I see there'll be a concert with something from Nodame I get totally exited and I must go see it.
Sleepninja wrote: After watching so many dramas, I find myself almost bowing when I say hello to people............not a real bow, but I subconsciously dip my head and shoulders slightly. :p

me too. lol.
Ah, just thought of another "Drama Made Me Do It": cloth face masks. I've seen them more in Korean dramas than in others, but those cloth face masks women wear at home before they go to bed or when they're having an at-home beauty night? I love them. I have way to many in bathroom. And I only bought them because I've seen them on dramas. And because the ones sold by Nature Republic have JYJ on the packets, and I want silky, smooth skin like Jaejoong. (Never going to happen...)

jeanie65jh wrote: B&T!! I love hearing these little snippets of your life over there. You should post more about your adventures. (We should have a 'B&T's Adventures in Korea Thread) ...would you hate that?

HAHAHA, this actually feeds well into my glutinous ego. Unfortunately I'm on here so infrequently nowadays that it wouldn't be much of a thread. =/
And that should be "gluttonous", not "glutinous"---damn inaccurate autocorrect...